Finnova Foundation


Fifth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation: “Training and Mobility Opportunities for Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs”

 The goal of Next LATAM-EU Generation is to foster business cooperation between EU and Latam countries

 This event is supported by Red Business Market and the Congreso Iberoamericano de Empresas Familiares y Pymes

A meeting will be held in Medellin (Colombia) in late 2021 to deliver the LATAM Startup Europe Awards

 The fifth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation will be held on 10 August on the occasion of World Youth Day (12 August)

Brussels, 29.07.2021 – On Tuesday 10 August 2021, on the occasion of World Youth Day (12 August), Finnova Foundation and Startup Europe Awards will launch the fifth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation, “Training and Mobility Opportunities for Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs”, together with Red Business Market and the Congreso Iberoamericano de Empresas Familiares y Pymes.

The main objectives of Next LATAM-EU Generation are the transfer of knowledge, the dissemination of information on available funding facilities for both continents, and the development of shared projects among Latin American and Europe countries in order to forge business alliances. Each Next LATAM-EU Generation session focuses on a specific world day based on the UN SDGs.

The upcoming event on 10 August will be chaired by Juanma Revuelta, one of the promoters of Next Talent Generation and CEO of Finnova, a foundation which endorses employment and training for young people. “Next Talent Generation enables to find paid internships across Europe in order to reduce the number of unemployed highly qualified young people”, claims Mr Revuelta.

The fifth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation, “Training and Mobility Opportunities for Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs”, will feature Bruno Castro, EU Relations with Latin America Officer at DG EAC (Education and Culture) in the European Commission; Moisés Álvaro, ecosystems developer in Italy and Spain, whose mission is to transfer EIT Climate-KIC strategic programmes to these countries; Lorena Pedrós, start-up advisor at IDEASUPV (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia); Frank Babinger, advisor to the Employability and Entrepreneurship Department of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), and María José Valero, CEO of Talent Growth Management and ambassador of Technovation Girls Comunidad Valenciana, among others.

Next LATAM-EU Generation was first launched after the success of the Congreso Iberoamericano de Empresas Familiares y Pymes, run by Red Business Market, and which was held on January 2021. It hosted 558 enterprises, more than 60 domestic and international speakers and nearly 9,000 attendees (enterprises). This event showed that transatlantic collaboration is needed in order to face shared challenges in both continents, such as digitalisation, sustainability and circularity after Covid-19.

Josu Gómez Barrutia, CEO of Red Business Market, says that « there is no doubt whatsoever that in an evolving and challenging era in terms of society, economy and geopolitics, creating meeting points, partnerships and strategic connections in the entrepreneurship, business development and cooperation domains between the EU and Latin America is crucial”.

Click here to register for this event.


The first LATAM-EU session was held on March 8 on the occasion of International Women’s Day. It was run by several female speakers, such as Patricia Llombart, EU Ambassador in Colombia, Liskel Álvarez, External Actions Senior Officer at Cabildo de Tenerife, and Adriana Vargas, head of Trading Links of the Colombian Mission in the EU. The goal of this event was to discuss the role of women in business cooperation between Latam and the EU, especially as regards innovation and entrepreneurship.

The second session, which was held on April 6 – on the occasion of World Health Day (7 April) –, was named “Challenges and Opportunities for Tourism through Cooperation between Latam and the EU during Covid-19”. Its main topics were the challenges that the tourism sector has to face and how to. This session was attended by Manuel Vegas, president of Asociación Española de Directores de Hotel (AEDH); Antonio López de Ávila, Co-founder and CEO of Toursim Data Driven Solutions (TDDS), and Irene Sánchez, Business Creation Manager at EIT Health Spain.

The third session, which was held on May 11 on Global Recycling Day (17 May), was named “Challenges of Circular Economy in LATAM-EU Cooperation as a Production and Consumption Model for Sustainability”. Speakers included Isabel Silva Souza, Ambassador of the European Commission’s Climate Pact; Álvaro Hernández, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inboplast; Sharam Yalda, partner of CirCoAX and founder of HumanNation; Alonso Salguero, CEO at GTA Ingeniería y Medioambiente, and Giuseppe Liberati, Executive Director at Bridging Value.

The fourth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation, “Entrepreneurship and Water: a Driver of Economic Recovery and Social Development of Regions and Municipalities” was held on 13 July on the occasion of World Population Day (11 July) and World Oceans Day (8 June). Speakers included Rafael Heredero, Policy Advisor at EurEau secretariat in Brussels, Javier Vázquez Hueso, CEO of EMALGESA and deputy mayor of Algeciras City Council, Luis Lehmann, international expert on circular economy, Miguel Lemos, CEO of Aguas de Gaia, and Ana Beccar Varela, water project manager at The Nature Conservancy.

Next LATAM-EU Generation is made up of nine online events which will take place every second Tuesday of each month. Each event is held on the occasion of an International Day in line with UN SDGs. To top it all off, if the health situation allows it, an on-site event will be held in Medellin (Colombia) to celebrate the final of LATAM Startup Europe Awards.

About Finnova Foundation

Finnova Foundation is a Belgian-Spanish foundation which helps institutions and organisations getting funds for innovative projects. Its objective is to promote private-public cooperation through innovation in order to address social challenges, e.g. employment, training, entrepreneurship, SDGs, circular economy, etc. Finnova is in charge of organising Startup Europe Awards, a joint initiative by Finnova and the European Commission to reward the best European start-ups.

For more information, click on

About Startup Europe Awards

Startup Europe Awards is an initiative by DG CONNECT and has been implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016. Startup Europe Awards are an open innovation mechanism aimed to identify disruptive start-ups and to promote private-public partnerships. They also seek to raise awareness on the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driving force for job creation. In addition to promoting networks to meet the UN SDGs and the European Green Deal objectives, they also contribute to circular economy, sustainable tourism and fighting against climate change.

For more info, click on

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a forum connecting investors, businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups from Ciudad Real aiming to create a network of business, financing and support for economic and business projects in that area. All this funding can be coupled with venture capital, business angels, personal investments and corporate or financial funds for innovative and disruptive initiatives with an added value which need funding to start operating.

For more information, click on

About Next Talent Generation

The Next Talent Generation programme was designed to create an European partnership bringing together entities from different backgrounds, e.g. non-profit organisations, enterprises, universities, European institutions, national administrative authorities… to offer training opportunities in the EU in a single platform. This tool seeks to list all programmes offering internship mobility opportunities across Europe in order to foster cross-border mobility and to enhance the level of employability of young people.

Currently, Finnova offers internships in all EU countries through the Programa del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Nacional Juvenil.

For more information, click on

Calls Neuvelles

JOURNÉE D’INFORMATION – INFODAY : Ouverture de l’appel à candidature pour l’accélérateur européen CirCoAX, qui mettra à l’échelle les PME de l’industrie de la mode et du textile qui favorisent l’économie circulaire dans le secteur

L’appel sera ouvert dès mercredi, 21 juillet à 17h CET.

Les candidatures sélectionnées recevront un soutien financier de 12 000 EUR.

Les propositions doivent favoriser la transition durable du secteur, à travers l’économie circulaire mais aussi l’innovation sociale.

Les candidats intéressés auront jusqu’au 13 octobre pour envoyer leur candidature.

Lien de registre pour l’infoday:

Le mercredi 21 juillet et le 28 juillet à 17h CET, le projet CircularInnoBooster organise une journée d’information concernant l’ouverture de l’appel à propositions pour les PME, les startups et les entrepreneurs du secteur de la mode et du textile intéressés à postuler pour faire partie de son accélérateur CirCoAX.


