Finnova Foundation

The 100 Women Plus project, led by Finnova, publishes a catalogue of entrepreneurial women - Finnova Foundation

The 100 Women Plus project, led by Finnova, publishes a catalogue of entrepreneurial women

  • Women talk about their work experience and outline their projects. 
  • Women 4 Tech and the Finnova Foundation support this initiative that defends female entrepreneurship and equal opportunities.

The 100 Women Plus project has launched a catalogue of women entrepreneurs, a compilation of projects led by women to improve visibility and raise awareness of inspiring stories. The aim of this activity is to compile a series of initiatives from different sectors and backgrounds that reflect the wide variety and diversity in entrepreneurship.

The activity is designed to increase knowledge about real experiences that facilitate the visibility of initiatives and, above all, serve as an example and inspiration for other women. The Finnova Foundation supports initiatives such as “100 Women Plus”, “Girls4Tech”, “Women Startup Europe Awards” and “Women Startup Europe Accelerathon”, associated with Women 4 Tech that advocate disruptive projects, innovation and public-private partnerships in favour of women.

The catalogue is made up of women who describe their work experience and outline their projects. The initiatives included in the catalogue cover various sectors such as education, gastronomy, social inclusion and others such as STEM careers, which have a lower female presence. It is estimated that less than 15% of women choose to pursue STEM careers, which ultimately results in a lower relevance of women’s role in progress and in the economy in general.

These are not the only data that demonstrate the under-representation of women in the most relevant sectors of society. Focusing on the field of entertainment, at a national level only 6% of start-ups are founded by women, and transferring the figure to technological entrepreneurship, the figure barely rises to 16%. Furthermore, according to the Women in Tech Survey 2023 report, only 26% of people working in IT are women.

The 100 Women Plus project and the Finnova Foundation are aware of the seriousness of this situation and are therefore committed to promoting equal opportunities. In turn, promoting female entrepreneurship is one of the main objectives of both entities, and the creation of the catalogue will serve as a tool to make the work of female entrepreneurs more visible.

Link to catalogue:  

About the 100 Women Plus project 

This project, co-funded by the EU Erasmus + Programme and led by Finnova, in collaboration with the Cabildo of Fuerteventura and the association Fundadoras, was born in an attempt to address the need for greater equality and to enhance international cooperation in the field of women’s empowerment. 100 Women Plus has been designed to improve the channels of collaboration and dialogue, propose a series of learning activities, exchange of experiences and transfer of results that contribute to establishing new mechanisms for female participation, strengthen the ecosystem of women entrepreneurs in the participating countries and create networks and generate alliances between institutions in Europe and Africa.

About the Finnova Foundation 

Finnova is the Spanish-Belgian non-profit foundation based in Brussels and Spain, working for the promotion and development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU. Finnova’s experience in leading communication and dissemination activities of European projects is combined with a strong proven track record in business creation and entrepreneurship support programmes, such as accelerators, incubators and events, as well as its commitment to training and employability of young people.

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