
Finnova successfully holds the sixth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation on new ideas promoting innovation, sustainable development, and the circular economy in tourism

  • The webinar was held within the European Sustainable Development Week 2021 and featured high-level speakers from the EU and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
  • Topics included Latam-EU common goals like the sustainability, inclusion, awareness-raising, innovation, and recovery of tourism.
  • There are three remaining Next LATAM-EU Generation events. The European Commission’s StartUp Europe Awards will be delivered down the line.

Brussels [22/09/2021].

The sixth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation was held within the European Sustainable Development Week on Tuesday 21 September 2021. It focused on exchanging ideas on sustainable development and the circular economy in tourism to tackle climate change and environmental degradation. It underlined the importance of cooperation and the exchange of innovative practices between the EU and Latin America to support a deeply affected sector by Covid – tourism.

Finnova Foundation European Funds Director Juan Viesca kicked off the webinar and chaired the institutional and expert panels. Finnova IT Manager Eduardo Mercado took over later on.

Juan Viesca chaired the first half of the webinar

The institutional panel featured the contributions of Natalia Bayona (video presentation), Director of Innovation, Education and Investments at World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and Noelia Barriuso, EU-Brazil Policy Dialogues Support Facility. Both speakers encouraged entrepreneurship, training, inclusion, investment and EU-Latam cooperation to ensure a sustainable and resilient tourism sector.

Natalia Bayona, Director of Innovation, Education and Investments at World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) (left) and Noelia Barriuso, EU-Brazil Policy Dialogues Support Facility (right)

The second panel was devoted to EU funding programmes, and it was run by Juan Viesca, who discussed economic recovery tools like NextGeneration and the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework. Both programmes are available for Latin American countries. Mr Viesca mentioned some projects where Finnova is engaged. These include CirCoAX, a COSME project working to find out circular and social-minded business models in the textile and fashion industries (including textiles in hotels); LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0, a project harnessing wastes to generate energy on an efficient manner, and NAPOCTEP, a project fostering cultural tourism in Napoleonic routes.

The webinar also hosted a roundtable where experts debated about the circular economy and sustainable development in tourism. It featured Eduardo Parra-López, Ex-chair of AECIT – Spanish Association of Scientific Experts on Tourism – and a professor at Universidad de la Laguna; Luis Lehman, Circular Economy and Economic Sustainable Development Consultant; Estrella Torrecilla Crespo, Director-General of Tourism in Castilla y León; Javier Bello Lecuona, Nogal Studios, CEO; and Álvaro Reina, Energy Projects Officer at Finnova Foundation.

Eduardo Parra-López, Ex-chair of AECIT and a Professor at Universidad de la Laguna (left) and Luis Lehman, Circular Economy and Economic Sustainable Development Consultant (right)

As a keynote address, Eduardo Parra-López pointed out that “collective intelligence is increasingly important, which translates to interconnectedness and collaboration to reach a digital and innovative tourism sector”.Luis Lehman, an expert on the circular economy, further added that “it is fundamental to bear in mind all the factors enabling to upgrade the tourism sector and to integrate much-needed innovations”. Estrella Torrecilla stressed that switching current practices into increased sustainable ones may enable to reduce the negative impact of tourism on the environment and to boost destinations, which, according to Javier Bello, should turn to more digital and new technology-based practices. Álvaro Reina considered the tourism sector to be one of the most interesting sectors to implement the circular economy. He also discussed several projects Finnova Foundation is currently involved in.

Estrella Torrecilla Crespo, Director-General of Tourism in Castilla y León (left), Javier Bello Lecuona, Nogal Studios CEO (right), and Álvaro Reina, Energy Projects Officer at Finnova Foundation (bottom)

The last panel was headed by Luis Javier Parra, who discussed a success story – City Scan. Being its Co-founder, Mr Parra explained that this software (which was created in Colombia) is a digital tourism app which uses audioguides based on augmented reality and which connects tourists with local guides.

Eduardo Mercado wrapped up the event (left) alongside Luis Javier Parra, co-founder of CityScan (right)

The webinar was wound up with a questionnaire about the tourism sector.

Next LATAM-EU Generation is broken down into nine online events which will take place every second Tuesday of each month on the occasion of a particular World Day in line with SDGs. Next LATAM-EU Generation will be topped off with the delivery of the European Commission’s StartUp Europe Awards.

