The main objective of LIFE-ECOdigestion 2.0 is the scaling up of the technology for the production of biogas on demand with WWTP sludge, using agri-food waste and slurry as cosubstrate. The technology is based on the one developed in the previous LIFE ECOdigestion LIFE13 ENV / ES / 377 project, whose main objective was the development, implementation and demonstration on a pilot scale of an innovative technology for automatic control of the dosage of waste in WWTP anaerobic digesters. and, consequently, maximize biogas production and waste treatment capacity.

CILIFO is framed within the Thematic Objective 5 of the POCTEP Programme: Promoting adaptation to climate change in all sectors. In addition, it responds to POCTEP investment priority 5B: Promoting investment to address specific risks and ensuring adaptation to disasters and developing disaster management systems.

The aim of the NAPOCTEP project is to promote the cultural heritage of the Napoleonic period, through the creation of Napoleonic routes in an area that includes the central region of Portugal (Beiras and Serra da Estela) and the western Castilian-Leonese provinces (Salamanca, Zamora, Valladolid, León and Ávila), generating an innovative and attractive tourist product that generates economic activity and employment.

The FIREPOCTEP multiregional project aims to implement the capitalization of good practices of projects in the sector of prevention and extinction of forest fires approved by the Interreg POCTEP Program, in addition to promoting innovative solutions that activate the GREEN EMPLOYMENT in the sector of RISK MANAGEMENT, through challenges posed by the competent public administrations and with capacity for intervention in the territory, based on knowledge and previous experiences of POCTEP projects already approved.

The HIBA- HUB IBERIA AGROTECH project: CREATION OF A MULTI-REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM FOR THE DIGITALISATION OF THE AGRO-FOOD SECTOR THROUGH THE DIGITAL INNOVATION HUB (DIH) aims to promote a Multi-regional ecosystem in Agrodigitalisation through the creation of a Network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) that fosters business initiative, competitiveness and sustainability, favouring post-Covid19 economic reactivation. The innovative character of HIBA lies in its open, multi-actor and multi-regional cooperation approach, being a hybrid space for training and entrepreneurship with multidisciplinary teams and aimed at different levels of specialisation and the testing and application of innovative technologies in the agricultural field.

CircularInnoBooster Fashion and Textile (F&T) is a project of the COSME program of the European Union that seeks to transform the highly polluting fashion and textile industries through social innovation and the promotion of entrepreneurship to generate business models based on the circular economy, thus converting SMEs and start-ups in the sector into sustainable and regenerative companies thanks to the boost offered by its accelerator CirCoAX.

The RES4CITY project is funded under the HORIZON EUROPE programme. The overall objective of RES4CITY is to enhance the development of sustainable renewable energy and fuel technologies in cities by promoting sustainability and circularity, and by deploying an innovative educational programme, co-designed with stakeholders, to develop highly qualified human capital, to enable results with high replicability across different educational systems.

DivErSity and Tolerance IN E-Environment (DESTINE), funded by the Erasmus + programme, aims to respond to the challenge of raising the issues of diversity and tolerance within an online and distance learning environment, and aims to develop the skills and competences of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in this area.

The SETOFF project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme, aims to improve the preparedness and job security of both public and private civil protection personnel for future crises and emergencies by developing an innovative online training scheme based on a proven and successfully applied simulation model, combined with the latest scientific knowledge and a comprehensive needs analysis.

The You&EU project is funded under the Erasmus + programme. Led by Finnova, the project aims to bring the European Union closer to young people in Spain, Belgium and Germany, through the opportunities for training, mobility, employability and participation that are offered to them through the exchange of experiences and points of view.
The LiVai project funded under the ERASMUS+ programme focuses on how technology and data in particular should be approached from an ethical perspective, within a certification framework that guarantees standards for any kind of learning and work.

The Smart and Digital project is a project funded by the Erasmus + programme, within the key action 2, Cooperation between organisations and institutions in which Finnovaregio is a partner. It has a duration of 24 months, starting on 28 February 2022.
The project is led by Eskişehir Provincial Directorate of National Education (ESKISEHIR), and involves partners from different countries; Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Macedonia, Turkey.

LIFE NextFUMIGREEN is a European project that seeks to develop natural fumigants from plant extracts to control whitefly populations and fungal outbreaks of botrytis in greenhouse horticultural crops. The project, led by FumiHogar, in collaboration with B&B Asesores, Comercial Química Massó, BrioAgro Tech and Finnova Foundation, and 60% funded by the European Union’s LIFE programme, will last four and a half years and will test the efficacy of a new fumigant biopesticide that is less toxic than conventional ones. With a total budget of €2,758,921.01, this project aims to improve food safety, biodiversity and contribute to the professionalisation of farmers in the use of biopesticides.