CircularInnoBooster Fashion and Textile (F&T) est un projet du programme COSME de l’Union européenne, avec une durée initiale de deux ans et un budget de 1 128 000 €. Il est co-financé à 75% par la Commission européenne. Mené par l’IED (Istituto Europeo di Design), en collaboration avec la Fondation Finnova,Texfor, Circulab et The Circular Project avec HumanNation, il vise à transformer les industries très polluantes de la mode et du textile par l’innovation, en encourageant l’esprit d’entreprise pour générer des modèles commerciaux basés sur l’économie circulaire, en transformant les PME et les start-ups en entreprises durables et circulaires. Grâce au modèle d’économie régénérative, le projet vise à devenir une référence pour la transformation totale de l’industrie, des matières premières à la fin de vie des vêtements, en apportant une solution aux problèmes structurels de l’industrie conventionnelle.


En outre, le projet a une perspective sociale importante, favorisant la création d’emplois à valeur ajoutée à tous les niveaux de la production, contribuant à la réalisation de plusieurs des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations unies, tels que la fin de la pauvreté, la zéro  faim et l’égalité des sexes.


Pour atteindre ces objectifs, l’accélérateur CirCoAX a été créé pour fournir aux PME un soutien à la fois financier et commercial afin de leur permettre de faire évoluer leurs propositions. Le modèle économique des applicants doit favoriser l’économie circulaire, en se concentrant sur l’un des domaines suivants : conception et fabrication de la mode, industrie textile, éducation et recherche, diffusion communautaire et plateformes. De même, les candidatures qui apportent une innovation sociale seront évaluées positivement.


Lors de la présentation de l’appel, qui sera dirigée par Sharam Yalda, fondateur de HumanNation et chef de projet de CircularInnoBooster, les représentants des différents partenaires du projet introduiront les points clés que les candidats doivent respecter pour être sélectionnés.


Suite à la soumission des candidatures, qui sera clôturée le 13 octobre 2021, les 30 candidats les plus disruptifs sélectionnés recevront une subvention de 12 000 € pour développer leurs idées innovantes. En outre, grâce à l’équipe d’experts du secteur qui compose le projet, les bénéficiaires auront accès à un mentorat, ainsi qu’à des formations et des ateliers au cours desquels seront partagées les meilleures conseils pratiques et utiles à mettre en œuvre tout au long de la chaîne de valeur. En outre, des connaissances en marketing et des plans d’affaires seront proposés pour assurer le succès et la durabilité des projets une fois le programme terminé.


La participation à cet accélérateur permet non seulement de bénéficier d’un soutien à différents niveaux pour mettre en œuvre de nouveaux modèles d’entreprise en accord avec une transition écologique et circulaire de la mode et du textile, mais leur donne également l’opportunité de s’ériger en projets de référence à l’échelle européenne.


A propos de COSME


COSME est le programme pour la compétitivité des petites et moyennes entreprises de l’Agence exécutive pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (EASME) de la Commission européenne.


Grâce à ce programme, une assistance est offerte aux PME pour développer leurs modèles d’entreprise, accéder aux financements et s’internationaliser. De même, un soutien est offert aux administrations publiques pour améliorer l’environnement des entreprises et faciliter la croissance économique dans l’Union européenne. Au cours de la période de financement 2014-2020, ce programme a alloué 2,3 milliards d’euros pour soutenir les PME.


À propos de l’IED


L’Istituto Europeo di Design est une institution académique qui opère dans les domaines de l’éducation, de la formation et de la recherche dans les disciplines du design, de la mode, de la communication visuelle et de la gestion, couvrant la formation professionnelle et commerciale du design. L’IED dispose de succursales en Espagne (Madrid, Barcelone), en Italie (Milan, Rome et 5 autres villes) et au Brésil (São Paolo, Rio de Janeiro). Il opère dans plusieurs pays de l’UE et du COSME grâce à des collaborations et des accords avec des institutions, des organisations de soutien aux entreprises, des professeurs, des experts et des mentors avec lesquels il a établi des relations. IED s’appuie sur un large réseau de relations dans le secteur des F&T spécifiquement pour ce projet, en s’appuyant sur la R&D dans les domaines du design de mode, du design de produit, du design d’intérieur, des arts visuels, de la communication et de la gestion.


À propos de Finnova


FINNOVA est une fondation qui œuvre à la promotion et au développement de l’innovation et de l’esprit d’entreprise au niveau européen. Basée à Bruxelles, elle opère par le biais de collaborations et de partenariats dans tous les pays de l’UE. L’expertise de FINNOVA dans la conduite d’activités de communication et de diffusion pour les projets de l’UE est associée à une solide expérience dans la création d’entreprises et de programmes de soutien à l’entrepreneuriat, tels que les accélérateurs, les incubateurs et les événements de sélection et de remise de prix/cérémonial.


À propos de Texfor


TEXFOR est l’association textile de référence en Espagne avec 400 membres. Fondée en novembre 2010 et située en Catalogne, elle regroupe des entreprises de toute la chaîne de valeur du textile, des fils aux tissus en passant par les accessoires, les procédés de finition, l’impression et la teinture pour l’industrie de l’habillement, les textiles de maison et les applications techniques/industrielles. Texfor possède une spécialisation et une expérience, ayant travaillé dans d’importants comités d’experts au niveau européen : Université et formation professionnelle,


Renforcement des capacités financières, collaboration intersectorielle, promotion de la R+D+I, services spécialisés et leadership en matière de durabilité axé sur l’économie circulaire.


À propos de Circulab


CIRCULAB est un laboratoire et un studio de business design spécialisé dans le développement d’une méthodologie de transformation, d’outils et de programmes pour aider les entreprises à développer des modèles d’affaires circulaires et durables. CIRCULAB a conçu une boîte à outils pour la mise en œuvre de la circularité dans les entreprises et opère dans +23 pays (9 pays de l’UE), soutenant des projets par le biais de +60 consultants CE indépendants certifiés, appliquant la méthodologie et les outils Circ.


À propos de The Circular Project, conçu conjointement avec HumanNation


TCP (The Circular Project) est un projet crée pour favoriser et promouvoir la mode durable depuis des différents domaines, en offrant dans le secteur de la mode une stratégie de communication avec une approche transversale et systémique de l’économie circulaire. En même temps, TCP intègre des aspects sociaux, éthiques, environnementaux et économiques. Ayant une forte présence et connections avec le monde de la mode durable, le projet TCP a promu la célébration du Circular Sustainable Fashion Week Madrid, un événement unique. TCP est le siège de l’Association espagnole pour la durabilité, l’innovation et la circularité de la mode, et est ambassadeur de Sannas (Triple Bottom Line Business Association) et collaborateur d’un réseau institutionnel et industriel en Espagne, en Europe et en Amérique latine.


Pour ce projet, The Circular Project travaille avec HumanNation pour la co-conception et le développement du projet. HumanNation est une société de conseil spécialisée dans le développement d’écosystèmes d’innovation et d’affaires transformateurs : la « nouvelle économie ». Basée sur le quatrième secteur économique, la pensée systémique et la co-création, elle favorise la prise de conscience au sein des organisations et des écosystèmes pour respecter les limites planétaires et le tissu social, en créant des économies résilientes au niveau local, avec une perspective globale.


