Finnova Foundation

Événements Neuvelles

Celebrated the second webinar of the LATAM-EU Generation series on the occasion of World Health Day: Challenges and opportunities for tourism in the current context of COVID-19 health crisis

The main objective of the series is to promote business cooperation between European Union countries and Latin America

 It was discussed about Next Generation EU funds, with a total of 1.8 trillion euros earmarked to rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe

At the end of this year, a meeting will be held in Colombia to celebrate the LATAM Startup Europe Awards

Brussels, 07.04.2021 – Tuesday 6th April, on the occasion of World Health Day, Finnova Foundation and Startup Europe Awards in collaboration with Red Business Market and the Ibero-American Congress on Family Businesses and SMEs, launched the second webinar of the Next LATAM-EU Generation series: Challenges and opportunities for tourism in the current context of COVID-19 health crisis, whose main objectives are to transfer knowledge, raise awareness of the financing mechanisms available between the two continents and build projects between different countries in Latin America and Europe in order to create business partnerships on both sides of the Atlantic.

The second event, held from 16h30 to 18h00 (CET) on Tuesday 6th April and broadcasted from the El Plantío Golf Resort (Alicante), was divided into three blocks moderated by Juanma Revuelta, CEO of the Finnova Foundation, who insisted throughout the webinar that « tourism is a driving force for job creation« .

The first block, entitled « Challenges and opportunities for tourism« , was attended by Manuel Vegas, President of the Association of Hotel Managers (AEDH), Antonio López de Ávila, Co-founder and CEO of Tourism Data Driven Solutions (TDDS), José García Padernilla, Manager at Ditecpesa (Ferrovial) and leader of the CD CLEAN COVID-19 New desinfection formulation and Víctor Badorrey, Director of Institutional Relations at SEGITTUR.

Vegas, who was the first to take part, stated that “due to the delay in the pace of vaccination and the COVID-19 measures taken during this Easter, the results of the tourism sector have been rather limited, so it would be necessary to speak of a reconquest of the tourism ecosystem: both customers and teams ». López de Ávila, for his part, spoke of « intelligent tourism and the need to rethink the mass tourism model, which is so badly conceived in Spain, and to focus it on real sustainability in which new technologies play a much more important role« , he also recalled the fundamental role of European funds.

García Padernilla referred to his project CD CLEAN URBAN MOBILITY COVID-19 new desinfection formulation and spoke of this « new surface disinfection technology for places where ventilation is more difficult, such as airports or metro stations ».

Finally, Víctor Badorrey reviewed the main axes on which tourism is based: « governance, innovation, technology, sustainability and accessibility » and affirmed that « the destinations that have undergone a DTI diagnostic process have been more prepared to react to an unforeseen situation such as the pandemic ». In addition, the Director of Institutional Relations of SEGITTUR presented the manual of good practices for smart destinations in Spain and Latin America.

In this first block, the audience was also reminded of the new call for the LIFE Programme and talked about the Erasmus Mundus programme and the Next Generation EU funds, the largest economic and social recovery plan to date, with a total of 1.8 trillion euros, aimed at rebuilding the post-COVID-19 Europe: « a greener, digital and more resilient Europe« . Juanma Revuelta, the moderator, encouraged the use of these financial instruments and stated that « governments need to modernise their public policies and be aware of the amount of resources at their disposal ».

The second block, « Health and tourism in the context of COVID-19« , was opened by Irene Sanchez, Business Creation Manager at the health area of EIT Health Spain, who reported on a new call that the EIT and the European Commission are launching jointly for industry and the cultural and creative sector, which could easily be linked to tourism. Irene Sánchez recalled that « EIT Health supports entrepreneurship, education and innovation projects » and spoke of the already well-known « digital certificate » to « prove the immune status of the population when travelling, which would help, above all, the tourism sector by avoiding quarantines and without having to restrict mobility in the Schengen area« .

Marta Gómez, Programme Manager at the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Health Sector – Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe, spoke about « the need to boost tourism, innovation, competitiveness and job creation in Europe as well as to strengthen the scientific and technological bases of the EU and the European Research Area (ERA)« . She also highlighted the need to « respond to citizens’ priorities » and talked about how Horizon Europe can support projects from both Europe and LATAM countries.

The Finnova Foundation took the opportunity to remind that the European Commission has recently presented a proposal for a Green Digital Passport as a tool to reactivate tourism. Therefore, on 20th April, the Finnova Foundation will organise a webinar to talk about this vaccination passport.

The third and last block before the round of questions, « New developments and opportunities« , was opened by Ainhoa Raso, Vice-President of Innovation, New Developments and Project of Hi Card, who presented this project « whose objective is none other than to be able to travel safely and in any language by having all our medical information digitised at hand: on our mobile phone ». Raso stated that « health and tourism nowadays have to be more united than ever and, for this, digitalisation is essential« .

The last speaker, Paola Gutiérrez, young Next Talent Generation, insisted on the importance of « the tourism sector and the health sector joining forces and creating synergies in favour of mobility and the creation of opportunities for young people » and spoke about Next Talent and all the job and training opportunities it offers.

Finally, a questionnaire was carried out, from which most of the webinar participants agreed that tourism is the sector most affected by COVID-19, followed by the health sector.

Couldn’t make it to the event? You can watch it here.

What is Next LATAM-EU Generation?

Next LATAM-EU Generation was born after the success of the Ibero-American Congress on Family Businesses and SMEs, organised by Red Business Market, which took place last January. With the participation of 558 companies, more than 60 national and international speakers and almost 9000 companies attending, the Congress reflected the need for transatlantic collaboration to face common challenges in the two continents, such as digitalisation or sustainability after COVID-19.

The Next LATAM-EU Generation days are divided into nine online events that will take place on the second Monday of each month referring to an international day celebrated during the same month. In these training spaces, different support tools, challenges and opportunities will be presented to promote entrepreneurship and innovation through business and public-private collaboration, with an emphasis on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, prioritising one or the other depending on the region.

As culmination, at the end of this year, if the health situation allows it, an in-person meeting will be held in Medellin (Colombia) where the final of the LATAM Startup Europe Awards will be held. Startup Europe Awards (SEUA) is a methodology of European Commission DG-CONNECT implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016, whose main mission is to help StartUps and ScaleUps to be more efficient, intelligent and successful, to promote innovation and the exchange of experiences and to influence the ScaleUps process, all from a sustainable approach.

About Finnova Foundation

The European foundation for innovation funding. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup EuropeAwards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a connection forum between investors, companies, entrepreneurs and startups in Ciudad Real whose objectives are the generation of a business network, financing and support for the development of economic and business projects in the territory. All this, hand in hand with the possibility of being able to have a direct relationship with venture capital funds, business angels, family investment assets and corporate or financial funds addressed to innovative, disruptive and value-added initiatives that need an economic boost to its development.

Calls Neuvelles

Subventions belges pour participer à Horizon Europe. Tu ne les connais pas encore ?

Bruxelles, 01.04.2021-. La Fondation Finnova et Startup Europe Awards ont voulu donner un coup de main à tous ces entrepreneurs qui ont des idées disruptives et qui veulent participer au dernier call du programme européen Horizon Europe. Mais, pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore… Qu’est-ce qu’Horizon Europe ?

Horizon Europe est un instrument financier de 95,5 billions d’euros (dont 5,4 billions du fonds Next Generation EU) mis en œuvre par l’Union européenne en faveur de l’innovation et de la recherche et dont l’objectif est d’assurer la compétitivité mondiale de l’Europe. En outre, Horizon Europe est considéré comme un outil puissant pour stimuler la croissance économique et la création d’emploi donc bénéficie du soutien politique de différents dirigeants et députés européens qui affirment que « la recherche et l’innovation sont un investissement dans notre avenir ».

En combinant recherche et innovation, Horizon Europe favorise la croissance des entreprises et de l’emploi à partir d’une approche intelligente, durable et inclusive en mettant l’accent sur l’excellence scientifique, le leadership industriel et les défis sociaux auxquels nous sommes actuellement confrontés. L’objectif est de garantir que l’Union européenne produise une science de qualité à l’échelle mondiale, supprime les obstacles à l’innovation et facilite la collaboration entre les secteurs public et privé afin de générer plus de l’innovation.

