Finnova Foundation

General-pt becomes a media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 for Italy

eunews-300x78Eunews is an editorial start-up for European information. It is the first Italian newspaper with central editorial staff in Brussels and correspondence office in Rome, Milan and other European capitals. Eunews is addressed both to citizens and entreprises interested in independent, critic and first-hand information about European news, from policy programs to measures with normative and regulatory effect at all levels in our country.

The main idea is to support the creation of a public opinion aware of Europe, and to offer a direct connection with the European decision makers.

From now onwards, Eunews is a new media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 (SEUA16), which is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by the Foundation Finnova, with the support of StartUp Europe. This initiative aims at gathering all the startups awards organisers across Europe under the umbrella of the StartUp Europe Awards Alliance. Thus, the winners in each member state’s startups awards will become national candidates for the final phase of the StartUp Europe Awards to be held in the first quarter 2017.

As media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards, Eunews will follow the progress of the national Italian startups in their progress through the SEUA16.

More info: 


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DAW Conference chooses the 3 startups to represent Belgium in the European Final of StartUp Europe Awards 2016


  • Ozentic, Yeba Essentials and Nappytalia are the winners of the Belgium National Final of the #SEUA2016
  • DAW Conference bet on women-led startups for the StartUp Europe Awards

On September 22, during the DAW Conference closing ceremony at the European Parliament, Bogdan Ceobanu, Policy Officer at European Commission representing Startup Europe, presented the winners of the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 for Belgium.

The jury chose Yeba” as the winner in the Creative category, a Belgian brand which designs chic business bags for modern and active women; Ozentic, a startup that digitalises certificates of authenticity, as the winner of the ICT category; and Nappytalia, natural and local products for women’s hair, as the winner of the Social category.


In his speech, Ceobanu explained that the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 is an initiative promoted by the European Commission, with the support of Startup Europe and implemented by Finnova, whose final European ceremony will be held in the first quarter of 2017. “We aim to help European entrepreneurs to create companies, to help them to grow them bigger and recently we started to think internationally. We believe that there’s a huge global opportunity and people from everywhere in the world can have a massive impact in this world. It’s just matter of having a great idea and working on it”, Ceobanu remarked.

The jury was composed of Brian Rashid, Silicon Valley Start-Up Trainer and Motivational Speaker; Alexandra Dreschner, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at UCB (CSR); Haweya Mohammed, Co-Founder and Head of Communications at Afrobytes Paris and Jezabel Martínez-Fabregas, Expert in Strategic Communications and Political Marketing. They listened to each of the pitches carefully, asked the startups questions, and finally chose the winners of the Belgian National Final of the SEUA 2016.

Digital African Women launch the first edition of the DAW Conference to give aspiring female African tech entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn, engage and develop their entrepreneurial skills with immersive training, while maximizing their power and use of technology.


For two days, September 21 and 22, different activities took place in the European Parliament, such as panels with international speakers, a workshop and the Pitch Challenge. From August 8 to September 21, the startups registered took part in a 6-week online pitch training program. One of the requirements to participate was that the startup had to be led by a woman, of any background or origin. This training program was a prerequisite to take part in the final Pitch Challenge at the DAW conference on September 22, where they could present their startups in front of the jury and win the chance to be candidates in the European Final of the StartUp Europe Awards 2016.


Press Contact

Catalina Valencia


Startup Europe Map is rapidly growing, are you in?


The Startup Europe Map is an EU-wide map that aims to unite startups, corporates, incubators, accelerators, investors, influencers, universities, public organisations and coworking spaces across Europe.

The Startup Europe Map is a tool of Startup Europe, an initiative of the European Commission that aims to strengthen the business environment for startups growing within the EU.

The objectives of the map are to:

  • Identify all players in the European startup ecosystem
  • Provide a platform that allows all startup players to connect to each other across Europe
  • Show opportunities for startups across Europe, such as funding, co-working spaces, and collaboration opportunities
  • Show the support available for startups from governments and local authorities
  • Make it easier for investors to find projects to invest in
  • Promote transparency in the EU startup ecosystem
  • Promote best practices by making them public

Join Startup Europe Map now!