Fourth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation addresses business cooperation between the EU and Latin America in the water management sector

The webinar was held on July 13 to commemorate World Population Day and World Oceans Day

Circular economy and wastewater management project LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 was the overarching topic throughout the webinar

The event was supported by Red Business Market and the Congreso Iberoamericano de Empresas Familiares y Pymes

A meeting will be held in Medellin (Colombia) in late 2021 to deliver the LATAM Startup Europe Awards

Brussels, 14.07.2021 – On Tuesday 13 July, 2021, on the occasion of World Population Day and World Oceans Day, Finnova Foundation and Startup Europe Awards launched  the fourth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation: “Entrepreneurship and Water: a Driver of Economic Recovery and Social Development of Regions and Municipalities” together with Red Business Market and the Congreso Iberoamericano de Empresas Familiares y Pymes.

The main objectives of Next LATAM-EU Generation are the transfer of knowledge, the dissemination of information on available funding facilities for both continents and the development of shared projects among Latin American and European countries in order to forge business alliances.

The fourth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation: “Entrepreneurship and Water: a Driver of Economic Recovery and Social Development of regions and Municipalities” was chaired by Finnova – LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 CEO Juanma Revuelta, who used LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0. to showcase best practices in the wastewater sector. Partnered by Finnova, LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 aims to control on-demand production of biogas in WWTPs digesters. This project seeks to treat organic waste from livestock farms e.g. swine or chicken manure, waste from the HORECA sector, waste from cooperatives and supermarkets, and solid urban waste in order to foster sustainability and to reduce CO2 emissions.

Javier Vázquez Hueso, CEO of EMALGESA and Deputy Mayor of Ayuntamiento de Algeciras, which harbours the fourth most important port in Europe and is located between two continents, was the first speaker in the “Institutions” section of the webinar. Mr. Vázquez said that Algeciras will invest €25M in the upcoming years on its water agenda.

Rafael Heredero, Policy Advisor at EurEau, broke down into different sub-topics the European Green Deal, the EU’s strategy to become a resource efficient, competitive and modern economy, which urges to minimise GHG emissions by 2050.

Luis Lehmann, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development Consultant, initiated the “Water and Region Experts” section by pointing out the major problems which affect water in this decade i.e. water pollution, poor quality of water for human consumption and floods. All of these are particularly dangerous for Latin America. “Facing these challenges by implementing a circular economy model to reach sustainable development is a great opportunity, especially for local governments”.

The CEO of Red Business Market, Josu Gómez Barrutia, said that over the past years, “there has been a growing interest in the sustainability and circular economy start-up ecosystem”. According to Mr. Barrutia, the amount of environment-related start-ups in Spain has soared to more than 36%, which has led to a 361% surge in renewable energies and sustainability related patents. This clearly shows the concern of start-ups vis-à-vis the environment.

Ana Beccar Varela, Water Project Manager at The Nature Conservancy, introduced a long-term water funds management strategy. Waters funds are organisations which design and promote financial and governmental mechanisms bringing together public, private and civil society agents to achieve water security based on the comprehensive management of watersheds and the implementation of nature-based solutions.

Diego Correa, CEO of APSU, talked about a microwave reactor APSU is currently using and which extracts biochar from sludge. This project was accelerated by Finnova’s Startup Europe Accelerator and won the Startup Europe Awards competition in the water category in 2017. This sludge represents “one of the greatest dangers to water”. Mr. Correa said this reactor “transforms this sludge into clean energy, eliminates pathogens and extracts biogas with steam in a single process”.

Speaking from Águas de Gaia in Portugal, CEO Miguel Lemos stressed the urgency to take care and to protect water. “Water is necessary for human life. We need to find a social, financial and environmental balance when it comes to water management”.

Sub-director of Agri-food Innovation at Cajamar Ricardo García talked about Almeria’s “agricultural miracle” i.e. its strategic water management system. Mr. García and his team strive to recruit new talent in the agri-food industry of Almeria to copycat this very same system in the rest of Spain and the world.

José Teixeira, Key Account Manager of Buntplanet, discussed how his company has created a unique software based on AI to optimise water management and to prevent leaks by digitalising it.

Adrián Nadal, CEO of Bioferric, talked about Bioferric’s technology to design and assemble water treatment and purification plants. Bioferric won the first edition of Water Accelerathon, an event implemented by Finnova. Thanks to their technology, Bioferric can recover up to 95% of components from effluents.

The last speaker in the “Experts” section was Carlota Corzo, Co-founder of Lazzaro, a technology-based and socially-oriented enterprise specialising in designing software for NGOs (non-governmental organisations) to manage their websites and to raise funds and donations, hence filling the digital divide. “One of our goals is to monitor transactions by using blockchain, as the first reason why people avoid donating to NGOs in Spain is the lack of confidence. We realised only 8% of NGOs are digitalised”.

Adrián Noheda, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Director at Finnova Foundation, wrapped up the “Funds” area by explaining the different EU funding opportunities for all those entrepreneurs wishing to bring their projects into the EU and who participate in companies operating in Member States.

Horizon Europe, the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2021-2027, has been recently launched. It envisages international cooperation with non-Member States.

The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992. For the 2021-2027 period, the programme has a financial envelope of €5.4 billion, which means €1.9 billion more as opposed to the 2014-2020 period. LIFE can be broken down into four sub-programmes whit a co-funding rate of up to 60%: Nature and Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Circular Economy and Quality of Life and Clean Energy Transition.

Mr. Noheda seized the opportunity to use LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 as a best practice example. This project is a consortium formed by Global Omnium, Finnova Foundation and Aguas do Centro Litoral.

Mr. Noheda also talked about the Innovation Fund, one of the most comprehensive funds in the world for the development of low-carbon innovative technologies. This fund will provide nearly €20 billion for 2020-2030 to commercialise industrial solutions to decarbonise Europe and to help achieve a climate-neutrality transition.

On the other hand, the European Innovation Council (EIC) offers up to €15M-worth investments and up to €2.5M-worth grants for entrepreneurs and SMEs having from 1 to 250 employees and less than €50M revenue.

The fourth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation was closed off by poet and president of Poets without Borders Chema Paz Gago, who read his ecopoem called “False Prestige”.

If you couldn’t attend the event, you can watch it here.


The first LATAM-EU session was held on March 8 on the occasion of International Women’s Day. It was run by several female speakers, such as Patricia Llombart, EU Ambassador in Colombia, Liskel Álvarez, External Actions Senior Officer at Cabildo de Tenerife, and Adriana Vargas, head of Trading Links of the Colombian Mission in the EU. The goal of this event was to discuss the role of women in business cooperation between Latam and the EU, with a special focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

The second session, which was held on April 6 (on the occasion of World Health Day), was named “Challenges and Opportunities for Tourism through Cooperation between Latam and the EU during Covid-19”. Its main topics were the challenges that the tourism sector has to face and how to. This session was attended by Manuel Vegas, president of Asociación Española de Directores de Hotel (AEDH); Antonio López de Ávila, Co-founder and CEO of Toursim Data Driven Solutions (TDDS), and Irene Sánchez, Business Creation Manager at EIT Health Spain.

The third session, which was held on May 11 on Global Recycling Day, was named “Challenges of Circular Economy in LATAM-EU Cooperation as a Production and Consumption Model for Sustainability”. Speakers included Isabel Silva Souza, Ambassador of the European Commission’s Climate Pact; Álvaro Hernández, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inboplast; Sharam Yalda, partner of CirCoAX and founder of HumanNation; Alonso Salguero, CEO at GTA Ingeniería y Medioambiente, and Giuseppe Liberati, Executive Director at Bridging Value.

Next LATAM-EU Generation is made up of nine online events which will take place every second Tuesday of each month. Each event is held on the occasion of an International Day in line with UN SDGs. To top it all off, if the health situation allows it, an on-site event will be held in Medellin (Colombia) to celebrate the final of LATAM Startup Europe Awards.

About LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0

The main objective of the LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 project is the real-scale demonstration of an innovative technology for the automated control of waste dosage in anaerobic digesters of WWTPs to maximise the production of biogas on demand as a renewable energy.

LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 undertakes to turn biogas into a reliable source of energy to supply green power to industries and companies in order to ensure that the EU’s goal to reach at least 27% of renewable energy in 2030 is met. This methodology is especially interesting for Europe, as there are 18.000 water treatment plants accounting for 0.8% of energy consumption.

LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0 kicked off on 1 September, 2020, and will continue up until 29 February, 2024. Its main coordinator is Global Omnium Medioambiente, and its main partners are Finnova Foundation and Portuguese consortium Águas do Centro Litoral. It has a €970,000 budget.

About Finnova Foundation

Finnova Foundation is a Belgian-Spanish foundation which helps institutions and organisations to get funds for their innovative projects. Finnova aims to promote private-public cooperation through innovation in order to address social challenges, e.g. employment, training, entrepreneurship, SDGs, circular economy, etc. As part of its commitment to innovation, Finnova has been organising the Startup Europe Awards since 2016, an initiative from the European Commission.

Finnova’s HQ are located in Belgium and across Spain – Comunitat Valenciana, the Basque Country, Andalusia, Madrid and the Canary Islands. It also has branches in Chile and Panama.

For more info, click on

About Startup Europe Awards

Startup Europe Awards is an initiative by DG CONNECT and has been implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016. Startup Europe Awards are an open innovation mechanism aimed to identify disruptive start-ups and to promote private-public partnerships. They also seek to raise awareness on the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driving force for job creation. In addition to promoting networks to meet the UN SDGs and the European Green Deal objectives, they also contribute to circular economy, sustainable tourism and fighting against climate change.

For more info, click on

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a forum connecting investors, businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups from Ciudad Real aiming to create a network of business, financing and support for economic and business projects in that area. All this funding can be coupled with venture capital, business angels, personal investments and corporate or financial funds for innovative and disruptive initiatives with an added value which need funding to start operating.

For more info, click on

Événements Neuvelles

Ivace supports the cultural and creative industries sector with a new European initiative aimed at rendering them more resilient and competitive

Ivace supports competitiveness, innovation and sustainability in the cultural and creative industries sector by carrying out multi-sector and collaborative actions under different EU programmes

The goal is to find out innovative solutions to the challenges faced by this sector as well as to get EU funding

València (6.7.21) – The Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (Ivace) has just launched a challenge to the cultural and creative industries sector (CCIs) aimed at identifying innovative solutions eligible for EU funding under Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, LIFE, Green Deal or Next Generation EU.

This challenge will take form in an open innovation European programme led by Ivace. According to Júlia Company, General Director at Ivace, “our goal is to support those artists, creators, professionals and organisations that have an innovative project to cooperate and to jointly create products with local and European actors by offering them instruments to become more resilient and competitive”.

On July 15, Ivace will deliver an online presentation on this European programme. “We hope many businesses, professionals and stakeholders from the CCIs sector will join us. We want to find innovative solutions to meet the challenges the CCIs are currently facing”, said Company.

Participants in this programme ( will benefit from the Startup Europe Awards methodology by DG CONNECT in order to find out innovative projects in the cultural sector. Startup Europe Awards is being implemented by Finnova Foundation and is backed by SEIMED (European Services supporting Businesses and Innovation), REDIT, Las Naves, el Foro de Agencias de Desarrollo Regional (ADR) (Spanish Association of Development Agencies), EURADA (the European Association of Development Agencies) and Startup Europe Accelerator.

Startup Europe Awards aims to look for disruptive start-ups promoting private-public cooperation, to raise awareness on the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driving force for job creation and to foster partnership relations to meet the UN SDGs and to carry out the European Green Deal actions to address the circular economy, climate change and sustainable tourism.

Challenges faced by the CCIs

The CCIs are a major source of sustainable growth and job creation across Europe. However, the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic downturn has deeply affected them. As a result of restrictions, many jobs have been lost and the economic activity has been paused.

According to the Reconstruyendo Europa: la economía cultural y creativa antes y después de la COVID-19 report (In English, Rebuilding Europe: The cultural and creative economy before and after the COVID-19 crisis), SMEs account for 90% of all CCI companies. Furthermore, this sector was one of the major sources of job creation in Europe in 2019 (7.6 million jobs created in different areas e.g. architecture, multimedia, advertising, publishing and press, music, the performing and visual arts, radio and videogames). This sector is responsible for creating 8.4 times more jobs than the telecommunications industry.

The CCIs are one of the most diverse and promising sectors, and they are also one of the key contributors to the EU’s GDP, as the turnover generated in this sector in 2019 accounted for 4.4% of the EU’s GDP (€643 billion). Nevertheless, due to the pandemic, in 2020, the cultural and creative economy lost approximately 31% of its revenues.

Register here to attend the webinar on July 15 at 4pm and find out more about this challenge:

Événements Neuvelles

Fourth session of LATAM-UE Generation: “Entrepreneurship and Water: a Driver of Economic Recovery and Social Development of Regions and Municipalities”

The goal of LATAM-UE Generation is to promote business cooperation among EU and Latam countries

This fourth session is supported by Red Business Market and Congreso Iberoamericano de Empresas Familiares y Pymes

It will be held on July 13 on World Population Day and World Oceans Day

A meeting will be held in Medellin (Colombia) to celebrate the LATAM Startup Europe Awards in late 2021

Brussels, 22.06.2021 – On July 13, 2021, on the occasion of World Population Day and World Oceans Day, Finnova Foundation and Startup Europe Awards will hold the fourth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation: “Entrepreneurship and Water: a Driver of Economic Recovery and Social Development of Regions and Municipalities” together with Red Business Market and the Congreso Iberoamericano de Empresas Familiaries y Pymes.

Next LATAM-EU Generation seeks to exchange knowledge, to discuss available financial instruments for both continents and to launch common projects among different countries from Latin America and Europe aiming to create new business alliances. Each of the LATAM-EU sessions focuses on a World Day as part of its commitment to the UN SDGs.

The event on July 13 will be chaired by Juanma Revuelta, founder of Tourism Startup Europe Awards and CEO at Finnova, which has had more than 30 LIFE projects approved. According to Revuelta, “there are some €150,000M that can be redefined up until late 2023 and can be used up until 2030”.

The LIFE programme, established by the European Commission, will open for applications on late June until October 2021. It will have a financial envelope of €5,300M for projects addressing environmental issues.

The fourth session of Next LATAM-EU Generation, “Entrepreneurship and Water: a Driver of Economic Recovery and Social Development of Regions and Municipalities”, will feature Rafael Heredero, Policy Advisor at EurEau secretariat in Brussels; Javier Vázquez Hueso, CEO at EMALGESA and deputy mayor at Ayuntamiento de Algeciras; Luis Lehmann, international expert on circular economy; Juan Carlos Gázquez, Director at Cajamar Innova – Incubadora de Empresas de Alta Tecnología en Agua en Fundación  Cajamar, and Adrián Nadal, CEO at Bioferric Ink, among many other participants.

Next LATAM-EU Generation was first launched after the success of the Congreso Iberoamericano de Empresas Familiares y Pymes, run by Red Business Market, and which was held on January 2021. It hosted 558 businesses, more than 60 domestic and international speakers and nearly 9,000 attendees (companies). This event showed that transatlantic collaboration is needed in order to face shared challenges in both continents, such as digitalization, sustainability and circularity after Covid-19.

