Finnova Foundation

Eventos Notícias pt

More than 150 people at CILIFO’s first side event in the framework of the #EUGreenWeek

29.09.2020. La Semana Verde Europea (#EUGreenWeek), organizada por la Comisión Europea, se centra este año en la naturaleza y la biodiversidad. La Fundación Finnova, junto con el Ayuntamiento de Vilamarxant (Valencia), ha preparado un evento off-site para formar parte de una semana que marcará un hito en el camino hacia la Conferencia de las Partes (COP15) del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica.

El evento realizado en línea el viernes 25 de septiembre de 2020, fue un seminario sobre  la financiación de la Unión Europea para proyectos innovadores para combatir los incendios forestales y proteger la biodiversidad.

El mayor número de  participantes en Zoom fue de 34 ; sin embargo , el número total de personas registradas en Zoom para el evento fue de 56  (pero no todas se conectaron al mismo tiempo). Además, cabe destacar que el evento se retransmitió en la página de Facebook de @ CILIFO.UE y tuvo 112 visitas. Sin embargo, se estima que un total de  169 personas accedieron al webinar  (56 registradas por Zoom, más  112 reproducciones  en Facebook).Uno de los principales objetivos de este evento fue abordar los ODS 13 y 15 de la ONU para innovar en la toma de acciones urgentes para combatir el cambio climático y sus efectos, así como para proteger, restaurar y promover el uso sostenible de los ecosistemas terrestres , gestionar los bosques de forma sostenible. , combatir la desertificación, detener y revertir la degradación de la tierra y detener la pérdida de biodiversidad.

Francisco Senra, del Área de Análisis y Gestión del Conocimiento – Subdirección de Incendios Forestales y Otras Emergencias Ambientales – Agencia Andaluza del Agua y del Medio Ambiente (AMAYA) de la Junta de Andalucía (Plan Infoca), fue el encargado de inaugurar las jornadas y presentó el Proyecto CILIFO. Posteriormente, Xavi Jorge Cerdá, concejal de Innovación del Ayuntamiento de Vilamarxant (Valencia), intervino como representante del municipio que se presentó como antena del Laboratorio de Innovación Abierta Contra Incendios-CILIFO.

Los panelistas que completaron el bloque de lucha contra incendios forestales y protección de la biodiversidad y la naturaleza fueron el director general de Prevención de Incendios Forestales de la Consejería de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica – Generalitat Valenciana (GVA), Diego Marín Fabra; la investigadora del Grupo de Incendios Forestales del Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (INIA / iuFOR), Mercedes Guijarro; el gerente de la Fundación Andanatura para el Desarrollo Socioeconómico Sostenible, Julio Campos Vidiella, quien habló sobre desarrollo sostenible y emprendimiento en el medio rural y natural.

Luego fue el turno de la CMO de la Fundación Finnova, Lola Bordás, quien presentó la aceleradora / incubadora del proyecto Firefighting Open Innovation Lab-CILIFO; y el director de proyectos y responsable de recursos humanos y formación de la Fundación Finnova, Alberto Navarro, habló sobre formación y juventud en CILIFO. Como ejemplos de casos de buenas prácticas, Juan Sebastiá Porstalé de WildFire Security explicado el sistema SAVAIF; y el CEO de Lluvia Sólida, Ing. Leonardo Rico Fernández, habló sobre la lucha contra incendios con Lluvia Sólida.

El director de Proyectos de Innovación de EIT Climate-KIC, Javier Cañas Andreu, y el director de Fondos Europeos de la Fundación Finnova, Juan Viesca, hablaron sobre la financiación de la Unión Europea para proyectos innovadores en el sector del fuego.

La jornada finalizó con la presentación de la 2ª edición de los CILIFO – Firefighting StartUp Europe Awards (SEUA – CILIFO) 2020, una iniciativa impulsada por la Comisión Europea, apoyada por el Comité de las Regiones y el Parlamento Europeo; e implementado por Finnova Foundation en colaboración con StartUp Europe.

La Fundación Finnova forma parte de la asociación pública-privada que integra el Proyecto CILIFO, financiado en un 75% por el Programa de Cooperación Transfronteriza España – Portugal – POCTEP de Interreg VA (2014-2020), y  será el organismo responsable de unir dos territorios a priori alejados pero que tienen muchos retos en común . CILIFO actúa para fortalecer y unir la cooperación, los procedimientos de trabajo y la formación entre los mecanismos de Prevención y Extinción de Incendios Forestales en el área de cooperación de la Eurorregión Alentejo – Algarve – Andalucía y está liderado por la  Junta de Andalucía .


Premios StartUp Europe ( ) es una iniciativa promovida por la Comisión Europea, apoyada por el Comité de las Regiones y el Parlamento Europeo; e implementado por la Fundación Finnova ( ) en colaboración con StartUp Europe.

StartUp Europe Awards (SEUA) es una herramienta de innovación abierta que permite a las empresas identificar nuevas empresas con talento, capaces de resolver los desafíos actuales en múltiples áreas. En este sentido, la misión de Finnova con esta iniciativa es ayudar a las start-ups y scale-ups a ser más eficientes, inteligentes y exitosas.

Además, SEUA pretende incidir en el proceso de scale-up, por lo que propone una nueva estrategia de innovación a través del cual los nuevos emprendedores van más allá de sus límites y desarrollan la cooperación con organizaciones o profesionales externos.

Se trata de una herramienta de innovación abierta para identificar start-ups innovadoras con potencial, capaces de resolver los retos actuales en el ámbito de la gestión de incendios forestales. El objetivo es localizar aquellos que ofrecen productos, servicios o metodologías que abordan las tres fases en la lucha contra incendios 1) Prevención 2) Acción 3) Regeneración. Deben proporcionar una mejora en la eficiencia de los recursos en la extinción de incendios; herramientas tecnológicas; conciencia social; comportamiento del fuego; patrones espaciales y temporales de fuego; meteorología de incendios y clasificación de peligro de incendios; técnicas de extinción de incendios; detección terrestre, aérea y espacial;restauracion; etc.

El objetivo es identificar y apoyar a estos emprendedores y conseguir que estas buenas ideas se implementen en beneficio de la sociedad en su conjunto generando una asociación pública-privada que conduzca a la redacción de proyectos y así acceso a fondos de la Unión Europea.

Grupo destinatario : emprendedores y start-ups con ideas / proyectos relacionados con la lucha contra los incendios forestales en las 3 áreas de actuación del proyecto CILIFO: Prevención, Acción y Regeneración.

La primera edición de estos premios se celebró en la COP25 de diciembre de 2019. Allí, la CEO de la start-up Drone Hopper, Ana Pérez, presentó su proyecto dedicado al diseño, fabricación y comercialización de drones de alta capacidad, destinado a la lucha contra el fuego y la protección del medio ambiente. Esta empresa fue ganadora del premio principal en la categoría Firefighting-Climate Change de la SEUA 2019 y forma parte del programa StartUp Europe Accelerator de la Fundación Finnova, gracias al cual recibo ayuda y mentoría para presentar su proyecto, pudiendo así obtener 50.000 € del programa SME Instrument (que lo acredita como uno de los proyectos más innovadores a nivel europeo).

La segunda edición de los premios Firefighting StartUp Europe Awards se lanzó el viernes 25 de septiembre y la ceremonia final está prevista para tener lugar durante la  Semana Europea para la Reducción de Residuos (EWWR ) en noviembre de 2020, en una iniciativa que tiene como objetivo promover e implementar recursos sostenibles. y acciones de sensibilización sobre la gestión de residuos durante una semana y para fomentar acciones sostenibles para reducir los residuos en Europa.

Próximamente se comunicará más información sobre estos premios.