Please use:
@StartupEUmap – Startup Europe Map account
#StartupEUmap – Special hashtag created for the Startup Europe Map


Elegidas las mejores startups españolas en 9 categorías de StartUp Europe Awards y Startup Olé/ Recognized the best Spanish startups in 9 categories of StartUp Europe Awards 2016 – Startup Olé


  • Las 9 startups ganadoras provenientes de toda España son: Ecoche, WaynaBox BeOnPrice, Human Surge, eKuore, TubEnergy, Komilibro, Apsu, y Discomon- KienMou.
  • Las startups elegidas representarán a España en las finales europeas de StartUp Europe Awards que se celebrarán en Bruselas durante 2017.
  • El objetivo de los premios es destacar modelos locales que sirvan de ejemplo e inspiración y dotar a las startups de una dimensión europea.

El pasado jueves 8 de septiembre en el marco de Startup Olé se entregaron los premios StartUp Europe Awards 2016 España a las startups que representarán a nuestro país en las finales europeas de dichos premios, algunas durante las semanas temáticas de su ámbito, como la Semana del Medio Ambiente o la de la Energía en Bruselas. Estas startups han sido reconocidas anteriormente en 2016 en eventos como ZincShower o Cultural Industries Summit o han sido premiadas en importantes convocatorias como Instrumento Pyme de H2020, Climate KIC, Neotec, entre otros.

La startup BEONPRICE fue la ganadora del Startup Pitching de la Feria Internacional del Emprendimiento Startup Olé 2016 y por lo tanto será la startup TIC que representará a España. BEONPRICE está especializada en soluciones tecnológicas de Revenue Management para ayudar a los hoteles en la toma de decisiones comerciales.


Las startups ganadoras en España según su categoría son: Ecoche (Medio Ambiente), WaynaBox (Turismo), BeOnPrice (TIC´s), Human Surge (Social), eKuore (Salud), TubEnergy (Energía), Komilibro (Industrias Creativas), Apsu (Agua) y Discomon – KienMou (Ciudades).

 “Queremos identificar modelos a imitar en todo los ecosistemas locales de emprendimiento en Europa. Los necesitamos para inspirar a los jóvenes y también para ayudar a las autoridades locales para desarrollar programas hechos a medida, de apoyo y colaboración público – privada. Estos modelos podrán ser utilizados también por los inversores externos para acercarse a sus ecosistemas locales”, comenta Isidro Laso, director de Startup Europe, DG Connect, Comisión Europea.

“Las startups generan innovación que mejora la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, la lucha contra el cambio climático, la integración social o la salud. De esta manera enseñan a la sociedad que cualquier persona, en su ámbito, es capaz de contribuir al progreso con acciones individuales” añade Juan Manuel Revuelta, director de Finnova y de Startup Europe Awards.

StartUp Europe Awards es una iniciativa promovida por la Comisión Europea e implementada por la Fundación Finnova en colaboración con Startup Europe, con el doble propósito de crear una alianza de entidades de apoyo al emprendimiento y la innovación y por otro lado, de reconocer el duro trabajo llevado a cabo por las startups dirigidas por europeos/as y establecidas en Asia, Europa, Latinoamérica, Israel y Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Estados Unidos, en cinco niveles (local, provincial, regional, nacional y europeo).

Los ganadores recibirán, además del pase a las finales, visibilidad en Europa y asesoría para acceder a recursos que ofrece la Unión Europea en financiación, internacionalización, networking, lobbying y comunicación a través de la Fundación Finnova y los partners de StartUp Europe Awards.

Hasta el momento, StartUp Europe Awards ha reconocido a nivel nacional a startups de Irlanda y España, en los próximos tres meses reconocerá a emprendedores de Finlandia, Italia, Grecia, UK, Bélgica, Eslovenia y Croacia, y otros por confirmar. StartUp Europe Awards cuenta en la actualidad con 15 media partners de toda Europa, entre los que destacan el programa Emprende de Televisión Española, The Independent Irlanda, Forbes y Startups Portugal.

Contacto prensa

Catalina Valencia


  • The 9 winning startups from all over Spain are: Ecoche, WaynaBox, BeOnPrice, Human Surge, eKuore, TubEnergy, Komilibro, Apsu, and Discomon- KienMou.
  • The selected startups will represent Spain in the European finals of the StartUp Europe Awards to be held in Brussels during 2017.
  • The aim of the SEUA 2016 Awards is to highlight local successful models that serve as an example and inspiration for others, and give startups a European dimension.