About Finnova Foundation 

Finnova Foundation is a Belgian-Spanish foundation working to support innovation through EU funds. It seeks to promote private-public cooperation through innovation to address societal challenges, e.g. employment, training, entrepreneurship, SDGs, circular economy, etc. Finnova is in charge of organising Startup Europe Awards, a joint initiative by Finnova and the European Commission to reward the best social European start-ups.

For more information, click on www.finnova.eu.

About Startup Europe Awards 

Startup Europe Awards is an initiative set up by DG CONNECT and implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016. Startup Europe Awards are an open innovation mechanism which aims to identify disruptive start-ups and to promote private-public partnerships. They also seek to raise awareness on the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driving force for job creation. In addition to promoting networks to meet the UN SDGs and the European Green Deal objectives, they also contribute to the circular economy, sustainable tourism and fighting against climate change.

For more information, click on https://startupeuropeawards.eu/seua/.

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a forum connecting investors, businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups from Ciudad Real aiming to create a network of business, financing and support for economic and business projects in that area. All this funding can be coupled with venture capital, business angels, personal investments and corporate or financial funds for innovative and disruptive initiatives with an added value which need funding to start operating.

For more information, click on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-vd9gSy19s.

About Next Talent Generation

Next Talent Generation aims to create a pro-Europe alliance bringing together different entities – non-profit organisations, enterprises, universities, EU institutions, Spanish authorities, etc. This initiative offers in a single platform training opportunities across the EU. Next Talent Generation shows internship opportunities and mobility schemes in Europe to foster cross-border mobility and to enhance the level of employability of youth. Finnova currently offers the chance to do internships across all EU countries through the Garantía Nacional Juvenil scheme. 

For more information, click on https://nextalentgeneration.eu/.


Finnova財団、日本とEUの連携が生み出す機会についてのウェビナーを開催 – Next Japan Generation EU

  • 様々な分野のパネリストが参加し、日EU関係について議論しました。
  • このウェビナーは、起業家、研究者、学生、スタートアップ企業、官民の関係者を対象に、新たな協力の機会を学び、生み出すことを目的として開催されました。
  • 日EU経済連携協定(EPA)の署名3周年を記念し、「EU Sustainable Energy Week 2021」に合わせて開催されました。

ブリュッセル [20/09/2021]

9月16日、「Next Japan Generation EU」が開催され、日本とEUの企業や、起業家、若者にとっての機会と可能性について議論されました。このウェビナーには、専門家やこの国境を越えた関係について関心のあるゲストスピーカーが参加し、日本とEUの新たな相乗効果の可能性を知る場となりました。 本イベントは2018年に署名された日EU経済連携協定(EPA)締結3周年を記念し、「EU Sustainable Energy Week 2021」の枠内で開催されました。


Finnova財団Juan Manuel Revuelta CEOは、日本とEUの間の貿易、経済、外交、雇用面でのつながりの背景を説明するパネルディスカッションを開始しました。このパネルでは、駐日欧州連合代表部通商部Sylwia Czerska一等書記官、日欧産業協力センター三田典子EEN Japanマネージャー、日西商工会議所Miguel A. Martínez Massa所長の代理としてManuel de la Gándara氏、Diplomatic WorldJean Aznar事務局長兼共同創設者など、EU関連の専門家が登壇しました。

Finnova財団CEO Juan Manuel Revuelta氏


日欧州連合代表部通商部一等書記官のSylwia Czerska氏(左)と、日欧産業協力センターEENジャパンマネージャーの三田典子氏(右)
Miguel A. Martínez Massa氏の代理として挨拶する日西商工会議所のManuel de la Gándara氏(左)と、Diplomatic Worldの共同設立者であるJean Aznar事務局長(右)

Masashi Ueda, Incubation Manager at Keio Fujisawa Innovation Village (left) and Koju Ito, CEO of AZUL Energy (right)

第2部では、慶應藤沢イノベーション・ビレッジのインキュベーション・マネージャーである上田将史氏が、未来の起業家たちに率先してビジネスを拡大することを呼びかけ、AZUL EnergyのCEOである伊藤晃寿氏が、持続可能な電池を実現するための革新的なプロジェクトについて紹介しました。

第3部では、ヨーロッパと日本の若者に提供される育成の機会について議論しました。EUでは、EU加盟国や提携国でのモビリティプログラムを用意しています。Finnova財団のAlberto Navarro育成・人事マネージャー、駐日欧州連合代表部科学技術顧問のTom Kuczynski氏、EURAXESS JapanからはJudit Erika Magyarカントリーマネージャーがそれぞれ大学生や若い起業家、研究者が応募できるプログラムの概要を説明しました。これらのプログラムは、日EU関係の強化にも貢献します。

