Finnova Foundation

The Finnova Foundation organizes the Future Skills Forum to promote digital skills and ethics in Europe's digital transformation  - Finnova Foundation

The Finnova Foundation organizes the Future Skills Forum to promote digital skills and ethics in Europe’s digital transformation 

  • The Future Skills Forum will be a hybrid event aimed at fostering synergies between stakeholders interested in the development of digital skills, ethical adoption, and Industry 4.0 technologies in Europe. 
  • The forum is organized within the framework of the Erasmus+ projects MANUFACTURING4ALL, LivAI, in which Finnova is a partner. 

The Finnova Foundation will host the hybrid event “Future Skills Forum: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age“, taking place on Thursday, October 17 at 9:00 AM (CEST) at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). This forum will provide a space to discuss the growing importance of digital skills, ethics in the use of new technologies, and the evolution towards Industry 5.0 in Europe. 

The event’s programme is designed to bring together experts and stakeholders from these sectors to explore how emerging technologies are transforming education, industrial innovation and cybersecurity. The first panel, ‘Ethics & AI Legislation’, will address the ethical implications of AI, such as bias in algorithms and manipulation through social engineering. Karine Caunes, director of CAIDP Europe, Sonia Pérez Romero, head of Unit in charge of AI Law at the European Data Protection Supervisor and Rubén Araque Rodilla, councillor for Security of the Benaguasil City Council will provide information from different points of view on artificial intelligence, a booming field in recent years.  

The second session, called ‘Education & Digital Skills’, will explore how artificial intelligence can personalize learning and better prepare students for a constantly evolving digital environment. This session will feature industry specialists such as Juan Manuel Revuelta, CEO of Finnova, Tatjana Babrauskiené, member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Georgi Dimitrov, Head of Unit for Digital Education at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC) and Óscar Belmonte, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Languages and Systems at the Universitat Jaume I.  

Finally, the third panel ‘Future of Work & Industry’ will analyze how digital tools are redefining the future of work and the needs of industry. To discuss this topic we will have the presence of Hasan Suzen, president of Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group, Massimiliano Dragoni, senior official at the European Commission and external advisor at the Finnova Foundation, Lars de Nul, deputy head of the industry 5.0 and AI in Science Unit at the European Commission and Fernando Casado, project manager at EFICAZE.  

The forum is part of the activities of the Erasmus+ European projects LivAI, MANUFACTURING 4 ALL, and SETOFF. These projects, focused on artificial intelligence, industrial innovation, and digital security, will facilitate synergies and strategic collaborations among the key players shaping Europe’s digital future. 

Future Skills Forum is part of Finnova Foundation’s efforts to raise awareness, promote, and discuss digital transformation and the need to acquire new skills in a rapidly evolving technological environment. The event aims to spark debates on the uses of AI and new technologies that are shaping the skills needed for the future, AI regulation, and the challenges and opportunities that digitalization presents in the workplace and industry. 

Registrations for the event “Future Skills Forum: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age” are still open to join it online. The forum will take place on Thursday, October 17 at 9:00 AM (CEST) at the headquarters of the European Economic and Social Committee (Brussels, Belgium). 

About LivAI 

LivAI is an Erasmus+ project focused on creating educational resources on data ethics and artificial intelligence, and developing an e-learning platform with competency certification. Led by Jaume I University (Spain), it has a budget of €250,000 and partners from Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, and Greece. 

About Manufacturing4All 

Manufacturing4All promotes the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies to enhance industrial competitiveness and sustainability. With a budget of €60,000 and a duration of 14 months, the project began in September 2023. 


FINNOVA is a Spanish-Belgian foundation that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU. Headquartered in Brussels and Spain, it supports European projects and fosters youth training and employment through accelerators, incubators, and events. 

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