Finnova Foundation

Happy Europe Day! - Finnova Foundation

Happy Europe Day!

There is no better time than the Europe day to remind you the different funding programmes that the European Union provides for innovative projects. Take a look at them!

EIC Accelerator pilot (SME Instrument)
In the framework of the Horizon 2020 Programme from the European Commission, the SME instrument is the tool that helps high-potential SMEs to internationalize and develop the most innovative ideas for products, services or processes in the market.
This is a great opportunity for Pymes and startups to access to non-refundable funding from 50.000 to 2.5 million €. The next court dates are the 5 September 2019 for Phase I and from 5 June to 9 October for Phase II.

Fast Track to Innovation
Within the Horizon 2020 framework as well, this European Commission‘s new pilot action is an open call for proposals in any area, sector or theme with pillars of industrial leadership and social challenges, with the purpose of reducing the time it takes for a product, service or process to enter the market.

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Promoted by the European Commission, this cross-border programme permits the exchange of entrepreneurial and management experience, by letting a potential entrepreneur with a well-experienced entrepreneur running a SME in another country.
The amount of the financial support ranges from 500 to 1.000 €, depending on the cost of living of each region.

LIFE Programme
Created in 1992, this EU’s funding instrument targets environmental projects and climate action. The actual budget (for the funding period 2014-2020) reaches the €3.4 billion.

StartUp Europe Awards
These awards are an initiative of the European Commission and Finnova Foundation. Their aim is to foster the open innovation and the collaboration between the different actors of the European ecosystem, as well as creating a network of contacts that will inspire and provided visibility to all the local start-ups.
Currently and till the 15 of May, SEUA is looking for Country Managers, relevant figures in the European entrepreneurial ecosystem that seek to help the organisation of the StartUp Europe Awards at a Country level: they organise contests in their respective country, generating the pool of winners (1 per category) for the European final.

Willing to be a Country Manager? Click here

Do you want to take full advantage of all opportunities that the Europe Union offers? Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!
For European funding:
For mobility:
For StartUp Europe Awards:

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