Finnova財団の育成・人事マネージャーAlberto Navarro氏(左上)、 駐日欧州連合代表部のTom Kuczynski科学技術顧問(右上)、Finnova財団EU助成金ディレクターJuan Viesca氏(下)

最後の第4部では、Finnova財団のEU助成金ディレクターであるJuan Viesca氏が日EU関係におけるEU助成金の役割をテーマにしたプレゼンテーションを行いました。2030アジェンダで掲げられた目標を達成するために最も重要な軸のうち、持続可能性、エネルギー、デジタル化の分野の革新的なプロジェクトに対して欧州が提供する資金提供の機会について説明しました。



Finnova財団(ブリュッセル)日EUイノベーション協力推進担当 前村隼人氏

最後に、Juan Manuel Revuelta氏が、日EU間の協力における可能性について意見を述べ、ゲストスピーカーと参加者に感謝の言葉を述べました。Revuelta氏が指摘したように、「Covid-19をきっかけに、欧州と日本の双方が協力することで得られるメリットを知り、新たなプロセス、新たな相乗効果を生み出す時が来ている」。その一例として、「LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0」のような欧州のプロジェクトでは、日本の廃水処理管理などを参考にできます。




詳しい情報はこちら: https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/japan/18689/node/18689_en.


日西商業会議所は日本とスペイン間の商業分野における関係を円滑に促進すること、会員や顧客に合わせたコンサルタントを行うことです。 スペイン日本商工会議所は、実りある貿易関係を築くためには文化的な知識が不可欠であることを認識し、取引を成功させるために日本のプロトコルやコードに関するノウハウや専門知識を提供しています。

詳しい情報はこちら: https://camarajaponesa.com/.


Finnova財団は、ベルギーとスペインの財団で、革新的なプロジェクトのための資金を獲得する機関や組織を支援しています。その目的は、雇用、トレーニング、起業家精神、SDGs、循環型経済などの社会的課題に取り組むために、イノベーションを通じた官民の協力を促進することにあります。Finnovaは、Startup Europe Awardsの開催を担当しています。Startup Europe Awardsは、Finnovaと欧州委員会が共同で実施しているイニシアチブで、ヨーロッパの優れたスタートアップ企業を表彰するものです。

詳しい情報はこちら: https://finnova.eu/en/home_eng/.

StartUp Europe Awards

Startup Europe Awardsは、DG CONNECTのイニシアチブで、2016年からFinnova Foundationが実施しています。Startup Europe Awardsは、先進的なスタートアップ企業を表彰し、民間と公共のパートナーシップを促進することを目的とした、オープンイノベーションの枠組みに基づいています。また、雇用創出の原動力となる「セルフアントレプレナーシップ」の重要性についての認識を高めることも目指しています。また、国連のSDGsや「欧州グリーンディール」の目標を達成するためのネットワークを促進するだけでなく、循環型経済、持続可能な観光、気候変動対策にも貢献しています。

詳しい情報はこちら: https://startupeuropeawards.eu/seua/.



  • These awards are being held on the occasion of Feria Internacional Mindtech, which will take place from 14 to 16 September.
  • The jury have awarded enterprises – out of thirty participants – upholding sustainability and innovation in several sectors.
  • Awardees will be handed their prizes in a gala dinner on Tuesday 14 September.

[Brussels 08/09/2021] The second edition of SEUA-Mindtech Awards, an initiative endorsed by the European Union, has been recently celebrated – and the final winners have been announced. These awards are being held within Feria Internacional Mindtech (in English, Mindtech International Fair), which will take place from 14 to 16 September in Vigo.

The SEUA-Mindtech Awards are being organised within the framework of Startup Europe Awards (SEUA), an initiative headed by the European Commission and implemented by Finnova Foundation to reward innovative ideas. SEUA specialise in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship as well as helping businesses to obtain EU funds.

The jury in charge of selecting winners is made up of enterprises and institutions which have a relevant role in the business and innovation sector, viz. Asime, Finnova, Igape, Gain, Concello de Vigo (Vigo Local Council), Deputación de Pontevedra (Pontevedra Regional Government), Icex, Ifevi, CZFV, and Abanca.