On Thursday 8 September, the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 recognized 9 startups at the Startup Olé event held in Salamanca, which will go on to represent Spain in the European finals of these awards in Brussels. These startups have previously been recognized in events like ZincShower and Cultural Industries Summit, or in important calls such as H2020 SME Instrument, Climate KIC and Neotec, among others.

The startup ‘BEONPRICE’ won the ‘Startup Pitching International Fair of Entrepreneurship Startup Olé 2016’ award and will therefore represent Spain in the ICT category at SEUA2016 in Brussels. BEONPRICE specializes in Revenue Management technology solutions that help hotels to make business decisions.

The winning startups in Spain are, by category: Ecoche (Environment), WaynaBox (Tourism), BeOnPrice (ICTs), Human Surge (Social), eKuore (Health), TubEnergy (Energy), Komilibro (Creative Industries) Apsu (water) and Discomon – KienMou (Cities).

“We want to identify successful models and replicate these across all the local startup ecosystems of Europe. We need these to inspire young people and also help local authorities to develop tailor-made programmes, support programmes and for public-private collaboration. These models will be used many times by external investors to approach local ecosystems”, states Isidro Laso, Director of Startup Europe, DG Connect, European Commission.

“Startups generate innovation that improves citizens’ quality of life, social integration, as well as environment and health issues. They prove that anyone in their field can contribute to making progress by taking individual action” added Juan Manuel Revuelta, director of Finnova and StartUp Europe Awards.

StartUp Europe Awards is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by Finnova, in collaboration with Startup Europe, with the dual purpose of creating an alliance of institutions to support entrepreneurship and innovation and on the other hand, to reward startups across Europe for their work in nine different areas (cities, creative industries, energy, green, social innovation, tourism, ICTs, water and health), across five levels (local, provincial, regional, national and European).

The winners of the StartUp Europe Awards  will gain huge visibility across Europe and access to a mentoring programme  (on European funds, communication, lobbying, etc.), through Finnova Foundation and the partners of the StartUp Europe Awards, allowing them to develop their projects and make them more viable at a European level.


Press contact

Catalina Valencia


Premiadas las mejores administraciones públicas en apoyo al emprendimiento y al talento en el marco de StartUp Olé y StartUp Europe Awards/ Awarded the best Spanish Public Administrations in support of the entrepreneurship and talent under StartUp Olé and StartUp Europe Awards


  • Se trata de un premio pionero, por primer vez se entrega un reconocimiento a las administraciones públicas que apoyan el emprendimiento.
  • El Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Vigo fue reconocida como Mejor Administración Pública en Apoyo al emprendimiento 2016 en España.
  • El Parque Tecnológico de Fuerteventura elegido como Mejor programa de Retorno y Atracción de talento emprendedor 2016 en España.

Durante la ceremonia de clausura de Startup Olé se entregaron los Recognition Awards 2016, que por primera vez premiaban a las administraciones públicas más destacadas en su apoyo al emprendimiento y a la atracción de talento al territorio. El director de la Fundación Finnova y de StartUp Europe Awards, Juan Manuel Revuelta, afirmó: “Existen muchos premios en el ecosistema emprendedor, pero nunca antes se había reconocido la labor de la Administración Pública en el apoyo al emprendimiento, y consideramos que debe hacerse por la voluntad de los proyectos y porque creemos en la colaboración público – privada como vía de desarrollo económico y de la innovación en los territorios. Hoy es España, pero pretendemos replicar esta iniciativa por toda Europa”

El jurado de “Startup Olé y StartUp Europe Awards Recognition Awards 2016” eligió al Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo como la Mejor Administración Pública en Apoyo al Emprendimiento 2016, galardón que recogió su directora Rosa Eguizábal, por su  compromiso en el apoyo al empleo y el emprendimiento con programas como ViaGalicia, una potente aceleradora de empresas de iniciativa pública que ya va por su cuarta edición y a la que este año se han presentado 236 ideas de negocio; por la gestión de viveros de empresa, el aporte económico para capital semilla y por sus acciones de promoción de la cultura emprendedora.

Por otra parte, también se eligió al Parque Tecnológico de Fuerteventura como Mejor Programa de Retorno y Atracción de talento 2016, premio recogido por su director Eduardo Pereira, por su programa de atracción de startups que en muy poco tiempo ha conseguido, en coordinación con el Cabildo de Fuerteventura, permitir que emprendedores tecnológicos de distintas nacionalidades puedan desarrollar su talento, innovación y desarrollo empresarial en Fuerteventura, generando más de 50 empleos.