Josu Gómez Barrutia, CEO at Red Business Market, claims that “there is no doubt whatsoever these events, which serve as a meeting point for developing strategic connections in entrepreneurship and business development and cooperation between the EU and Latin America are crucial in such a time of deep changes, challenges and transformations in economies, societies and geopolitics.

Haven’t registered yet? You can do it for free here.


The first LATAM-EU session was held on March 8 on the occasion of International Women’s Day. It was run by several female speakers, such as Patricia Llombart, EU Ambassador in Colombia, Liskel Álvarez, External Actions Senior Officer at Cabildo de Tenerife, and Adriana Vargas, head of Trading Links of the Colombian Mission in the EU. The goal of this event was to discuss the role of women in business cooperation between Latam and the EU, with a special focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

The second session, which was held on April 6 (on the occasion of World Health Day), was named “Challenges and Opportunities for Tourism through Cooperation between Latam and the EU during Covid-19”. Its main topics were challenges that the tourism sector has to face and how to. This session was attended by Manuel Vegas, president of Asociación Española de Directores de Hotel (AEDH); Antonio López de Ávila, Co-founder and CEO of Toursim Data Driven Solutions (TDDS), and Irene Sánchez, Business Creation Manager at EIT Health Spain.

The third session, which was held on May 11 on Global Recycling Day, was named “Challenges of Circular Economy in LATAM-EU Cooperation as a Production and Consumption Model for Sustainability”. Speakers included Isabel Silva Souza, Ambassador of the European Commission’s Climate Pact; Álvaro Hernández, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Inboplast; Sharam Yalda, partner of CirCoAX and founder of HumanNation; Alonso Salguero, CEO at GTA Ingeniería y Medioambiente, and Giuseppe Liberati, Executive Director at Bridging Value.

Next LATAM-EU Generation is made up of nine online events which will take place every second Tuesday of each month. Each event is held on the occasion of an International Day in line with UN SDGs. To top it all off, if the health situation allows it, an on-site event will be held in Medellin (Colombia) to celebrate the final of LATAM Startup Europe Awards.

About Finnova Foundation

Finnova Foundation is a Belgian-Spanish foundation which helps institutions and organisations getting funds for innovative projects. Its objective is to promote private-public cooperation through innovation in order to address social challenges, e.g. employment, training, entrepreneurship, SDGs, circular economy, etc. Finnova is in charge of organizing the Startup Europe Awards, a joint initiative by Finnova and the European Commission to reward the best European start-ups.

For more info, click on

About Startup Europe Awards

Startup Europe Awards is an initiative by DG CONNECT and has been implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016. Startup Europe Awards are an innovative mechanism aimed at identifying disruptive startups promoting private-public partnership. They also seek to raise awareness on the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driving force for job creation. In addition to promoting networks to meet the UN SDGs and the European Green Deal objectives, they also contribute to circular economy, sustainable tourism and fighting against climate change.

For more info, click on

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a forum connecting investors, businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups from Ciudad Real aiming to create a network of business, financing and support for economic and business projects in that area. All this funding can be coupled with venture capital, business angels, personal investments and corporate or financial funds for innovative and disruptive initiatives with an added value which need funding to start operating.

For more info, click on


Français de Madrid, ils ont choisi le coworking : pourquoi ?

Pablo Barrios Martinez – Madrid, 18.06.2021 – Gwladys, Clémence, Margot et David sont tous quatre coworkers au sein d’une des antennes de l’Impact Hub de Madrid. Tout en développant leurs activités respectives, ils partagent des valeurs et des projets, générés par le coworking, au sein de leur quartier.

Depuis la crise économique et financière de 2008, une nouvelle forme de standardisation des relations de production prend du poids sur le marché du travail. Cette manière de collaborer et de coopérer se consolide autant comme forme d’emploi, avec ses conséquences juridiques, que comme style de vie. L’économie circulaire et créative défie les fondements de l´économie traditionnelle : tandis que les jeunes professionnels sont beaucoup moins attirés par les structures formelles et hiérarchisées de grandes compagnies privées, les relations sociales horizontales marquent tendance au sein des petites et moyennes entreprises qui font partie des industries créatives et culturelles. La coordination de ces unités économiques se base sur l’égalité, la flexibilité et l’indépendance. Un échantillon de cette nouvelle main-d´œuvre peut se trouver dans les fameux coworkings qui sont un phénomène universel. Ces espaces partagés ont la capacité de canaliser ces relations de travail.


coworking madrid
Impact Hub à Madrid / DR


La ville de Madrid est un exemple vivant de l´instauration lente de cette nouvelle organisation du travail. Cette dernière décennie s’est matérialisée par l’établissement de plusieurs de ces espaces partagés tels que WeworkUtopicus et Impact Hub entre autres. Ce dernier a fait preuve de leadership sur le marché et a ouvert six établissements dans la ville de Madrid. Chacun de ces espaces dispose de sa propre identité, fruit des profils des professionnels qui composent les communautés qui partagent ces lieux de travail. Chez Impact Hub, « chaque espace a comme objectif dynamiser le quartier où il se trouve », affirme María Calvo, directrice de la section de Développement de commerce et de communauté, qui souligne la capacité du coworking à générer un impact avec valeur ajoutée dans le voisinage, en améliorant les Objectifs de Développement Durable des Nations Unies.


coworking madrid
« Chaque espace a comme objectif dynamiser le quartier où il se trouve » / DR

Ils sont Français et ont choisi de s’installer en coworking pour développer leur activité

L´écosystème de l´économie créative, de la connaissance et du bien-être d’Impact Hub n´est pas étranger à la communauté française qui fait aussi partie de ces lieux. Depuis septembre 2020, Gwladys, fondatrice de l’entreprise Ourson d´avril, qui propose des livres pour enfants personnalisés, a toujours été indépendante et travaille dans cet espace, « motivée par l´énergie qu´il propage » et, en même temps, parce que cela lui permet de « dissocier sa vie professionnelle et privée ».


coworking madrid
Pour Clémence Choffé, le coworking lui permet de « développer son réseau à Madrid et de faire des rencontres » / DR


Clémence Choffé est arrivée à Madrid en novembre 2020 et a commencé comme Host-volontaire à l´Impact Hub Picasso. Freelance en marketing digital, spécialisée en crowdfunding, elle continue à travailler avec tous ses clients français depuis Madrid. En même temps elle participe aux activités de l´économie sociale et solidaire générés par le coworking, pour trouver des projets espagnols sur lesquels elle peut se positionner. Le coworking lui permet de « développer son réseau à Madrid et de faire des rencontres », qui éventuellement lui permettraient de déboucher sur des opportunités professionnelles.

Dans le même esprit de pouvoir séparer son espace privé et professionnel, Margot Beclin est installée depuis janvier 2021 à l´Impact Hub d´Alameda où elle travaille pour le Groupe Kerry, une multinationale leader dans le monde des ingrédients, développant et fournissant des solutions aux entreprises du monde entier. Le coworking lui permet également de « voir d’autres personnes, de rencontrer des gens et de discuter en prenant un café ».


coworking madrid
David Lepez développe des activités « en accord avec les valeurs véhiculées par l’espace » / DR


Depuis juillet 2016, David Lepez a lui aussi intégré cette communauté, en tant que spécialiste en marketing digital. Une partie de ses activités consiste à augmenter la visibilité des ONGs en ligne, « en accord avec les valeurs véhiculées par l’espace ». Très récemment, et dans la même dynamique, il a aussi développé un service de coaching en growth marketing pour PME et startups.