Awardees include:

  • Industry 4.0: Senseye, UK. Senseye is a company headquartered in Southampton offering a scalable predictive maintenance solution.
  • Circular Economy: VERSA Real Projects, Vigo. VERSA Real Projects is a spin-off of Soltec Ingenieros based in Galicia. VERSA uses modular constructions utilising shipping containers for commercial purposes. This innovative idea enables reusing industrial equipment, thus stimulating the circular economy.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Grupo Davila, Vigo. This company has been awarded due to its educational, social, and environmental approach, i.e. working with mentally disabled persons, favouring the social insertion of vulnerable groups, fostering the protection and care of the environment, and promoting equality in sport.
  • Innovation: Congalsa, A Pobra do Caramiñal. The jury has awarded Congalsa for its leading role in the food industry 4.0 sector in Galicia and its project on connected industry. Congalsa has developed a smart factory model which allows cybersecurity, digitalisation, eco-sustainability, and data analysis.
  • Mobility: Digamel, Vigo. Digamel is an electricity distribution company which promotes the installation of recharge points for electric vehicles. These recharge points are located in buildings, public institutions, hotels, fuel stations, etc. They offer a turnkey solution aiming to foster electric mobility.
  • Startup: For the first time, the jury has decided to award two enterprises which scored equally after the experts and the public voted. The voting process has been open during the whole month of August and it has received a remarkable number of votes from social media.
  • TripleAlpha, Padrón. TripleAlpha bases its operations in three fundamental elements: machine learning, cloud computing, and data science. The goal of TripleAlpha is to extract data via its own machine learning platform (AlphaCloud) whereby the value of each datum is obtained to turn it into knowledge helping improve profitability and productivity of clients in a sustainable and active manner.
  • UARX Space, Nigrán. UARX Space focuses on RDI, particularly the creation of spatial missions and the design of transport satellites to launch small satellites to unconventional orbits and to deep space from low orbits from the Earth.

The SEUA-Mindtech awards will be handed during the gala dinner on Tuesday 14 September in Vigo.

For more information, click on http://www.metalesymetalurgia.com/?p=382871.

About Feria Internacional Mindthech

The industrial sector and particularly the metal sector and its associated technologies make up over 20% of GDP in Galicia. One of the key areas of any industrial sector is internationalisation. In fact, most current companies work at an international level, and they have extensive expertise in implementing highly complex and difficult tasks.

The Feria Internacional Mindtech was created to develop highly specialised activities focused on innovation and the achievement of key competences to turn the metal sector into a highly competitive industry at a global level. The metal sector and its associated technologies comprise a wide range of intertwined industries, which makes the metal sector one of the most potent sectors. It also has a great potential to diversify new products and markets.

For more information, click on https://mindtechvigo.com/.

About Startup Europe Awards

Startup Europe Awards is an initiative by DG CONNECT and has been implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016. Startup Europe Awards are an innovative mechanism aimed at identifying disruptive startups promoting private-public partnership alliances. They also seek to raise awareness on the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driving force for job creation. In addition to promoting networks to meet the UN SDGs and the European Green Deal objectives, they also contribute to the circular economy, sustainable tourism and the fight against climate change.

For more information, click on www.startupeuropeawards.eu.

About Finnova Foundation

Finnova Foundation is a Belgian-Spanish foundation working to finance innovative ideas under EU-funded programmes. Finnova aims to promote private-public cooperation through innovation in order to address social challenges, e.g. employment, training, entrepreneurship, SDGs, and the circular economy. Being committed to innovation, Finnova has been organising Startup Europe Awards since 2016 – an initiative launched by the European Commission’s DG Connect.

Finnova is headquartered in Belgium and Spain. It is also present in Chile, Panama, and other Spanish regions – the Valencian Community, the Basque Country, Andalusia, Madrid and the Canary Islands.

For more information, click on https://web.finnovaregio.org/.


The third Info Day of CirCoAX will be held on 15 September to draw fashion and textile SMEs upholding sustainability and the circular economy

  • The third Info Day will be held online on 15 September at 17:00 CET to outline the requirements and the application procedure for participants.
  • Deadline for applications will close on 13 October at 17:00 CET.
  • The chosen projects will be given 12,000 euro to develop their ideas towards the environment.
  • This call seeks to promote the sustainable transition of the textile and fashion sectors through social innovation.
  • Registration for the Info Day on 15 Sep.: inscripcion.circoax.eu.

[Brussels. 14/09/2021]

The third Info Day organised by the European project entitled ‘CircularInnoBooster’, which is funded by the European Commission under COSME, will be held online on 15 September.

The goal of this event is to inform about the open call for projects committed to the environment and focused on the sustainable transition of the textile sector.

The deadline of this call is due on Wednesday 13 October at 17:00 CET. This is the last day to register in CirCoAX’s call.

