Finnova Foundation


Youth Programme (Spanish Ministry of Employment)


The Youth Program promoted and funded by the Directorate General of Immigration of the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration from Spain is designed to promote social and professional integration of young Spaniards living abroad under 35 years through specific actions that allow them to continue their education through training programs or internships, professional expertise and entrepreneurship, with the aim of incorporating them into the labor market of the country of residence, and also advanced programs for foreign language, or, where appropriate, the use of his experience to return to Spain.


El Programa Jóvenes, promovido y subvencionado desde la Dirección General de Migraciones de la Secretaría General de Inmigración y Emigración de España, está destinado a favorecer la integración social y laboral de los jóvenes españoles residentes en el exterior menores de 35 años mediante actuaciones específicas que les permitan continuar con su formación a través de programas de formación o prácticas en empresas, de especialización profesional y de emprendimiento, con el objetivo de su incorporación en el mercado laboral del país de residencia, así como programas de perfeccionamiento de lengua extranjera, o en su caso, el aprovechamiento de su experiencia para el retorno a España.

Finnova coordina dos iniciativas que cuentan con el apoyo del Programa Jóvenes: StartUp Europe Accelerator y EU Training Platform 

Conoce más sobre los Programas Jóvenes AQUÍ


Finnova and Adapt Chile sign up an agreement to fight the climate change/ Finnova y Adapt Chile aúnan fuerzas para luchar contra el cambio climático

firma convenio 5(ENGLISH VERSION) Finnova and Adapt Chiles have signed a collaboration agreement to promote, disseminate, enable and advise associated municipalities and cities in the topics related to Climate Change, thus promoting intercollaboration in this area.

Within the framework of the Circular Economy Mission in Chile, the General Director of Finnova, Juan Manuel Revuelta highlighted the Belgian Foundation’s committment with the fight against the climate change by implementing the best available technologies in the sector of environment.

Likewise, Finnova specialised in European technologies and patents based in Bio-economy, which allows a real alternative to dumps, and also the energetic valorization of the solid urban wastes. Thanks to which we can save more than 80% compared to traditional systems.

It is worthsaying that among others achievements, Finnova has gained funding for an European Project on ennergetic efficiency (Nobel Grid).

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firma convenio 5(SPANISH VERSION) Finnova y Adapt Chile han firmado un convenio de colaboración con el fin de promover, difundir, capacitar y asesorar a los municipios y ciudades asociadas en los temas referentes al Cambio Climático promoviendo la colaboración en este tema a nivel local.

En el marco de la Misión de Economía Circular de la Comisión Europea en Chile, el director de Finnova, Juan Manuel Revuelta ha resaltado el compromiso de la fundación belga con la lucha contra el cambio climático a través de sus esfuerzos por implantar las mejores tecnologías disponibles en el área de Medio Ambiente.

En esa misma línea, Finnova se especializa también en tecnologías y patentes europeas basadas en la Bio-economía, que permite una alternativa real al vertedero (relleno sanitario), y que a su vez permite la valorización energética del residuo sólido urbano así como su depuración con un 80% de ahorro con respecto a otros sistemas tradicionales.

Entre los logros de la fundación en el área de medio ambiente, especialmente en el sector de la energía, se encuentra el proyecto Nobel Grid, cuya actividad se centra en la eficiencia energética).

Galería de imágenes


firma convenio 2  Juan Manuel Revuelta, Director of Finnova, and Cristóbal Reveco presidente de Adapt Chile after signing the collaboration agreement.

Juan Manuel Revuelta, director de Finnova, y Cristóbal Reveco, presidente de Adapt-Chile en la firma del Convenio.

firma convenio 3

Representatives for the European Commission in Chile (Daniel Calleja, Director General of DG Environment), backing up the agreement signed by Finnova and Adapat Chile. 

Representates de la Comisión Europea en Chile (Daniel Calleja, Director General de DG Environment), respaldando el convenio de colaboración firmado entre Finnova y Adapt Chile.


Ver el video:


StartUp Europe Awards 2017

StartUp Europe Awards is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by Finnova in collaboration with Startup Europe. It aims at recognising, on the one hand, the work carried out by the startups based in Europe and, on the other hand, creating a StartUp Europe Awards Alliance

The entrepreneurship activity rate in Europe currently reaches the 8%, whilst in the USA that same rate overwhelms the 12%, according to Eurostat. Bearing those rates in mind, the European institutions took on the task of increasing the entrepreneurship activity in the EU trough the The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan. This is the reply that the EC has given to the challenges resulting from the worst economic crisis within the last 50 years. Therefore, the Commission considers highly relevant to push the entrepreneur potential, overwhelming the current roadblocks as well as revolution the entrepreneurship culture in the EU. Likewise, it also has the aim of easing the creation of new businesses and create a more supportive business ecosystem to increase the current number of entrepreneurs.

Following that massive goal, StartUp Europe Awards has been promoted by the European Commission and it is implemented by Finnova in collaboration with StartUp Europe. The final goal is to recognise the work of the most innovative startups based in Europe, Latin America, USA, Israel and United Arab Emirates, Asia, in five levels (local, county, regional, national and European). Proposals from startups from the following areas will be welcome: Environment, Social, ICTs, Energy, Tourism, Cities, Creative industries, Water, Health and Fintech. It also aims at implementing the entrepreneurship innovation and recognising the work of the organizers of StartUp Awards in Europe, and it will build an Alliance of StartUp Europe Awards organizers in the EU. This action aims at  recognising, on the one hand, their work for the implementation of the Entrepreneurship and, on the other hand, to increase the impact of all these contests providing them with an European scope.

The Awards will be resolved at the following levels:






The entrepreneurs selected will have:

–      Granted access to the Awards Ceremony to be held in Brussels.

–      Mentoring programme in Brussels or online (about European funds, training, visibility, lobbying, etc.) to develop their project making it more viable at European level.

–      A pitch elevator for each of the selected startups recorded by Finnova. The rights of use will be shared by Finnova and the startups, and will be used for promotion and dissemination activities of the startup without time limit.

Concerning the visibility of the entrepreneurs, Finnova has created a blog in which news will be published and in which the startups will have the possibility of news and events related to their activities, as ICTs, energy, startups, events, calendars, etc.

More info:


Álvaro Ramos, the winner of the contest for StartUp Europe Awards logo

alvaro_sea16After a hard evaluation process by a jury composed by Carlos Corao, Director of Communication Package, Rafael Díaz, Director of ESNE, Eva Egido, Audiovisual Communication Officer and Jezabel Martínez Fábregas, Head of Communications at Finnova, StartUp Europe Awards 2016 has already a logo.

Fifteen students from ESNE replied to the contest we called earlier in April jointly with the Design School ESNE based in Madrid (Spain). The high quality of every single work made the decision really hard, but finally, the Jury decided that the following logo, designed by Álvaro Ramos would be the logo for the StartUp Europe Awards.


StartUp Europe Awards is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and implemented by Finnova in collaboration with Startup Europe. It aims at recognising, on the one hand, the work carried out by the startups based in Europe and, on the other hand, creating a StartUp Europe Awards Alliance.

Learn more at:

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