The project aims to enhance the rich cultural heritage of the Napoleonic era, thus generating a differentiated, quality and sustainable tourism product.
Brussels, 07.11.2019.- The mission of the NAPOCTEP project, approved in the second call of the Interreg POCTEP Programme and co-financed 75% by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), is to protect and enhance the cultural and natural heritage as the economic base of the cross-border cooperation area of the Centro region (Portugal) and the Castilla y León region (Spain). The project aims to enhance the rich cultural heritage of the Napoleonic era in the two regions of intervention and cooperation, generating a differentiated, quality and sustainable tourism product, attractive and capable of generating economic activity and employment.
By following the same line, the consortium of the NAPOCTEP project ( has promoted the capitalization of good practices and the brand name “Napoleonic Routes through Spain and Portugal” in the SUDOE space. On 25 October 2019, the project proposal NAPOSUDOE was presented to the 4th Call of the Interreg SUDOE programme, through Priority Axis 5 of the Interreg SUDOE Programme: Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency; and the Specific Objective 6c1 of the Interreg SUDOE Programme: “Improve methods of natural and cultural heritage management through networking and joint experimentation”.
In this proposal, CIM-COIMBRA participates as beneficiary of the project, as well as with the collaboration of the rest of the NAPOCTEP consortium. The NAPOSUDOE proposal involves as beneficiaries the following entities: Diputación Provincial de Burgos (Spain); CIM-COIMBRA (Portugal); Entidad Regional Turismo Centro (Portugal); Agencia Vasca de Turismo (Spain); Fundación Siglo (Spain); Municipality of Bayonne (France), and Écocène (France). NAPOCTEP achieves in this way to extend the collaborative networking and the tourist and patrimonial route of the Napoleonic period to the SUDOE space, establishing a link of capitalization of good practices of the brand Napoleonic routes through Spain and Portugal.