Jeunes Neuvelles

Waste management project LIFE Ecodigestion 2.0 was main topic on circular economy and green energies webinar during “EUGreenWeek”

This LIFE Project seeks to boost the production of biogas and to increase energetic self-sufficiency in wastewater-treatment plants

The new 2021-2027 LIFE programme was presented to participants. It will have a financial envelope of €5.4 billion

 The goal of this event was to share experiences and form alliances pursuing a more sustainable and affordable waste management digestion

Brussels, 04.05.2021- On June 4, water service provider Global Omnium and Finnova Foundation held an online event called “Challenge of circular economy in WWTP for green energy production” within the European Green Week 2021 #EUGreenWeek This event, which is part of the broader LIFE Ecodigestion 2.0 project, addresses two out of seventeen UN SDGs, i.e. SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation) and SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy). Over 100 participants from Latin America, Spain and other European countries attended the event.

The European Green Week 2021 #EUGreenWeek, which was organised by the European Commission Directorate General for Environment, will take place from 31 May to 4 June, 2021, and will focus on the theme “Zero Pollution”. This annual event will be coupled with online events in all EU member states and will address EU environment policies.

This webinar provided the latest news on the promotion of the circular economy in wastewater treatment processes by sharing best practices and examples of waste reuse such as the ongoing LIFE projects Ecodigestion 2.0, Nieblas and Landfill Biofuel.

This workshop was attended by several international and national experts who shed some light on how to turn waste management into a more sustainable and efficient practice. Finnova CEO Juanma Revuelta chaired the event. Finnova had also previously taken part in the Water Start Up Europe Awards together with the Valencian government as part of its commitment towards reaching water circularity. Revuelta encouraged speakers, companies and governments to seek LIFE funding. LIFE is the only EU financial instrument dedicated to the environment. The upcoming call for pilot projects will start on mid-June and will have a financial envelope of up to €5.4 billion.

Revuelta also presented the LIFE Ecodigestion 2.0 project. This initiative includes an automated control system to manage organic waste in anaerobic digesters in WWTPs in order to maximize the production of biogas on demand as a renewable source of energy. For example, this system allows transforming organic waste from the HORECA sector (such as leftovers) into biogas in each water treatment plant, which then can be used to fuel vehicles.

LIFE Ecodigestion 2.0 (€970,000) undertakes to turn biogas into a reliable source of energy to supply green power to industries and companies in order to ensure that the EU’s goal to reach at least 27% of renewable energy in 2030 is met. This methodology is of especial interest for Europe, as there are 18.000 water treatment plants accounting for 0.8% of energy consumption.

Based on these facts and figures, LIFE Ecodigestion 2.0 kicked off on 1 September, 2020, and will continue up until 29 February, 2024. Its main coordinator is Global Omnium Medioambiente, and its main partners are Finnova Foundation and Portuguese consortium Águas do Centro Litoral.

The conference was inaugurated by Jaime Castillo, Institutional Relations Officer at Global Omnium. He encouraged participants and attendees to take the risk and “to get out of the comfort zone” in order to reduce waste production and transform it into energy. “The Earth is not a landfill”.

The wastewater treatment plant in Quart de Benáger, Comunidad Valenciana, took part in both LIFE Ecodigestion and LIFE Ecodigestion 2.0. Paul Granell, director at the plant, said that thanks to these projects, the plant now generates electric energy from biogas produced in the anaerobic digestion process. In turn, this promotes the use of renewable energies and reduces GHG emissions.

Joana Vieria, Wastewater Operations Coordinator at Águas do Centro Litoral, provided an example of good practice in wastewater treatment in Portugal. In Coimbrão, Leiria, her team is currently using software to implement new actions. “We are all now living a period of innovation, therefore we are exploring new projects to optimize circular water reuse”.

Adrián Noheda, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Director at Fundación Finnova, presented the European innovation Council (EIC) programme, which funds up to €15 million in investment and €2.5 million in grants to entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Noheda also fleshed out Revuelta’s initial comments on LIFE grants by adding that, for the first time, there will be two new “subprogrammes” for projects dealing with circular economy and quality of life and transition toward clean energies.

Speaking from the Canary Islands, Saúl Oliva Cabreras, environment project Coordinator at GESPLAN, presented LIFE Nieblas. The objective of this initiative is to minimise the impact of climate change in southern Europe and overseas EU territories as well as demonstrate the capacity of reforestation methodologies to curb carbon footprint. This project is testing fog collectors and new reforestation methods which capture water from fog.

On the other hand, Jaime Ezquerra, R&D project manager in FCC Medio Ambiente, presented LIFE Landfill Biofuel. This Project aims to capture and enrich landfill biogas to produce a biomethane suitable for vehicle use. Thus obtaining a renewable, abundant and self-sufficient energy source”.

International Relations Coordinator at Asociación Española de Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento (AEAS), Gari Villa-Landa, pointed out several challenges that prevent water from being an active component in circular economy. “Is water in circular economy a paradigm or a paradox? It does not matter what we want it to be, as it all boils down to political will”.

Finally, Operations Director at Water Europe, Andrea Rubini, stressed the importance of coordinating all actors in the water chain in order to achieve a real circular economy in this sector. “Although water is a global challenge, it is nonetheless a local issue”.

Green transition is a key topic under Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which is funded thanks to the EU recovery funds Next Generation EU. This plan will allocate over €3.1 billion to improving and integrating renewable energies; some €1.3 billion to electric infrastructures, intelligent networks and flexibility and stocking facilities; and some €1.5 billion to renewable hydrogen and its sectorial integration.

Couldn’t attend the webinar? Don’t worry, click here to watch it.

About Fundación Finnova

European Foundation for the financing of innovation. Its objectives are to promote private-public cooperation through the technology transfer of low-cost solutions among the best technologies available to address social challenges such as employment, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs and the circular economy. As a staunch defender of innovation, Finnova has been organising the Startup Europe Awards since 2016. This is an initiative launched by the European Comission’s DG Connect.

Finnova’s HQs are located both in Belgium and across Spain – in the Valencian Community, the Basque Country, Andalusia, Madrid and the Canary Islands. It also has branches in Chile and Panama.

About LIFE

LIFE programme is the EU fund dedicated to environmental objectives for the 2014-2020 period. Its main objective is to act as a catalyst for changes in the development and application of policies through solutions and improvements to reach the climate and environment goals. It also promotes innovative technologies in the climate change and environment fields.

The two main sub-programmes are LIFE Climate Action and LIFE Environment.

About Global Omnium

The company that gave rise to Global Omnium, Aguas de Valencia, was founded in 1890. Global Omnium specializes in water treatment. It provides its services to 5.5 million people in more than 300 Spanish cities, but it also operates in three other continents. Global Omnium is based on a social commitment, and it is made up of centenary companies that have been contributing to the growth of the cities and municipalities in which they work for more than a century.

Événements Neuvelles

FYCMA and Finnova launch the webinar « Greencities 4 Fighting Against Climate Change » to address the green transformation of cities by improving municipal public services

The online event will take place on Thursday 13th May from 16h00 to 17h30 (CEST).

The event will promote the generation of business, opportunities and alliances for a greener approach to the cities of the future.

This webinar is the prelude to the Greencities Forum, which will be held in Malaga on 29th and 30th September 2021.

Brussels, 05.05.2021 – On Thursday 13th May 2021, the Trade Fair and Convention Centre of Malaga (FYCMA), with the support of Finnova Foundation, organises in the framework of the European Green Week 2021 #EUGreenWeek the webinar « Greencities 4 Fighting Against Climate Change » on the occasion of the International Day of Light, thus aligning itself with one of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), specifically with SDG 11: sustainable cities and communities.

