eunews-300x78Eunews is an editorial start-up for European information. It is the first Italian newspaper with central editorial staff in Brussels and correspondence office in Rome, Milan and other European capitals. Eunews is addressed both to citizens and entreprises interested in independent, critic and first-hand information about European news, from policy programs to measures with normative and regulatory effect at all levels in our country.

The main idea is to support the creation of a public opinion aware of Europe, and to offer a direct connection with the European decision makers.

From now onwards, Eunews is a new media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 (SEUA16), which is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by the Foundation Finnova, with the support of StartUp Europe. This initiative aims at gathering all the startups awards organisers across Europe under the umbrella of the StartUp Europe Awards Alliance. Thus, the winners in each member state’s startups awards will become national candidates for the final phase of the StartUp Europe Awards to be held in the first quarter 2017.

As media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards, Eunews will follow the progress of the national Italian startups in their progress through the SEUA16.

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