- The conclusions of the project will be presented, there will be a panel of experts and a presentation of the young people who have participated in the program
- This will be the fourth and last event of the project that aims to involve young people in European affairs.
21/06/2023, Brussels. Tomorrow, Thursday 22nd June from 11:30 to 13:50 (CEST) Finnova’s headquarters in Brussels will host the closing event of the YOUth & EU project. the YOUth & EU meeting will come to an end. After two years of duration, tomorrow will be the fourth and last event related to the project.
The final event of the YOUth & EU project will aim at informing about the project results, as well as discussing with several institutional experts. The event will be inaugurated by Juan Manuel Revuelta, CEO of Finnova, and will attend the participation of a panel of experts (with EU Commission, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee members) that will discuss about the role of youth in the EU. Then, Alejandro Gutiérrez de Terán, Junior Project Officer at Finnova will present a guide of opportunities and best practices with the main options for young people in the EU. Raúl Cortés, member of Finnova’s legal and European projects team and Alberto Pastor, member of Finnova’s finance and administration team will take the lead, as they will explain their experiences in the Erasmus and Interreg Volunteer Youth programs. Lastly, the event will be closed by Juan Viesca, Finnova’s Director of European Funds.
This will be the last event of the project, after the three previous ones held during the last two years. The first one was held in Frankfurt, where topics such as human rights, the EU Green Deal and youth development were discussed. The second, held in December 2022 in Benaguasil, also focused on topics such as the environment and youth opportunities. The next meeting was held in Brussels last March and focused on communication.
YOUth & EU project was born with the aim of involving young people in European affairs, making them participants of the European Union, its objectives, and priorities, as well as disseminating all the opportunities they can find within the European Union. All of this, working on communication to reach out to young people.
If you want to join us to the event, you can do it both online and in person. Here you have the links to register:
Online: bit.ly/42xmGuV
In person: bit.ly/43DzTn4
About YOUth & EU
YOUth and EU is a project co-funded by the European Union, within the framework of the Youth Participation Activities of the Erasmus+ Program, whose main objective will be to bring the EU closer to youth through training, mobility, employability and participation opportunities.
About project partners
The project is led by Finnova in a consortium with the Municipality of Benaguasil and the association Europa Union Frankfurt.
About Finnova
Finnova is the Spanish-Belgian non-profit foundation based in Brussels and Spain, working for the promotion and development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU. Finnova’s experience in leading communication and dissemination activities of European projects is combined with a solid proven track record in business creation and entrepreneurship support programs, such as accelerators, incubators and events, as well as its commitment to training and employability of young people.