Finnova Foundation reaffirms its commitment to training and young talent on the occasion of World Youth Day through initiatives such as Next Talent Generation and EU Training Platform

  • On 12 August – International Youth Day –  we commemorate youth as a driver of change
  • Finnova Foundation has put in place several initiatives supporting training for young people in European affairs
  • Young people wishing to work in European matters can carry out internships both in Spain and abroad
  • As a result of this commitment, Finnova has trained over 400 young people in European affairs

Brussels, 12.08.2021 – Today, 12 August, we celebrate International Youth Day. Established in 1999 by the UN General Assembly, this day aims to bring together young people and future challenges in order to raise awareness and to make them become key pivots for change. A committed generation to paramount goals like Agenda 2030 and SDGs needs sufficient tools to learn and forums to pool their ideas.

As part of its commitment on youth talent, Finnova Foundation offers young people training and a professional experience in European matters to learn about European financing and other pivotal subjects, e.g. energetic and digital transition, rural development, circular economy, etc. Up to date, and after 10 years of work, more than 400 young people have been trained in Finnova’s HQs.

On the other hand, EU Training Platform is a training platform created by a team of Finnova experts offering courses in several areas, including the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, EU funding programmes, LIFE, EU funds for circular economy, etc. Each 40-hour course is coupled with mentoring sessions and practical activities which enable students to become real experts. At the end of the course, participants receive a certificate of completion.

Apart from providing this e-learning platform, and due to difficulties young people must face jobwise because of the economic consequences of the pandemic, Finnova Foundation promotes professional experiences in European affairs thanks to Next Talent Generation EU. Once young participants sign up in this platform, they receive relevant information in terms of grants and other financial aid to begin their professional career both in Spain and abroad – mainly in Brussels, the core of the European Union.

In addition, thanks to this platform, young people can cut their teeth in Finnova’s HQ by directly working with the foundation or by getting involved in some of the projects where Finnova is a beneficiary, such as Interreg NAPOCTEP and CILIFO, or LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 and CirCoAx by CircularInnoBooster. All these projects focus on topical issues like the promotion of sustainable tourism; the prevention and fight against forest fires; circular economy to turn organic wastes into green energy, and the transformation of the textile and fashion industries by applying a regenerative economy model, respectively.

Young people are offered the opportunity to take part in grant programmes like Interreg Volunteer Youth, thanks to which six young people from the foundation have benefited. One of such youth is Ana Piñero, who formerly worked as a volunteer in CILIFO in Finnova Foundation thanks to this shceme. As a member of the communication department of this collaborative project between Andalusia and the Portuguese regions of Alentejo and Algarve, Ana was able “to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of our natural spaces and to really be cautious when it comes to forest fires in rural areas”.

Some other programmes where Finnova is involved include the PICE scheme, by Garantía Juvenil, or Eurodyssey, the exchange programme set up by the Assembly of European Regions (AER). Speaking of which, Christel Poignet (24), a French national from Congolese origin, has benefited from a Eurodyssey grant to carry on her professional education in these unprecedented times. As a marketing specialist in Finnova’s HQ in Valencia, Christel claims that “Thanks to Eurodyssey, I have the opportunity to gain experience abroad and to discover a new culture”.

Finnova’s commitment to young people means that its team is always looking for opportunities for those recent graduates who wish to kick off their career in European affairs. That is why the Next Talent Generation EU sessions are held regularly – an event which aims to share information and where representatives from EU institutions and public administrations managing grants and financial aid offer information about their schemes. Young people benefitting from these programmes are also invited in these events to talk about their experiences.

If you are aged 18 to 30 and want to know how to shape your career in European affairs, don’t hesitate to contact our team.

Alberto Navarro,

Project Manager, Training & Employment


About Finnova

Finnova Foundation is a Belgian-Spanish foundation which helps institutions and organisations to get funds for their innovative projects. Finnova aims to promote private-public cooperation through innovation in order to address social challenges, e.g. employment, training, entrepreneurship, SDGs, circular economy, etc. As part of its commitment to innovation, Finnova has been organizing the Startup Europe Awards since 2016, an initiative by the European Commission.

Finnova’s HQs are located in Belgium and across Spain – the Valencian Community, the Basque Country, Andalusia, Madrid and the Canary Islands. It also has branches in Chile and Panama.


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