Register and attach your CV along with a description of your profile that you will do through a form, giving us information about your profile and what you are looking for. Your profile can be searched by companies and when an offer is close to your profile you will be a candidate.
Next Talent Generation EU offers on different scholarships or opportunities at a theoretical level, providing information on support options for working abroad, mainly in Europe.
These European traineeship offers will provide you with experience in the sector you choose to work in circular economy, environment, European funding, communication, etc.
LABORA. Valencian Employment and Occupation Service. Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo with a grant of €23,940 and project:
LABORA. Valencian Employment and Occupation Service. Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo with a grant of 22.680 € and project:
LABORA. Valencian Employment and Occupation Service. Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo with a grant of 11.305 € and project:
LABORA. Valencian Employment and Occupation Service. Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo with a grant of 11.970 € and project:
LABORA. Valencian Employment and Occupation Service. Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo with a grant of 11.305 € and project:
LABORA. Valencian Employment and Occupation Service. Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo with a grant of 11.305 € and project: