Day: October 21, 2020
More than 100 people attend the third CILIFO webinar as part of #EUGreenWeek2020
21.10.2020. European Green Week (#EUGreenWeek), organised by the European Commission, focuses this year on nature and biodiversity. The Finnova Foundation, the entity which will benefit from the INTERREG-CILIFO project, prepared a localised event to form part of a week which will act as a milestone on the way to the Conference of the Parties (COP…
The seventh edition of the Ateneo Startup Europe Accelerator Awards will be presented in #EUGreenWeek
Brussels, 21.10.2020 – Once again, and for the seventh consecutive year, the ‘Ateneo Club de Innovación y Empresa’, thanks to the collaboration with the ‘Fundación Finnova’, the sponsorship of “Caixa Popular” and with the media support of the European Union and Valencia Activa, presents the ‘Ateneo StartUp Europe Accelerator 2020’ award, which will allow a…