The main objectives of this meeting are to present the latest developments in the development of smart, sustainable and efficient territories, to provide a space to generate business, to establish alliances promoting innovative ecosystems for the promotion of new industries and to boost disruptive changes in areas such as circular economy electronic administration , tourism and smart transport, among other measures to prevent or treat the consequences of environmental pollution in cities.

Migration from rural areas to urban centres in recent decades has led to 55% of the world’s population being located in cities, a trend that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. This percentage, combined with global population growth, could add some 2.5 billion people to urban areas in just 30 years.

The high concentration of population in cities has led to a greater impact of climate change in cities, which are responsible for 70% of global CO2 emissions (around 25 gigatonnes). Cities are therefore the main threat to the climate, but they can also be an important part of the solution to the problem through their citizens and city councils, who have to take the lead in urban climate change mitigation and adaptation actions.

With these challenges on the table, this webinar will count with the participation of different experts, among them Julio Andrade, Director of the National Centre for the Training of Leading Authorities – CIFAL Malaga UNITAR; Katerina Fortun, Political Analyst – Adaptation to Climate Change at the European Commission; Regina Monsalve, President of the College of Agricultural Technical Engineers and Graduates of Valencia and Castellón – COITAVC; and Eugenio Martí, CEO of Graphene Solutions.

This webinar aims to claim a management model based on green local development supported by sustainable and inclusive aspects and will exchange views on the redesign of the municipalities of the future from the improvement of local public services, therefore, the areas of discussion will range from governance to citizen participation through energy, mobility, building and technological solutions to implement these changes.

“Greencities 4 Fighting Against Climate Change” serves as an online precedent for the urban intelligence and sustainability forum Greencities, an event that will take place at the Trade Fair and Convention Centre of Malaga on 29th and 30th September 2021 with all the necessary anti-COVID security measures.

Haven’t you registered yet? You can do it here.

About Finnova Foundation

European Foundation for the financing of innovation. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup Europe Awards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

For more information:


FYCMA (Trade Fair and Convention Centre of Malaga) has established itself as one of the most active trade fair organisers in Southern Europe, specialising in the conceptualisation and development of professional events linked to the field of innovation, digital transformation and knowledge generation. These forums, highly specialised and with an international vocation, share the common goal of attracting talent and investment, while seeking convergence between the capabilities of the Spanish productive and research fabric and providing physical and virtual spaces for generating business, launching disruptive projects, new opportunities and establishing alliances. The venue contributes with them to the positioning of Malaga and Andalusia among the key prescribers of advanced sectors, as well as strengthening the Spain brand in an increasingly digital and connected world.

For more information:

About Greencities y S-MOVING

Greencities, Intelligence and Urban Sustainability and S-MOVING, Movilidad Inteligente y Sostenible, Intelligent and Sustainable Mobility, will hold their next editions on 29th and 30th September in person at FYCMA (Trade Fair and Congress Centre of Malaga) converging in a single business and knowledge space, and also providing a comprehensive view of the challenges of the territories and their management through a global concept of sustainability. Thus, positioned as the main national platform on tools, solutions and ideas for the development of smart, sustainable and connected territories, they will address in depth topics such as technology and connectivity as tools against depopulation -smart rural-, the opportunities of smart tourist destinations, collective transport as the axis for sustainable mobility, 5G and connected and autonomous mobility, or the potential of green hydrogen, among others.

For more information: y

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

For more information:

About Startup Europe Accelerathon

Startup Europe Accelerathon aims to identify innovative ideas that can be funded by the European Union, such as the LIFE programme, Green Deal, Horizon 2020 or NextGenerationEU. Startup Europe Accelerathon follows the indications of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, contributing from each challenge to the proposed SDGs; in the framework of the Startup Europe Awards methodology of the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, which was born from the DG Research and Development in 2020 with the pan-European campaign Hackthevirus. It has been successfully carried out with governments such as that of the Valencian Community with the challenge of industrial polluting waters or the Andalusian Regional Government with the challenge of the fight against climate change, forest management and innovation in the prevention, fight against fires and regeneration of burnt areas.

For more information:

Événements Neuvelles

Third webinar of the LATAM-EU Generation series: Challenges of circular economy in LATAM-EU cooperation as a production and consumption model for sustainability

The aim of this series is to promote business cooperation between Latin-American and European Union countries

 The Red Business Market and the Ibero-American Congress on Family Business and SMEs collaborate in this event

 A meeting will be organised in Medellin (Colombia) at the end of 2021 to celebrate the LATAM Startup Europe Awards

 The workshop will be held on 11th of May on the occasion of Global Recycling Day

Brussels, 03.05.2021 – Next Tuesday, May 11th 2021, on the occasion of Global Recycling Day, Finnova Foundation and Startup Europe Awards are launching the third event of the Next LATAM-EU Generation series: Challenges of the circular economy in LATAM-EU cooperation as a model of production and consumption for sustainability, with the collaboration of Red Business Market and the Ibero-American Congress on Family Business and SMEs.

The main objectives are the transfer of knowledge, to raise awareness of the funding mechanisms available between the two continents and the development of common projects between different countries in Latin America and Europe in order to create business alliances on both sides of the Atlantic, focusing each even on the celebration of a world day in line with the United Nations SDG.

The third event of the Next LATAM-EU Generation cycle, entitled « Challenges of the circular economy in LATAM-EU cooperation as a model of production and consumption for sustainability », will be held on 11 May from 16h30 to 18h00 (CEST). It will be attended by Guillermo González, head of the Circular Economy Office of the Chilean Ministry of Environment, Silvio Ruiz manager of the Colombian Association of Recyclers – GAIAREC, Álvaro Hernández, president of the Board of Directors of Inboplast, Sharam Yalda, partner of CirCoAX and founder of HumanNation Giuseppe Libertati, global leader, author, energy disruptor and smart data investor and Alonso Salguero, CEO of GTA Ingeniería y Madioambiente, among many other speakers. Haven’t you registered yet? Do it for free here.

During the first event, which was celebrated last 8th of March coinciding with International Women’s Day, the vision of women in LATAM-EU business cooperation was discussed, within the framework of innovation and entrepreneurship. The workshop was divided into three blocks: institutional, in which several women members of international institutions participated; entrepreneurship, which was attended by 8 influential women entrepreneurs; and European projects, which focused on the importance of funding mechanisms when it comes to entrepreneurship.

The first workshop was entitled ‘Women’s vision in LATAM-EU family business cooperation, in the framework of innovation and entrepreneurship’. Some of the women who participated were Patricial Lombart, European Union ambassador to the Republic of Colombia, Liskel Álvarez, Delegate Councillor for External Action of the Cabildo of Tenerife, Adriana Vargas, Head of the Trade Section of the Colombian Mission to the European Union, Ruth de los Reyes Cánovas, CEO of Microbiotech SL, a company accelerated by the CEI Túria, and Martha Lagunes, Head of Strategic Planning at Startup Europe Awards Mexico, among many others. If you missed the first webinar, you can watch it here.

La segunda jornada, que tuvo lugar el pasado 6 de abril, titulada “Retos y oportunidades para el turismo a través de la cooperación LATAM-UE en el contexto de la crisis sanitaria COVID-19” y que se celebró con motivo del Día Mundial de la Salud, versó sobre los retos a los que se enfrenta actualmente el sector turístico y sobre cómo poder frente a éstos partiendo de la siguiente premisa “el turismo es un sector tractor de generación de empleo”, tal y como declaraba Juanma Revuelta, CEO de la Fundación Finnova.

