- This project aims to strengthen political participation and improve educational and employment opportunities in the European Union
- Finnova has presented its main activities and some of the projects of which it is a partner
Brussels, 20/06/2024. A group of young people from the municipality of Fuente Palmera (Córdoba) visited the facilities of the Finnova Foundation, where they learned first-hand about the Foundation’s activities and the opportunities offered by the EU in terms of introduction to the labour market. This visit is part of the IDEUNTIDAD project, an initiative led by the city hall and funded by INJUVE through the ERASMUS+ programme, within the action “Youth Participation Activities”.
The visit to the Finnova offices was one of the highlights of a three-day agenda in the Belgian capital, where they visited the headquarters of EU institutions such as the European Parliament with Finnova. The trip was part of the IDEUNTIDAD initiative, a project that over the last year has allowed 30 young people from the town of Cordoba to learn about the opportunities for participation, training and employability offered by the European Union.
Patricia Tejada, European projects manager at the Foundation, moderated the informative talk, who stressed the importance of young people knowing all the EU opportunities: “It is essential that our young people know and take advantage of the opportunities that the European Union offers. That is why at Finnova, we are committed to supporting initiatives such as IDEUNTIDAD”.
The session began with a presentation by Guillermo Suárez, European projects assistant at Finnova, who spoke about various opportunities for young people in the European Union, highlighting mobility programmes, scholarships and entrepreneurship projects.
The talk continued with the intervention of David Rebollo, European projects assistant at the Foundation, who explained the details of the LIFE European funds programme, which finances several projects in which Finnova acts as a partner. Within these projects, Rebollo explained to the young people Finnova’s role in the LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 project, whose objective is focused on the generation of biogas through the treatment of organic waste.
Alejandro Gutiérrez, project manager and Matías Lozano, project assistant, continued the presentation presenting the YOU&EU guide and the Smart and Digital Agriculture, MANUFACTURING4ALL and LiVAi projects, all of them under the umbrella of the ERASMUS+ programme and designed to empower young people through training and professional development in the European context.
Jon Larrachea, communication assistant, explained the strategic role of the communication department in the consortia in which Finnova is part of. In addition, Larrachea took the opportunity to introduce the EU research funding programme Horizon Europe and the ONEBLUE and RES4CITY projects, which receive funding from this programme.
Finally, Uxue Sagarminaga, also an assistant in the communication department, gave an overview of the foundation’s work on the FU-TOURISM project, which receives funding from the SMP programme and supports European tourism SMEs in their transition to a green, digital and inclusive economy.
FINNOVA is the Spanish-Belgian non-profit foundation based in Brussels and Spain, working for the promotion and development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU. FINNOVA’s experience in leading communication and dissemination activities of European projects is combined with a solid proven track record in business creation and entrepreneurship support programmes, such as accelerators, incubators and events, as well as its commitment to training and employability of young people.
ONE-BLUE, a research initiative funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme. With a budget of over €6,200,000, ONE-BLUE focuses on research into the impact of emerging pollutants and the effects of climate change on marine biodiversity, thus contributing to the understanding and preservation of our aquatic ecosystems.
About LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0
Pilot demonstration project, financed by the LIFE programme and with a budget of more than 970,000 euros, which generates biogas in wastewater treatment plant digesters by mixing putrescible organic waste (slurry, poultry, organic fractions, MSW, horeca, etc.). The initiative led by Global Omnium, (Spain), in collaboration with the Finnova Foundation (Belgium) and Águas do Centro Litoral (Portugal) aims to become the most versatile digestion control tool on the market, achieving environmental and economic benefits through the production of biogas by making optimal use of waste.
About LivAI
LivAI is an Erasmus+ project funded within the framework of the Adult Education Cooperation Partnership action. The two main objectives of the LivAI project are to promote the creation of educational resources and the implementation of an e-learning platform with the possibility to validate or certify acquired competences. The project has a budget of 250,000 euros and is led by the Universitat Jaume I (Spain) in collaboration with the Finnova Foundation (Belgium), Konnektable Technologies Ltd (Ireland), EFCoCert (Switzerland), Project Consult (Italy) and UBITECH (Greece).
RES4CITY is a project funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe Programme, with a duration of 36 months and a budget of 2.5 million euros. It aims to promote the development of renewable energy and sustainable fuel technologies in urban environments, through collaboration with stakeholders and the promotion of sustainability and circular economy.
About Smart and Digital Agriculture
The European Smart and Digital Agriculture project actively encourages driving digitalisation in the agricultural sector to address current and future challenges. Through innovative solutions, SDA aims to improve efficiency, sustainability and food production. The project has a total budget of €198,830, funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
LIFE NextFUMIGREEN is a European project that aims to develop natural fumigants from plant extracts to control primary pest populations of greenhouse horticultural crops. The project, led by FumiHogar, in collaboration with B&B Asesores, Comercial Química Massó, BrioAgro Tech and Fundación Finnova, and 60% funded by the European Union’s LIFE programme, will last four and a half years and will test the efficacy of a new fumigant biopesticide that is less toxic than conventional ones. It has a budget of 2,758,921.01 euros.