Por el nivel de los programas presentados y las presentaciones realizadas, el jurado decidió también entregar 2 accésit en cada una de las categorías: Diputación de Castellón y Ayuntamiento de Logroño como Mejor Administración Pública en apoyo al emprendimiento; y por otra parte Fundación InnDEA – Ayuntamiento de Valencia y el Gobierno Vasco, como Mejor Programa de Retorno y Atracción de talento. Los otros nominados fueron: Diputación de Valencia, SEGITTUR Emprendetur, Diputación de Jaén y Diputación de Pontevedra.

El jurado de “Startup Olé y StartUp Europe Awards Recognition Awards 2016” estuvo integrado por Isidro Laso, Jefe de Sector Startup Europe de la Comisión Europea; Montserrat Pardo, directora de Relaciones Internacionales de Microsoft España; Juan Ignacio Navas, director del bufete de abogados Navas&Cusí; Emilio Corchado, director de Startup Olé y Juan Manuel Revuelta, director de Finnova y StartUp Europe Awards.

Los ganadores de ambos premios podrán beneficiarse por un año del servicio EU Startup Help Desk, de la Fundación Finnova, el cual permitirá disponer de información de primera mano y personalizada sobre convocatorias de financiación Europea, eventos, y búsqueda de socios vinculados a emprendedores en la Unión Europea para sus programas e instrumentos de apoyo.

Además, obtendrán una enorme visibilidad en medios y redes y sociales asociadas al evento, y además formarán parte de la comunicación institucional de “Startup Olé 2017” con un logo de la institución en un lugar privilegiado y dispondrá de todos los derechos de sponsor (valorado en 15.000€) y disposición de un stand en Startup Olé 2017.

En el marco de los Recognition Awards 2016, también se entregaron el Best Media Award 2016 a Juanma Romero director del programa Emprende de TVE, por su reconocida trayectoria en la comunicación y difusión del emprendimiento y el Best Corporate Award a Iberdrola, por el apoyo continuo a iniciativas innovadoras.

Contacto prensa

Catalina Valencia


Awarded the best Spanish Public Administrations in support of the entrepreneurship and talent under StartUp Olé and StartUp Europe Awards

  • This pioneer award for the first time recognizes the support of the Public Administrations to entrepreneurship
  • “Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Vigo” was elected as the Best Public Administration for Startups 2016 in Spain
  • “Parque Tecnológico de Fuerteventura” was recognized as the Best Public Returning Talent Program 2016 in Spain

During the StartUp Olé closing ceremony were presented the Recognition Awards 2016, for the first time rewarded the most distinguished Public Administrations in its support to the entrepreneurship and attraction talent to the territory. The general director for Finnova and StartUp Europe Awards, Juan Manuel Revuelta said: “There are many prizes in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, but never before they had recognized the work of the Public Administration in supporting the entrepreneurship, and we believe that should be done by the project´s will and because we believe in public – private partnerships as a means of economic development and innovation in the territories. Today is Spain, but we pretend to replicate this initiative across Europe”

The jury of “StartUp Olé & StartUp Europe Awards Recognition Awards 2016” chose “Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo” as the Best Public Administration for Startups 2016, an award picked by its director Rosa Eguizábal, for their commitment in supporting employment and entrepreneurship programmes as ViaGalicia, a powerful startup accelerator of public initiative now in its fourth edition and this year there were 236 business ideas; and also for managing business incubators, economic support for seed capital and its promotion of an entrepreneurial culture.

On the other hand, also it was chosen “Parque Tecnológico de Fuerteventura” as the Best Public Returning Talent Programme 2016, an award picked by its director Eduardo Pereira, for their programmes to attract startups that in a very short time it managed to, in coordination with Cabildo de Fuerteventura, let technology entrepreneurs of different nationalities to develop their talent, innovation and business development in Fuerteventura, generating more than 50 jobs.

The jury also presented two secundary awards in each category: “Diputación de Castellón” and “Ayuntamiento de Logroño” as the Best Public Administration for Startups 2016; and “Fundación InnDEA – Ayuntamiento de Valencia” and “Gobierno Vasco”, the Best Public Returning Talent Program 2016. The other nominees were: “Diputación de Valencia”, “SEGITTUR Emprendetur”, “Diputación de Jaén” and “Diputación de Pontevedra”.

