Brussels, 21st June 2016
The general director for the Foundation Finnova, Juanma Revuelta, the leader organiser of StartUp Europe Awards, has presented this initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented with the support of the StartUp Europe, in the energy day on Best Practices on Energy projects held in Partenalia’s premises.
Juanma Revuelta, director general for Finnova, presenting StartUp Europe Awards in the energy day held in Partenalia
This action, which is currently in phase of development, aims at rewarding the startups across Europe and also gathering all the startups awards organisers held in Europe under the umbrella of the StartUp Europe Awards Alliance. This Alliance already counts on members such as Zincshower or Bank of Ireland StartUps Awards.
Video news:
The energy day organised by Partenalia aimed at discussing the best practices for energy projects in the Horizon 2020. In the session, several project officers and project coordinators explained how to manage efficiently projects on energy.
Group picture of the speakers at the Energy Day held in the premises of Partenalia. From left to right, Nicholas Reynes, Coordinator for Partenalia Office, Ana Nava, Energy Project Officer for Finnova, Manuel Serrano, Head of New Technologies of ETRA, Jan de Pauw, Project Coordinator of Eco Power, Catherine Pinet and Raymond Charlier, coordinator and technical coordinator of Bricker project, and Juanma Revuelta, General Director for Finnova.
The projects presented in this energy day were:
NOBEL GRID Project H2020 “New Cost-efficient Business Model for flexible Smart Grids”
BESOS Project “Building Energy Decision Support Systems for Smart Cities”
NOBEL GRID, is a project in which the Foundation Finnova is partner, and that will provide advanced tools and ICT services to all actors in the Smart Grid and retail electricity market in order to ensure benefits from cheaper prices, more secure and stable grids and clean electricity.
The results of the project will be tested in real conditions in five different electric cooperatives and non-profit demonstration sites in five EU members’ states:
The electric cooperative of Alginet (Spain)
The renewable energy cooperative Ecopower in Flanders (Belgium) acts as renewable generator and supplier cooperative.
The cooperative Carbon-coop in Manchester (UK).
The public DSO ASM Terni (Italy).
Meltemi eco-village (Greece).
If you missed it and you want to learn what happened, you can access to it by clicking on the links below: