EUROPEAN VOCATIONAL SKILLS WEEK 2020 – DISCOVER Your Talent. Your Journey. Your Choice.

On Friday 13 November 2020, the webinar “CILIFO Project”: INTRODUCTION TO THE EUROPEAN FUNDS” will take place from 11:00 to 12:30 (Brussels time) as part of the fifth European Vocational Skills Week.

This training day on European financial sources is organised by the Finnova Foundation as part of its actions as a beneficiary of the CILIFO Project, financed by the Interreg POCTEP programme (2014-2020), and as part of European Vocational Training Week 2020. The conference aims to reach young people, as well as the general public, interested in the subject of forest fire prevention and extinction, adaptation and mitigation to climate change, on aspects related to the European financial sources available for vocational training, as well as for projects that promote youth employment in rural areas, and especially in the subject of CILIFO.

CILIFO has an extensive training programme which covers various target groups, from operational personnel involved in fire prevention and extinguishing plans, professionals and civil servants in the sector, companies and entrepreneurs, teachers and teaching staff, as well as young people who are committed to finding a professional future in the field of forest fire prevention and extinguishing, adaptation and mitigation of climate change in rural areas.

The webinar will also feature speakers who will present mobility programmes that make it possible to receive funding for professional exchanges or volunteering within the EU. Beneficiaries of these programmes will also take part in the event and will explain how their professional experience has improved as a result of participating in these initiatives. Examples of good practice and funding programmes such as Erasmus+ will also be studied, among others, where they are committed to training for the qualification of firefighters and other groups working in the prevention and extinction of forest fires, and the conservation of our natural habitat.

This conference therefore opens up new possibilities for the employability of CILIFO’s target audience. The aim of the conference is to support young people through training initiatives that favour recruitment in CILIFO’s areas and themes, generating opportunities at local and regional level in CILIFO’s intervention territory, the Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalucía.

To register to the event, click here. The European Vocational Skills Week, organised by the European Commission, is an annual event during which local, regional or national organisations showcase the best of vocational education and training (VET) – a sector capable of empowering all people with the skills they need for a fulfilling personal and professional life. After five editions, the event has become a sought-after exchange platform for VET stakeholders around Europe and beyond.

This year’s edition will be a hybrid event taking place in-person in Berlin (Germany) and digitally across the EU from 9-13 November 2020. The Week 2020 will play a particularly important role, given the challenges Europe’s VET community is facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides an unrivalled forum for identifying common problems and exchanging solutions.

The focus of the 2020 edition will be on “VET for Green and Digital Transitions” in line with the Commission’s priorities on a European Green Deal and a Europe fit for the digital age.

The overall objectives of the Week are to:

· Showcase the many ways VET can help young people and adults to ‘discover their talent’ and prepare today for Europe’s economy of the future.

· Demonstrate to employers the enormous benefits of investing in human resources by supporting the initial training of young people, as well as the upskilling and reskilling of adults, particularly in a post-COVID-19 world.

· Validate the choices people make when they choose VET, by showing its competitive value.

· Develop an awareness of European Vocational Skills Week, building on the success of previous campaigns.


· The employment rate of recent VET graduates in Europe is 78.9 % (2019). Source: Eurostat – Employment rates of recent graduates, pg. 2

· 10.8 % of Europe’s population aged 25 to 64 participate in adult learning (2019). Source: Eurostat – Adult learning statistics

· 60 % of VET graduates find their first long-term job within a month of finishing their studies (80 % after six months) (2018). Source: A quick guide to EU action on vocational education and training pg. 11 · 29 % of individuals have low overall digital skills (2019). Source: Eurostat· The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the existing digital skills gap, and new inequalities are emerging. Source: European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, pg. 1


The project “Iberian Centre for Research and Fight against Forest Fires” (CILIFO) focuses on the fight against forest fires and their consequences for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change; within a framework of cross-border cooperation for the prevention of risks and the improvement of the management of natural resources in Spain and Portugal in the area of the Euroregion Alentejo – Algarve – Andalusia. CILIFO falls under Thematic Objective 5 of the POCTEP Programme: Promoting adaptation to climate change in all sectors; and responds to the investment priority, with respect to the POCTEP Programme, 5B: Promoting investment to address specific risks and ensuring adaptation to disasters and development of disaster management systems.

With a duration of three years (2019 to 2021), it aims, through the results of its activities, to establish itself as a permanent centre for the promotion and development of training, awareness, development and innovation, and inter-regional cooperation in the fight against forest fires.

CILIFO is being developed thanks to the collaboration of a public-private partnership, led by the Andalusian Regional Government and made up of public research bodies, non-profit-making public interest entities and public administrations, all with the common objective of fighting forest fires. Website:


FINNOVA is a non-profit European foundation, with headquarters in Belgium-Brussels, and offices and branches in Spain (Seville, Valencia, Tenerife, Madrid and Vitoria), whose main purpose is to seek international funding related to the transfer of new technology, modernisation, training and innovation for regional or local public administrations. Its main objective is to promote international and inter-regional cooperation through networks and events, its main fields of work being the environment, energy, climate change, innovation and improvement of the quality of life. Website:


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