The jury of “StartUp Olé & StartUp Europe Awards Recognition Awards 2016” was composed by Isidro Laso, Head of Sector Startup Europe of the European Commission; Montserrat Pardo, Director of International Relations of Microsoft Spain; Juan Ignacio Navas, Director of lawyer’s office Navas & Cusí; Emilio Corchado, Director of StartUp Olé and Juan Manuel Revuelta, Director for Finnova and StartUp Europe Awards.

The winners of both awards will benefit from a year of service from EU Startup Help Desk of Finnova Foundation, which will offer personalized and first hand information on calls for European funding, events, and finding partners linked to entrepreneurs in the European Union for its support programs and instruments.

Also, they will get a huge visibility in media and social networks associated with the event, and  they will be part of the corporate communication of “Startup Olé 2017” with a logo of the institution in a privileged area and will have all the sponsors rights (valued € 15,000).

Under the Recognition Awards 2016 were also given the Best Media Award 2016 to Juanma Romero, Director of the TV programme Emprende TVE, for its career in the communication and dissemination of the entrepreneurship and the Best Corporate Award to Iberdrola, for its continued support to innovative initiatives.


Press Contact

Catalina Valencia


Finnova participa en el programa Emprendedores de Esteban Rodrigo en NewsFM / Finnova participates in the radio show “Entrepreneurs” by Esteban Rodrigo in NewsFM

El director de fondos europeos de Finnova, Juan Viesca y la responsable de comunicación de emprendimiento de Finnova, Catalina Valencia han sido invitados al programa Emprendedores que dirige Esteban Rodrigo en la emisora NewsFM. Durante la entrevista, Juan Viesca contó a los oyentes sobre los diferentes programas  de financiación que ofrece la Unión Europea para proyectos innovadores como Erasmus para Jóvenes Emprendedores, Instrumento Pyme, Fast Track to Innovation, Programa LIFE, entre otros. También destaco los proyectos H2020 y específicamente a NOBEL GRID, en el que participa Finnova y está liderado por el grupo valenciano ETRA, como un tractor de startups y emprendimiento en el desarrollo de software y dispositivos en el campo de las smart grids o redes eléctricas.


Por su parte, Catalina Valencia presentó el programa StartUp Europe Accelerator para jóvenes españoles con ideas emprendedoras innovadoras y animó a los oyentes a participar en el Jueves Europeo de la Diputación de Valencia co-organizado por Finnova. También habló sobre el itinerario Capacities de Finnova y el programa EU Training Platform, que ofrecen asesoría e información para aprender a redactar proyectos europeos “se tenga o no un proyecto propio, pues también puedes ayudar a otros emprendedores con sus respectivas memorias”.

Juan Viesca aseguró que “si los emprendedores valencianos no aprovechan los recursos que ofrece la Unión Europea, otros sí lo harán”, mientras que Catalina Valencia alentó a las startups a quitar prejuicios sobre la imposibilidad de entrar en un proyecto europeo “es complejo, pero vale la pena intentarlo. Tenemos varios casos de éxito como Ekuore o Latipp que así lo demuestran”.

En este programa, el último de la temporada de Emprendedores, también participó Carmina Abad de AVACIP, quien brindó valiosos consejos a los emprendedores sobre imagen y presencia pública a la hora de presentar su proyecto ante posibles inversores.

Aquí podrás escuchar el programa completo de Emprendedores NewsFM del 27 de julio.


Finnova participates in the radio show “Entrepreneurs” by Esteban Rodrigo in NewsFM

The director of European funds for Finnova, Juan Viesca and the communication manager in entrepreneurship for Finnova, Catalina Valencia have been invited to radio show Entrepreneurs  directed by Esteban Rodrigo at NewsFM station. During the interview, Juan Viesca told about different funding programs that the European Union provides for innovative projects such as Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, SME instrument, Fast Track to Innovation, LIFE Program, among others. He also highlighted the H2020 projects and specifically NOBEL GRID, which Finnova participates and is led by ETRA Valencian group, such as a tractor for startups and entrepreneurship in developing software and devices in the field of smart grids.

