Finnova Foundation

Finnova launches S-MOVING Startup Europe Awards - Finnova Foundation

Finnova launches S-MOVING Startup Europe Awards

  • Last February 17th, at Transfiere Finnova launched a new edition of the Startup Europe Awards in the seminar Synergies towards Technology Transfer
  • In this call of S-Moving Startup Europe Awards, three challenges were launched: “Biogas as an alternative and energy decarbonisation process in tourist mobility”, “Biogas as a decarbonisation process in the public transport system” and “Km 0 or Food Miles for the use of products generated in a sustainable way in each territory”

In the new edition of the S-Moving Startup Europe Awards, the search is on for the best startup with an innovative and market-applicable project proposal to promote the green transition. To this end, at Transfiere, the largest European forum for science, technology and innovation, held at the Trade Fair and Congress Centre of Malaga (FYCMA) from 15 to 17 February, Finnova launched three challenges: “Biogas as an alternative and energy decarbonisation process in tourist mobility“, “Biogas as a decarbonisation process in the public transport system” and “Km 0 or Food Miles for the use of products generated in a sustainable way in each territory“.

In the first challenge, which aims to accelerate the development of renewable energies, promoting circularity and committing to a more resilient energy system, solutions are sought based on the use of clean, green and renewable energies. This challenge is key to phasing out fossil fuels (gas, oil and coal), one of the objectives of the European Commission’s European Green Pact and RePowerEU.

The second challenge aims to find a project or idea that provides an innovative solution to energy decarbonisation in the public transport system in order to improve the environmental efficiency of buses and other public transport services in cities.

Regarding the last challenge of the S-Moving awards, a startup is sought with a project proposal that allows the promotion and use of Km 0 products generated in a sustainable way in each territory. Thanks to this idea, the carbon footprint and emissions caused by the large cross-border journeys of current products will be minimised, as well as combating the inflation of imported products and supporting local agricultural production.

The three challenges posed for this call for prizes are particularly related to two projects in which the Finnova Foundation collaborates: LIFE ECODIGESTION 2.0, a technology that automates the digesters of wastewater treatment plants to convert organic waste in landfills into biogas, and Hub Iberia Agrotech (HIBA), of the Interreg Spain – Portugal programme (POCTEP) to promote an ecosystem and Agrodigitalisation based on a Digital Innovation Hubs Network (DIHs).

These challenges were presented at the seminar LIFE EDODIGESTION 2.0 – Synergies towards Technology Transfer on 17 February at Transfiere. As for the awards ceremony, which is an open innovation tool to identify disruptive startups that promote public-private collaboration and the fight against climate change, it will be held in the framework of Greencities and S-Moving in FYCMA on Wednesday, 20 and Thursday, 21 September. It is also worth mentioning that the startups that present themselves will be able to promote European demonstration projects in programmes such as LIFE and Horizon Europe with grants of between 500,000 and 15 million euros.

Register here to participate and know more about the challenges.

About Startup Europe Awards

The Startup Europe Awards (SEUA) is an initiative driven by the European Commission, implemented by the Finnova Foundation in collaboration with StartUp Europe. It is an open innovation tool that allows companies to identify talented startups capable of solving today’s challenges in multiple areas. Its mission is to help Startups and Scaleups become more efficient, smarter and more successful. These awards are a useful tool to promote knowledge sharing, add value to the entrepreneurial ecosystem and help startups to grow and position themselves in the market.


It is a demonstration pilot project, funded by the LIFE programme and with a budget of more than 970,000 euros, which generates biogas in water treatment plant digesters by mixing putrescible organic waste (slurry, poultry, organic fractions, MSW, horeca, etc.), thus transforming wastewater treatment plant sludge into green energy through technology. The initiative led by Global Omnium, (Spain), in collaboration with the Finnova Foundation (Belgium) and Águas do Centro Litoral (Portugal) aims to become the most versatile digestion control tool on the market by achieving environmental and economic benefits through the production of biogas through optimal waste exploitation. Thanks to this technology, it favours the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the exploitation of sewage sludge generated in wastewater treatment processes, thus achieving a positive impact on the environment. This programme is easily scalable with other funds such as ERDF, NextGenerationEU or Repower EU.

About Hub Iberia Agrotech (HIBA)

It is a 5.3 million Euro project of Interreg Spain – Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation (POCTEP) HIBA to promote a Multi-regional ecosystem focused on the digitisation of the agri-food sector in Spain and Portugal through the creation of a network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), which promote initiative, competitiveness and business sustainability, promoting economic recovery post-Covid19. HIBA has 19 beneficiaries, being the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Andalusian Regional Government the main beneficiary.

About Finnova Foundation

Finnova is the Spanish-Belgian non-profit foundation based in Brussels and Spain, working for the promotion and development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU. Finnova’s experience in leading communication and dissemination activities of European projects is combined with a solid proven track record in business creation and entrepreneurial support programmes, such as accelerators, incubators and events, as well as its commitment to training and employability of young people.

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