Beatriz Martínez Muñoz
Responsable de Comunicación y Proyectos Europeos de la Fundación


Registration is now open for Side Events in the framework of the European Week of the Regions and Cities 2020 (#EURegionsWeek 2020)

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual event in which cities and regions show their ability to créate growth, to implement the cohesion policy of the European Union and to demonstrate the importance of a good European governance at a local and regional level.

Side Events are closely linked to the European Week of the Regions and Cities 2020 due to their proximity in topics, in time (5-9 October 2020, 12- 16 October 2020, 19-22 October 2020) and in formats (digital). Nevertheless, Side Events are not part of the official programme of the European Week of the Regions and Cities

This year, Side Events are going to be distributed among three different periods of time according to their thematic priority:

• 5-9 October 2020: Empowering Citizens.

• 12-16 October 2020: Cohesion and cooperation.

• 19-22 October 2020: Green Europe, in cooperation with the Green Week.

The application form should be filled before 2 September 2020.

How to apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online in due time. The link between your Side Event and the thematic priority 2020 of your choice must be specified in the application form, so the attractiveness of the event for participants of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020 is demonstrated. Submitted applications will be assessed and only a limited number of Side Events will be selected.

Please contact the Finnova Foundation for further information:

  • Lola Bordás, CMO at Finnova
  • Beatriz Martínez, EU Project Officer and CommunicationOfficer at Finnova

Fast track to innovation programme: ACTIONS GRANTS 2020​ €300 MILLION (2018-2020), deadline 27 October 2020

For public bodies or non-profit organisations with legal personality established in a participating country.

Fast Track to Innovation provides funding for bottom-up proposals for close-to-market innovation activities in any area of technology or application. This thematic openness – combined with the possibility for all kinds of innovation actors to work together and deliver innovation onto the market and/or into society – is set to nurture trans – disciplinary and cross – sectoral cooperation.  

The programme has the following objectives:

  • To reduce time from idea to market.
  • To stimulate the participation of first-time applicants to EU research and innovation funding.
  • To increase private sector investment in research and innovation. 

The Programme 2018-2020 has a total budget of €300 million and is derived from the Horizon 2020 priority “Societal Challenges” and the specific objective “Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEITs)”. 

The call will be opened until 27 October 2020. 

As for other innovation actions, EU funding levels are fixed at 70% of the eligible costs. The maximum EU contribution per action amounts to €3 million. Time-to-grant for participants is targeted to be six months at most. 

Proposals must be created and submitted by a representative/contact person of the coordinating organisation.  The proposal itself consists of 2 main parts:

  • Administrative forms (structured information of the basic administrative data, declarations of partners, organisations and contact persons, etc.). 
  • Technical annex, which is the detailed description of the planned research and innovation project outlining work packages, costs, etc.

Actions are to be ‘business-driven’ because they are intended to give breakthrough innovation ideas the last push before shaking up the market. Substantial industry involvement in FTI actions is mandatory to ensure quick market take-up (‘quick’ meaning within a three-year period after the start of the FTI-action). 

For Proposals for funding must be submitted by consortia comprising between three and five legal entities established in at least three different EU Member States or countries associated to Horizon 2020. 

This industry involvement implies, either the allocation of at least 60% of the budget to industry participants in the consortium, or the presence of a minimum number of two industry participants in a consortium of three or four partners, or of three industry participants in a consortium of five partners.

For more information:

Cristina Tavío, Project Manager at Finnova Foundation 

Tel: +32 492 41 53 39 



For traditional large-scale projects that contribute to the fight against climate change in the areas of mitigation, adaptation and governance and information.

LIFE ClimateAction sub-programme aims specifically to fulfil the following objectives of LIFE programme

  • To contributeto the shift towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient economy; 
  • To improve the development, implementation and enforcement of Union climate policy and legislation; 
  • To act as a catalystfor, and promote, the integration and mainstreaming of climate objectives into other Union policies and public and private sector practice.

The LIFE Climate Action call for proposals will close on 6 October 2020. Of the €3.4 billion allocated to the LIFE programme, the Climate Action sub-programme has been endowed with a total of €864 million, of which €413 million have been allocated for the 2018-2020 period. 