Meanwhile, Catalina Valencia encouraged listeners to participate in the European Thursday of the Council of Valencia co-organized by Finnova and also presented StartUp Europe Accelerator a program for young Spanish entrepreneurs. She talked about the Capacities itinerary of Finnova and the EU Training Platform, offering training to learn to write European projects “it it works if you have or not your own project, because you can also help other entrepreneurs with their memories. “

Juan Viesca said that “if the Valencians entrepreneurs do not take advantage of the resources that the European Union offers, others will” while Catalina Valencia encouraged startups to remove prejudices about the impossibility of entering a European project “is complex, but It’s worth a try. We have several success stories as Ekuore or Latipp to prove it. “

In this program, the last of the season, also participated Carmina Abad from AVACIP, who gave valuables advices to entrepreneurs about public image and presence in presenting their project to potential investors.


The Nordic Web becomes media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards for the Nordic countries.

 nordic webThe Nordic Web is a digital media focused on the improvements that Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland have made to the Internet and technology, which are extremely impressive. The Nordic Web takes an in-depth look at the Nordic technology scene, and provides data-driven insight and analyses on one of the World’s most interesting and important startup ecosystems.

From now onwards, The Nordic Web is a new media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 (SEUA16), which is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by the Foundation Finnova, with the support of StartUp Europe. This initiative aims at gathering all the startups awards organisers across Europe under the umbrella of the StartUp Europe Awards Alliance. Thus, the winners from the startups awards held in each member state will become national candidates for the final phase of the StartUp Europe Awards to be held in December 2016.

As media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards, The Nordic Web will follow the progress of the startups coming from Sweden, Finland and Denmark in their progress through the SEUA16.

More info:

Be tuned:

  • @StartUpEUAwards
  • StartUp Europe Awards


Croatia Week Online Magazine becomes media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards for Croatia.

croatiaweekCroatia Week Online Magazine is one of the world’s leading portals with dedicated nosiness news and with an especial focus on entrepreneurship in Croatia. Based in the Croatian capital Zagreb, their team of journalists and contributors provide a combination of current events and interesting interviews and reviews to give you a unique insight into Croatian life today. Croatia Week currently is read in over 70 countries around the globe and is considered one of the most respected sources for Croatian news in the English language.

From now onwards, Croatia Week Online Magazine is a new media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 (SEUA16), which is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by the Foundation Finnova, with the support of StartUp Europe. This initiative aims at gathering all the startups awards organisers across Europe under the umbrella of the StartUp Europe Awards Alliance. Thus, the winners in each member state’s startups awards will become national candidates for the final phase of the StartUp Europe Awards to be held in December 2016.

As media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards, Croatia Week Online Magazine will follow the progress of the national Croatian startups in their progress through the SEUA16.

More info:

Be tuned:

  • @StartUpEUAwards
  • StartUp Europe Awards



FrenchWeb becomes media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards for France. is a digital media focusing on different initiatives concerning French actors around the world. This media has gathered the most important French professionals, entrepreneurs, experts and investors from France to provide the audience with the latest news in the innovation sector.

From now onwards, French Web is a new media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards 2016 (SEUA16), which is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by the Foundation Finnova, with the support of StartUp Europe. This initiative aims at gathering all the startups awards organisers across Europe under the umbrella of the StartUp Europe Awards Alliance. Thus, the winners in each member state’s startups awards will become national candidates for the final phase of the StartUp Europe Awards to be held in December 2016.

As media partner for the StartUp Europe Awards, will follow the progress of the national French startups in their progress through the SEUA16.

More info:

Be tuned:

  • @StartUpEUAwards
  • StartUp Europe Awards



The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED), new member of the StartUp Europe Awards Alliance


The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek Organization committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancing of the spirit of entrepreneurship. This organisation has just been added into the StartUp Europe Awards Alliance, being the Greek representative in this European competition rewarding entrepreneurship in the EU. This Alliance aims at gathering all the startups awards organisers around Europe in four levels (local, provincial, regional and national). The winners from each member state’s national contest in the eight categories (Cities, Creative Industries, ICTs, Green, Energy, Tourism, Social Innovation and Water) will come to the European final ceremony to be held in December 2016.

The iED’s main mission is to recognise entrepreneurship as a crucial factor for the development and cohesion of societies, by developing research and being in a position to provide innovative solutions that ease the growth of healthy entrepreneurship and promote employment. They adopt an anthropocentric approach and cooperate with social, academic and business partners, from Greece and abroad, aiming at producing know how, promoting entrepreneurial culture and enhancing the effectiveness and viability of enterprises.

StartUp Europe Awards is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by the Foundation Finnova, with the support of the StartUp Europe, aiming at rewarding and promoting the entrepreneurship in the European Union.


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