The 10th edition of Transfiere, the main R+D+I meeting in Southern Europe, will be celebrated in Málaga on the 14th and 15th April

The event will be held at the Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Centre (FYCMA)

Finnova Foundation will participate in the forum with a training workshop on European funds imparted by Juan Viesca, European Funds Director at the Foundation, who will talk about the available lines of financing for SMEs such as Next Generation EU

Juanma Revuelta, Director of Startup Europe Awards, una metodología de la DG CONNECT de la Comisión Europea será parte del Jurado de la Open Call for deep tech & deep science Start-ups, coordinada por la Enterprise European Network (EEN)

Brussels, 12th April 2021- The tenth edition of Transfiere, the European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation, will take place on 14th and 15th April at the Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Centre. The main objectives of this professional and multi-sectoral forum, which is held every year in Malaga, are to promote innovation and competitiveness in the business sector, to encourage the transfer of knowledge between the scientific and business spheres, to serve as a meeting space to publicise new products and services and to generate business opportunities and B2B alliances.

At the pre-event press conference held on Friday 10th, Francisco de la Torre, Mayor of the city of Malaga, highlighted the fundamental role of the Transfiere Forum as an opportunity to promote public-private collaboration, as well as collaboration between all administrations: “The collaborative ecosystem of Transfiere 360 is a clear example”, stated the Mayor of Malaga.

Felipe Romera, President of the Transfiere Organising Committee, emphasised the security measures due to COVID-19: “the main novelty this year is that the forum will be held in person, with all the necessary security, hygiene and health measures to make it a safe event“. Romera also indicated that this year’s forum will feature more than 75 activities, including thematic panels, conferences and workshops, with the participation of more than 200 experts. “It is a great opportunity for the reactivation of businesses, innovation and research” declared Romera.

Enrique Quesada, representing CRUE (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities) pointed out the importance of the collaboration between CRUE and Transfiere as “it allows the research carried out by universities to reach companies”.

Teresa Riesgo, Secretary General for Innovation at the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, highlighted the importance of this Forum for companies, SMEs, public administrations, startups, investors and technology centres to create synergies and various collaborations. She also stressed the importance of the European recovery fund Next Generation EU as it will define what the innovation and research programmes of the future will look like.

Finally, Rogelio Velasco, Minister of Economy of the Andalusian Regional Government highlighted the role of the Andalusian administration in public procurement of innovation, linked to knowledge transfer: “We have launched seventeen PPI projects”, said Velasco during the press conference.

Finnova Foundation will participate as experts in European funding and Startups

Transfiere 2021 launches on Wednesday 14th April its first Open Call for deep tech & deep science Start-ups, coordinated by Enterprise European Network (EEN) and whose awards ceremony will take place on the 15th in the Open Innovation Area from 10:45 to 11:30. Thanks to this initiative, national and international startups with deep tech and science projects have the opportunity to increase their visibility to national and international investors who are experts in the sector. Juanma Revuelta, CEO and founder of Startup Europe Awards (SEUA), an initiative of the European Commission implemented by Finnova since 2016, will be part of the evaluation committee for this call.

On Thursday 15th April from 14h00 to 15h00, Juan Viesca, European Funds Director at the Finnova Foundation, will lead at the Open Innovation Area a training workshop on European funds and other lines of financing for SMEs. Viesca will talk about all the funding tools available, including the Next Generation EU financial instrument, the largest economic and social recovery plan to date, with a total of 1.8 trillion euros, aimed at rebuilding a post-COVID-19 Europe: “a greener, more digital and resilient Europe”.

You can register for the workshop here.

Revuelta, CEO of Finnova and founding director of SEUA, affirms that “governments need to modernise their public policies and be aware of the amount of resources at their disposal”. In addition, the foundation has extensive experience in developing and collaborating on projects in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal in order to contribute to the promotion of innovation, technological and entrepreneurial progress in a sustainable way.

Transfiere, the first face-to-face event of 2021 celebrated at FYCMA under a rigorous protocol of security measures in order to provide a safe and secure space, presents a programme of thematic panels and conferences divided into 5 different spaces: Science Room, Innovation Room, Technology Room, Open Innovation Area, Demo Center – TRL7, where participants will be able to learn about opportunities for internationalisation, artificial intelligence, digital transformation and industry 4.0, public procurement of innovation, research, among others.

Besides, as every year, Transfiere has a guest country, a world reference in R+D+I, which actively participates in the main areas of the Forum. In this edition the guest will be Canada, recognised as one of the most innovative and competitive economies in the world.

Also, in this tenth edition of the Forum, the awards of the VI edition of the Journalism Award ‘Foro Transfiere’ in Support of Scientific, Technological and Innovative Dissemination, worth €3,000, will be presented. The aim of the award is recognising the work of journalists and disseminators of press, radio, television and digital media specialised in technological innovation.

Not yet registered for the Transfiere Forum? Do it here.

About Finnova Foundation

European Foundation for the financing of innovation. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup EuropeAwards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

For more information:

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

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FYCMA is a convention and trade fair centre located in the city of Malaga with an exhibition area of 19,500 m² spread over different buildings. It is currently one of the most active trade fair organisers in Southern Europe, being highly specialised in the conceptualisation and development of professional events linked to the field of innovation, digital transformation and knowledge generation.

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About Transfiere

The main R+D+I meeting in Southern Europe for sharing scientific and technological knowledge, promoting innovation and connecting science and business. It is a key professional and multi-sectoral forum for knowledge transfer, improving competitiveness in the business sector and generating business and networking opportunities. Transfiere brings together every year in Malaga the main public and private agents relevant to the field of research and knowledge transfer.

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