It was divided into three blocks: the first, entitled « Challenges and opportunities for tourism« , the second, « Health and tourism in the context of COVID-19« , and the third and last before de round of questions, « New developments and opportunities”. This event was attended by speakers such as Manuel Vegas, President of the Association of Hotel Managers (AEDH); Antonio López de Ávila, Co-founder and CEO of Tourism Data Driven Solutions (TDDS); Irene Sánchez, Business Creation Manager at the health area of EIT Health Spain; José García Padernilla, Manager at Ditecpesa (Ferrovial) and leader of the CD CLEAN COVID-19 New desinfection formulation and Víctor Badorrey, Director of Institutional Relations at SEGITTUR.

Couldn’t you attend the event? You can watch it here.

Next LATAM-EU Generation was born after the success of the Ibero-American Congress on Family Businesses and SMEs, organised by Red Business Market, which took place last January. With the participation of 558 companies, more than 60 national and international speakers and almost 9000 companies attending, the congress reflected the need for transatlantic collaboration to face common challenges in the two continents, such as digitalisation, sustainability and circularity after COVID-19.

Josu Gómez Barrutia, CEO of Red Business Market, states that « certainly, in a time of profound changes, challenges and transformations in the socio-economic and geopolitical sphere, the commitment to meeting spaces, alliances and strategic connections in the fields of entrepreneurship, business development and cooperation between the European Union and Latin America are fundamental ».

The Next LATAM-EU Generation series is divided into nine online events that will take place on the second Monday of each month referring to an international day celebrated during the same month. In these training spaces, different support tools, challenges and opportunities will be presented to promote entrepreneurship and innovation through business and public-private collaboration, with an emphasis on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, prioritising one or the other depending on the region.

As culmination, at the end of this year, if the health situation allows it, an in-person meeting will be held in Medellin (Colombia) where the final of the LATAM Startup Europe Awards will be held. Startup Europe Awards (SEUA) is a methodology of European Commission DG-CONNECT implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016, whose main mission is to help StartUps and ScaleUps to be more efficient, intelligent and successful, to promote innovation and the exchange of experiences and to influence the Scaleups process, all from a sustainable approach.

About Finnova Foundation

The European foundation for innovation funding. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup EuropeAwards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a connection forum between investors, companies, entrepreneurs and startups in Ciudad Real whose objectives are the generation of a business network, financing and support for the development of economic and business projects in the territory. All this, hand in hand with the possibility of being able to have a direct relationship with venture capital funds, business angels, family investment assets and corporate or financial funds addressed to innovative, disruptive and value-added initiatives that need an economic boost to its development.

Événements Neuvelles

Awards ceremony: Europe Accelerathon Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalucía for Covid-19 challenges and climate change

An open innovation programme to promote innovative technologies in the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion.

The final webinar, organized by Finnova, will take place next Thursday, May 6, 2021.

A presentation webinar was in support of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, as indicated in its priorities:  « It is time to act: for a fair, ecological and digital recovery ».

Initiative co-financed by the Ministry of the Presidency, Public and Interior Administration of the Junta de Andalucía.

Seville, 28.04.2021 – The « Accelerathon Spain-Portugal: innovation and cooperation against Covid-19 and climate change » seeks to address the challenges facing the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalucía Euroregion (Euroregion AAA) on issues related to Covid-19 and climate change. Next Thursday, 06 May 2021 at 17:00 Brussels time, the final ceremony of this open innovation programme ( will be held to boost innovation in the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion in the fight against Coronavirus and climate change. This initiative is co-financed by the Ministry of the Presidency, Public and Interior Administration of the Junta de Andalucía.

During the event, in webinar format, the name of the three finalists of the Accelerathon Spain-Portugal will be announced. The jury has evaluated a total of 15 initiatives presented, of which the 5 with the highest score will be disseminated through the Finnova communication channels and the Firefighting Open Innovation Lab – CILIFO. The jury will choose the best proposal, which will receive advice and be mentored for a possible presentation of their project to a European call. The remaining four initiatives will benefit from the financial aid information service provided by Finnova, the finalists will participate in the final webinar in which they will make a pitch of 5 minutes.

  • The first finalist proposal will be mentored and advised by Finnova for the search for European financial opportunities of interest.
  • Proposals remaining in second and third positions will receive partial mentoring, benefiting from a financial aid information service provided by Finnova.
  • The top five proposals will be always disseminated – respecting the protection of business secrecy – to help its dissemination and increase the chances that entities interested in investing in them will know them.

The final webinar envisages the participation of the entities that collaborate with Finnova in this initiative (University of Evora, IrRADIARE and the Intermunicipal Community of the Algarve-AMAL) for the realization and implementation of the tasks included in the celebration of the « Accelerathon Spain-Portugal: innovation and cooperation against Covid-19 and climate change ».

Webinar registrations at:

About Startup Europe Accelerathon (

Startup Europe Accelerathon aims to identify innovative ideas capable of obtaining funding from the European Union, such as the LIFE, Green Deal, Horizon 2020 or NextGenerationEU programme. Startup Europe Accelerathon follows the directions of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals contributing from each challenge to the proposed STO objectives; en the framework of the European Commission’s DG CONNECT Startup Europe Awards methodology that has been born since DG Research and Development in 2020 with the pan-European  Hackthevirus campaign. Se has successfully carried out with governments such as that of the Valencian Community with the challenge of industrial polluting  waters or Junta de Andalucía with the challenge of combating climate change, forest management and innovation in the prevention, firefighting and regeneration of burned spaces.

About Startup Europe Network

Startup Europe is an initiative of the European Commission, DG CONNECT, to connect  and  promote high-tech startups, scaleups, investors, accelerators, corporate networks, universities and media.

Learn more about Startup Europe: Startup Europe | Shaping Europe’s digital future (

About Startup Europe Awards (HIS) (

It is a methodology of dg CONNECT of the European Commission, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. SEUA is an open innovation tool to identify disruptive startups, promote public-private collaboration and raise awareness of the importance of self-priming as an employment-generating engine. In addition to building partnerships to help meet the United Nations SDS and the actions of the European Green Pact, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism. The winners get support to turn their projects into large projects financially supported by the EU (between 500,000 euros and 17.5 million euros), international legal support and lobbying, strategic mentoring, international networking, investor access and support for internationalisation worldwide.

About CILIFO – Collaborating Project (

The Project The Iberian Centre for Forest Fire Research and Combat (CILIFO) is funded by the Interreg V-A Spain – Portugal – POCTEP Cross-Border Cooperation Programme (2014-2020),has a total budget of 24.6 million euros and is the Most Funded Interreg project in the history of the forest fire programme. It  focuses on the fight against forest fires and their consequences for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change; in a framework of cross-border cooperation for risk prevention and improvement of the management of the natural resources of Spain and Portugal in the area of the Alentejo – Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion. The project  follows the indications of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects.

About Firefighting Open Innovation Lab – CILIFO (

The CILIFO Project through its Firefighting Open Innovation Lab – CILIFO  (accelerator – incubator managed by Finnova) supports the initiatives of entrepreneurs and companies in the field of prevention and fight against forest fires. There are currently 18 companies affiliated to the accelerator and are being mentored and guided to initiatives in the search for European funding.

Finnova opens (

European Foundation for the financing of innovation headquartered in Brussels and with offices in Andalusia, the Basque Country, the Valencian Community, Madrid, the Canary Islands, and with its own delegations of local law in Romania, Panama and Chile and whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDS , the circular economy, health, digitization, water and renewable energies. One of his priorities is the training of young talent in European affairs management in Brussels.


Beatriz Martínez Muñoz, European project and communication officer at the Finnova Foundation.


Phone: +34 605 52 10 84

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