Finnova Foundation


Finnova launches its call for project proposals in the field of forest fire fighting and prevention to be submitted to the LIFE 2019 call

The call focuses on the following LIFE programmes: Nature and Biodiversity, Climate Action and Environmental Governance and Information.

The objective is to identify possible solutions to challenges in the field of fire protection in one of the following areas: prevention, operation and regeneration.

This call for project and technology ideas to be submitted to the LIFE call is part of the advice of the CILIFO Centre created by the CILIFO project (0753_CILIFO_5_E). This is a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF in the framework of the Interreg V A Spain – Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 programme.

European Union LIFE projects provide between 55% and 75% non-repayable funding.

Brussels, 16.05.2019. The Finnova Foundation opens its LIFE 2019 Call for Pre-proposals for innovative European projects dedicated to fire protection. This call is addressed to public and/or private entities that have a project or a personal interest or need that can be framed within the LIFE Programme, the financial instrument of the European Union.

This Finnova LIFE 2019 Call for Proposals focuses on the following LIFE programmes: Nature and Biodiversity, Climate Action and Environmental Governance and Information.

The objectives are as follows:

  • To create a network of incubators and accelerators at provincial and regional level that respond to the interest for innovation in fire fighting.
  • To identify possible solutions to challenges in the field of fire protection in one of the following areas: prevention, operation and regeneration.
  • To create territorial alliances of public-private partnership (PPP) that allow the SOLUTIONS proposed by entrepreneurs, technological institutes and universities to become real projects.
  • Make visible its commitment to innovation and its commitment to growth and job creation, through the promotion of entrepreneurial projects that improve the quality of life of its citizens.
  • Increase and improve institutional relations thanks to PPP alliances.
  • Contribute to improving and protecting the environment and climate action.

Finnova will analyse each of the pre-proposals in order to proceed to a potential drafting and preparation of a LIFE proposal before the cut-off date of June or September 2019 (depending on the call). This initiative is part of the first accelerator dedicated to fire-fighting startups, managed by the Finnova Foundation as a partner of the LIFE programme. Thus, Finnova looks for public entities that face problems with fires and startups that are innovative in this field.

According to Juanma Revuelta, CEO of Finnova, one of the fundamental objectives will be to evaluate each idea in order to “try to increase public-private partnerships that allow for public funding from the EU, such as programmes such as Horizon 2020 or Interreg”. An outstanding example Finnova has already worked with in this field is Drone Hopper; it is a startup that designs drones to act in the extinction of forest fires, thanks to its unit of containers that propel nebulized liquid. Drone Hopper received a non-refundable grant of €50,000 from the European Commission’s SME Facility thanks to advice from Finnova’s StartUp Europe Accelerator programme.

It should be noted that the Climate Action is the 13th UN Sustainable Development Goals. This project is developed within the framework of the CILIFO programme (Iberian Centre for Research and Forest Firefighting). It has an overall budget of 24.7 million euros for Interreg Poctep (European Cross-Border Cooperation Programme), making it the Interreg project with the largest financial endowment.


Juan Manuel Revuelta – General Manager of Finnova


Press contact Finnova

Catalina Valencia



LIFE 2019 calls have been published

The LIFE Programme is the European Union’s funding tool for environment and climate action.

LIFE contributes to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policies and laws by co-financing projects with European added value. For the period 2014-2020 it has a budget of 3.4 billion euros. It consists of two sub-programmes: environment and climate action.

The Environment Subprogramme (LIFE) is dedicated to the conservation of nature and the environmental sector. Its aim is to provide solutions, best practices and innovative technologies in this field.
Environment Subprogramme: calls for proposals with links and deadlines for sending a concept note.

Environment and resource efficiency traditional projects

17 June2019, 16:00 CET

Nature and biodiversity traditional projects

19 June 2019, 16:00 CET

Environmental governance and information traditional projects

 19 June 2019, 16:00 CE

The procedure for participating in this subprogramme consists of two stages:

Submission of a 10-page concept note, which can be modified as many times as desired until the closure of the call for project proposals.

  1. If your concept reaches the second stage, it will be necessary to send the complete project proposal based on the comments of the LIFE programme.
    Funding: Up to 55% – 60% non-refundable
    Duration: 1 – 5 years

Average budget per project: EUR 1 to 2 million

Participants: consortium between public and private bodies at local level: councils, municipalities, universities, public or private companies (including SMEs) and associations.

Climate Action Subprogramme: Deadlines for submission of full proposals

Climate change mitigation traditional projects​​​​​

       17 September 2019

Climate change adaptation traditional projects​

       12 September 2019

Climate governance and information traditional projects

       12 September 2019

Integrated projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action

       5 September 2019

Technical Assistance Projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action      

  8 June 2019

The Climate Action Subprogramme is dedicated to the mitigation and adaptation of climate change. Its objective is to promote solutions, best practices and innovative technologies in this field.

The application procedure for participation in the climate action subprogramme has only one stage, which means that full project proposals are submitted from the outset.
Up to 55% lost fund
Duration: 1 – 5 years

Average budget per project: EUR 1 to 2 million

Participants: consortium between public and private bodies at local level: councils, municipalities, universities, public or private companies (including SMEs) and associations.

Please contact Finnova for further information on LIFE call and support to prepare proposals:

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