Finnova Foundation

Finnova Foundation aligns with the International Day against Climate Change - Finnova Foundation

Finnova Foundation aligns with the International Day against Climate Change

  • This day aims to alert the worldwide community about the harmful and devastating effects of climate change on the planet
  • Finnova joins the commemoration of this day as a partner in three LIFE projects, the European Union’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action

Today, Tuesday October 24th, is the International Day against Climate Change, to alert the world community about the harmful and devastating effects of climate change on the planet. This ephemeris is supported by the United Nations (UN), an initiative that advocates the generation of actions to counteract climate change and is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal number 13: Climate Action.

Climate change is the global variation of the planet’s climate and temperature, generated over the long term by natural causes. During the last century, pollution generated by human activity has accelerated this process at an alarming rate due to the emission of greenhouse gases generated by factors such as the burning of fossil fuels, land use, energy use and industrial activities.

These gases cause an increase in temperatures, generating the phenomenon of global warming, which is the cause of climate change. Some of the global effects are the increase in average temperatures and sea levels, melting ice in the Arctic or the increase in extreme weather events (droughts, fires, water shortages and floods, among others).

Finnova Foundation, as an entity committed to sustainable development, circular economy and water and waste management, joins the commemoration of this day in which it is intended to remember the importance of fighting against climate change. As part of this commitment, Finnova is currently a partner in three LIFE projects, the European Union’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action.

With a budget of €970,000, the LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 project aims to make use of biogas as a reliable and green energy source to meet industrial energy demand. The initiative, which will run until February 2024, is led by a consortium led by Global Omnium (Spain), in partnership with Águas do Centro Litoral (Portugal) and the Finnova Foundation (Belgium).

The European LIFE NextFUMIGREEN project is actively promoting food safety by developing natural fumigants from plant extracts to control pests in intensive greenhouse horticultural crops. The project, which will have positive effects on biodiversity and climate change, has a budget of €2,758,921.01, and is led by the Spanish company FumiHogar, with five other partners: the Foundation for Agricultural Auxiliary Technologies (TECNOVA); the Finnova Foundation; B&B Asesores Auditores Ambientales; Comercial Quimica Masso, and BrioAgro Tech.

LIFE COSTAdapta has the main objective of addressing the adaptation of the coast of Gran Canaria to sea level rise through an innovative methodology. To this end, the objective is to design and test an innovative and progressive Tidal pool-reef system, which uses, partially, the traditional technique of tidal pool construction, common elements in the Canary Islands and the rest of Macaronesia, for the coastal adaptation of Gran Canaria to climate change. The project, which has a duration of 7 years and a total budget of 3,409,864 €, is coordinated by the Consejo Insular de Energía de Gran Canaria (CIEGC) of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria with the support of 7 partners: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC); Universidad de Cantabria (UC); INGECID S.L.; Raley Estudios Costeros S.C.P.; ECOncrete AQUA; Fundación Canar.

About Finnova Foundation

Finnova is a foundation working for the promotion and development of innovation and entrepreneurship at EU level. Based in Brussels, it operates through collaborations and partnerships in all countries of the European Union. Finnova’s experience in leading European project communication and dissemination activities is combined with a strong proven expertise in start-ups and business support programs, such as accelerators, incubators and ceremonial event selection and awarding.

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