The LIFE 2020 call for the Climate Action sub-programme has €74.1 million

The co-financing percentage for traditional projects is 55%.

Certain projects or specific actions could directly or indirectly target problems linked with the management of COVID-19 pandemic.

The LIFE Climate Action sub-program encompasses three priority areas:

  • Mitigation of climate change (€35.9 million): renewable energies, energy efficiency, farming, land use, and peatland management.
  • Adaptation to climate change (€30.2 million): resilience to water scarcity, droughts, forest fires or floods, adaptive technologies for economic sectors, and safeguarding natural resources.
  • Governance and information (€8 million): awareness raising, training and capacity building, law compliance and enforcement, knowledge development and stakeholder participation.

Should be used eProposal web application to build and submit the application.

Among the beneficiaries of these funds there are:

  • Public bodies operating under a national government’s authority (e.g. local authorities, national administrations, etc.),
  • Private commercial organisations,
  • Private non-commercial organisations (NGOs etc.).

Important to note, UK applicants and beneficiaries remain eligible to receive LIFE fundsThis applies to existing grants, ongoing procedures and calls for proposals published in 2020 even if the grant is signed after 31 December 2020. 

For more information:

Cristina Tavío | Project Manager at Finnova Foundation 

Tel: +32 492 41 53 39





For large-scale projects requiring more than 7,5 million EUROS.

The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies.  The Innovation Fund is endowed with 450 million euros to which the unallocated funds from the NER 300 Programme will be added. Thus, for the period 2020-2030, the fund could amount to some €10 billion depending on the carbon price.

Applications for the large-scale projects call are divided into two stages: the first is until 29 October 2020 and will be made through the Funding and Tenders Portal; the second one, until 23 June 2021.

The Innovation

Fund aims to finance a varied project pipeline achieving an optimal balance of a wide range of innovative technologies. Among the main objectives of the Innovation Fund are the following:

– To create clean and renewable energy projects in intensive industries.

–  To share economic risks: this grant covers up to 60% of capital and operating costs.

–   To provide support in a flexible way.

–   To simplify the selection process application.

–   To strengthen collaboration with other European projects.

Two informative webinars have been planned. In the first one, held on 14 July 2020the first stage of the application (step by step) was discussed. The second will be held on 15 September 2020 and will deal with GHG emissions avoidance and FAQs.

This call is aimed at large-scale projects (over €7,5 million) in the following sectors:

  • Renewable energies
  • Energy intensive industries, including carbon capture, storage and use (CCU and CSS)
  • Energy storage
  • Substitute products and cross-cutting projects

For more information, please contact The Finnova Foundation:

Juventude Notícias pt

The Finnova Foundation reaffirms its involvement with young people on International Youth Day

  • Under the motto “The commitment of youth to global action” the UN aims to emphasize the key role of young people in improving national and international political and social processes
  • The health crisis representing a loss of 25 million jobs and the climate emergency are two of the challenges this population faces
  • Thanks to the Finnova Foundation, a total of 400 young people have been able to improve professionally and train in European affairs, using European funds
  • The Finnova Foundation participates in two European projects YES and YOUEUROPE, where young people debate the future of the EU


Brussels, 12/08/2020– Today is the International Youth Day, a date that commemorates the importance of youth participation through actions and initiatives in building a better future. This 2020, the United Nations has especially reiterated the global commitment that this part of the population has in the current challenges of the Covid-19, climate change and political and social responsibility.

There are currently 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 15 and 35 in the world, which represents the largest population throughout history. Due to the health crisis, 25 million jobs are expected to be lost, with this third of the world’s population being the most vulnerable and economically affected. In particular, countries such as Spain have not used 14 billion euros of European funds from 2014-2020 for social integration and work for young people under 30 within the Youth Guarantee framework. This is why the Finnova Foundation, a European leader in the support and training of young people offers them the opportunity to receive professional training through its learning by doing methodology within its headquarters in the European quarter of Brussels, Valencia and Seville.