Some €12,000 will be awarded to 30 enterprises having innovative ideas and undertaking to create new products, processes, services or business models which may have a direct impact in terms of adopting sustainable and circular approaches and practices within the textile and fashion sectors.

The chosen applicants will also benefit from additional business support services such as training workshops, mentoring sessions, and backing to get additional funding to ensure their commercialisation.

This call focuses on the textile and fashion sectors owing to their high levels of pollution. CirCoAX, the European accelerator, and its project entitled ‘CircularInnoBooster Fashion and Textile (F&T), is part of the EU’s COSME programme. It has an initial duration of two years, a €1,128,000 budget and it is co-financed by 75% by the European Commission. Its goal is to reward sustainable projects upholding the circular economy and to make their processes more eco-friendly and social innovation-minded.

Led by IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) together with Finnova Foundation, Texfor, Circulab and The Circular Project with HumanNation, CircularInnoBooster’s aim is to transform the highly polluting textile and fashion industries via innovation. It also pursues to foster entrepreneurship to create business models based on the circular economy, thus turning SMEs and start-ups into circular and sustainable enterprises.

Building on the regenerative economy model, the project seeks to become a framework for a complete transformation of the textile and fashion industry – from raw materials to the end of the lifetime of products. The project aims at resolving the structural issues the conventional industry poses.


COSME is the programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises by the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME).

This programme assists SMEs to develop their business models, to obtain funds and to internationalise. This programme also supports public administrations to enhance the entrepreneurial environment and to facilitate the economic growth of the EU. During the funding period of 2014-2020, this programme allocated €2.3 billion to support SMEs.

About IED

Istituto Europeo di Design is an academic institution working in education, training, and the research of fashion, design, visual communication, and management. IED has offices in Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), Italy (Milan, Rome and five other cities) and Brazil (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro). IED works in several EU and COSME countries through collaborations and arrangements with institutions, business support organisations, teachers, experts, and mentors. IED has an extensive network of connections in the fashion and textile sectors (F&T).

For more information, click on https://iedmadrid.com/.

About Finnova

Finnova is a foundation working to promote and to develop innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit across the EU. Headquartered in Brussels, it works and engages in partnerships in all EU countries. Finnova’s experience in leading communication activities and disseminating European projects is coupled with an extensive expertise in creating enterprises and entrepreneurial support programmes such as accelerators, incubators, and events.

For more information, click on https://web.finnovaregio.org/.

About Texfor

Texfor is a leading textile association in Spain with roughly 400 members. Founded in 2010 and based in Catalonia, Texfor brings together enterprises from the textile value chain, i.e. from weaving to fabrics as well as accessories, textile finishing, printing, and dyeing for the dressmaking industry, textiles for houses and technical and industrial applications. Texfor has extensive expertise as it has worked in relevant expert committees at an EU level: university and professional training, developing financial capacities, cross-cutting collaboration, fostering RDI, specialised services, and leadership in sustainability focused on the circular economy.

For more information, click on https://www.texfor.es/.

About Circulab

Circulab is a laboratory and design studio specialising in developing transformation methods, tools and programmes to help enterprises adopt circular and sustainable business models. Circulab has designed a number of tools to implement a circular business model in enterprises. It works in 23 countries – 9 out of them in the EU – and it supports projects via 60 independent entrepreneurial consultants. It applies circular methodology and tools.

For more information, click on https://circulab.com/.

About The Circular Project co-designed with HumanNation TCP (The Circular Project) favours and promotes a circular and sustainable fashion in different areas, offering the fashion industry a communication strategy based on a cross-cutting and systemic approach of the circular economy. TCP combines social, ethical, environmental and economic aspects, and has a strong presence and connections in the sustainable fashion world. TCP has promoted the Circular Sustainable Fashion Week Madrid, a one-of-a-kind event, and also serves as HQ for the Spanish Association for the Sustainability, Innovation and Circularity in the Fashion Industry. TCP is also ambassador of Sannas (Triple Bottom Line Business

Association) and has collaborated in a wide array of Spanish, European and Latin American institutions and enterprises.

The Circular Project works with Human Nation to co-design and develop CirCoAX. HumanNation is a consultancy enterprise specialising in the development of transformative and disruptive ecosystems of innovation and companies for the ‘new economy’. It is based on the fourth economic sector, the systemic thought, and co-creation. It raises awareness in organisations and ecosystems to respect the planetary boundaries and the social fabric, creating resilient local economies with a global perspective. For more information, click  on https://thecircularproject.com/ and https://humannation.earth.

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