Finnova Foundation

Finnova participates in Wex Global 2020 and provides innovative ideas for a more sustainable world - Finnova Foundation

Finnova participates in Wex Global 2020 and provides innovative ideas for a more sustainable world

Juan Manuel Revuelta has been part of the forum of the entrepreneurs

Finnova Foundation has once again participated in the Wex Global Water & Energy in the Palace Hotel in Valencia. This congress is one of the international reference events in the water and energy sectors that allows to create contacts and relationships with other business people. The objective of Wex Global is to provide innovative solutions to the challenges and needs of companies in the integral water cycle and in Idrica.

Finnova participated as a partner in the event and his CEO Juan Manuel Revuelta took part in the entrepreneurs forum, together with other business people such as Frank Rogalla, director of innovation and technology at FCC Aqualia, and Patricia Pastor, director of GoHub. And also with Mateo DALL’AMICO, founder and CEO of Mobygis, a company that participated in the Finnova #StartUpEuropeAccelerator programme to access financing. Thanks to this help, he was able to launch Water Jade, a water input predictor. Its implementation optimizes energy trading and operations in production plants.

Moreover, Juan Manuel Revuelta took advantage of the entrepreneurs’ table to talk about the Horizon Europe 2027, Invest EU Program, or Water Startup Europe Accelerator, among others.

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