Since 2012, the Finnova Foundation has trained a total of 400 young people in European affairs, emphasizeing international training programs that will facilitate their incorporation into the labour market. Natalia Cediel, one of the young trainees currently based in Brussels at the Department of Communication and Translation through the Spanish Youth Guarantee Programme, says that “the internship at the Fundación Finnova is a constant learning experience in my field, a professional immersion that fits my situation and many young people like me who have finished their studies during the Covid-19 crisis”. In addition to this declaration, Catalina Mejías, who is doing her internship in the same department, assures that “having the opportunity to work in a situation like the current one in Brussels has been a lifesaver for me and my professional future, since after the State of Alarm was declared I have had to return home after 5 years, just when I was trying to be independent”.

Another challenge in which young people have been involved is that of climate emergency. Currently, this is one of the most commented and debated intergenerational issues. Since 2019, tens of thousands of young students have taken the streets protesting and committed to the cause. Even these funds previously mentioned in Spain would have been used to fight climate change, through new urban waste management, water reuse and the use of renewable energies. For this reason, the Finnova Foundation continues to advocate for innovation in the field of the environment and climate change. It trains young people to make a proper use of these economic resources that they have at their disposal and ignore, due to the poor management of this money by the public sector.

The Finnova Foundation provides training for young people in European funding systems and mentoring in project presentation, including European Commission programmes such as LIFE (focused on climate change), and Horizon 2020 (involved with the Green Pact). José Antonio Troyano, philologist in the Department of Communication, says that the Introduction to European Funding course “has helped me to know and put into practice knowledge about real problems that the European Union is trying to eradicate through programmes such as LIFE. Thanks to this training, I will know how to carry out professional projects on which I have always wanted to embark”

Because of these crises, the European Union has recently agreed on the biggest leap in its budgetary model, since it has established the multiannual financial framework 30 years ago and doubled the resources allocated to cohesion. The 27 partners of the Union, unanimously, have agreed to establish a reactivation fund to alleviate the economic damage of the Covid-19 endowed with 750 billion euros and a financial framework for 2021-2027 of more than a billion euros. Spain will receive 140 billion euros, of which 72 billion will be a non-refundable aid. The reform plan to be presented from Spain to access these funds will give priority to the digital and green transition as well as to the training of students and workers.

Today, political and social responsibility on the part of young people is more than ever a necessity where dialogue is in the first place. That is why, within the European context, raising awareness of the civil population (especially young Eurosceptics) is promoted by encouraging strategic engagement with the media; helping to make their voice heard. According to official data from a Eurobarometer survey, youth participation has increased by 50% more than in 2014, when only 28% participated.

The Finnova Foundation is committed to the involvement of European youth in the political and social life of Europe against Euroscepticism. For instance, the recently approved project “Youth Empowerment for Solidarity” (YES) within the “Europe for Citizens” programme. The proposal emphasises the priority of young people participation through an initiative covering the exchange of ideas between young people from 7 different European cities. This project will promote the social, cultural and political integration of young people in the construction and decision-making processes of the EU, by dealing with basic issues such as education or European values.

“YES” is not the only project that Finnova has carried out to promote young people proactivity within the “Europe for Citizens” programme. “YOUROPE: joining paths to build a better perception of Europe” focuses on the importance of youth for the present and future of Europe. Through a network of 8 European cities, the main goal is to fight against Eurosceptic rhetoric, encouraging its participants to open a dialogue and developing inclusive pro-European rhetoric at a local level.

The motto “Youth Engagement for Global Action” promoted by the United Nations seeks to highlight the duty of young people at the local, national and international level. From the Finnova Foundation, the enrichment of these practices becomes a reality thanks to their participation and innovation emerging by conducting these new social projects. All of this by young people willing to contribute to the creation of sustainable policies, achieving a joint collaboration that defends the importance of international cooperation.

About the Finnova Foundation

European Foundation for the funding of Innovation. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, UN ODS, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organizes the Startup Europe Awards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognize the best European startups in the social field.

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