Grâce à sa structure simple, Horizon Europe est ouvert à tous et permet aux participants de se concentrer sur ce qui est vraiment important, garantissant que les nouveaux projets démarrent rapidement et obtiennent des résultats plus facilement.

Et maintenant… Salut les entrepreneurs belges, nous allons vous annoncer les différentes aides et subventions que la Belgique propose à cet égard. Voulez-vous les connaitre ? Poursuivez votre lecture…

  1. EIC Accelerator

EIC Accelerator s’adresse aux petites et moyennes entreprises (PMEs) et aux startups qui développent des projets disruptifs et recherchent un soutien financier supplémentaire pour mener à bien leur recherche et développement, de la phase de prototype à l’obtention d’un produit commercial complet.

Ce programme vise à identifier et à soutenir les technologies de pointe et les innovations susceptibles d’être mises à l’échelle internationale. Les entreprises de n’importe quel État membre de l’UE ou d’un pays associépeuvent participer. Les projets doivent avoir une durée comprise entre 12 et 24 mois.

L’EIC Accelerator accompagne les PMEs (<250 salariés et <50M facturés) via une subvention à fonds perdu de 0,5 à 2,5 millions à 70% pour le développement de leurs projets innovants, et en option et en complément, jusqu’à 15 millions d’euros d’investissement en capital via l’ EIC Fund afin de développer votre idée innovante et la diffuser sur le marché international.

  1. NCP Wallonie – La subvention d’ Horizon Europe

NCP Wallonie est un incitatif pour les PMEs, universités, écoles supérieures et centres de recherche autorisés situés en la région wallonne. NCP Wallonie couvre les frais liés à la préparation, la présentation et la négociation du projet.

Le montant varie selon qu’il s’agisse de PMEs (3.500 €) ou d’universités, écoles supérieures et centres de recherche (1.750 €).

  1. Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship aide, encourage et soutient l’innovation entrepreneuriale en Flandre en collaboration avec d’autres acteurs locaux et avec le soutien d’engagements internationaux tels que EUREKA, Entreprise European Network et Horizon Europe.

Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship soutient les entreprises par le biais de subventions afin qu’elles continuent à croître, à se transformer et à innover, ainsi qu’à promouvoir le networking entre les PMEs. Il y a trois types de subventions chez Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship : la subvention pour la croissance, pour l’innovation et pour les projets de R&D, tous destinés aux PME.

  1. InnovFin – EU Finance for innovators

InnovFin – EU Finance for innovators est une aide internationale belge pour tous les États membres de l’Union européenne et les pays associés qui fournit des instruments de financement pour des projets de recherche et d’innovation dans les petites et moyennes entreprises.

Il propose des prêts, des garanties et des financements dans le cadre d’une initiative conjointe lancée par laBanque européenne d’investissement et le Fonds européen d’investissement en coopération avec la Commission européenne. Ses principaux objectifs ? Faciliter et accélérer l’accès au financement pour les entreprises et entités innovantes dans l’Union européenne.

  1. Sowalfin

Sowalfin est une aide aux entrepreneurs et petites entreprises de la région wallonne à partir de laquelle, on accède à des subventions et des garanties afin de couvrir le financement bancaire, en remplissant un rôle complémentaire aux banques et en collaboration avec différents partenaires, comme Walloon Invest.

Qu’attends-tu pour les demander ?


À propos de la Fondation Finnova

Finnova est la fondation européenne pour le financement de l’innovation. Il s’agit d’une fondation européenne basée à Bruxelles dont les objectifs sont de promouvoir la coopération public-privé par l’innovation afin de relever les défis sociaux actuels tels que l’emploi, la formation, l’entrepreneuriat, les ODD des Nations Unies, l’économie circulaire, etc. Finnova organise les Startup Europe Awards, une initiative de la Commission européenne et de la Fondation Finnova, pour récompenser les meilleures startups européennes.

À propos de Startup Europe Awards

Il s’agit d’une méthodologie de la DG CONNECT de la Commission européenne, mise en œuvre par la Fondation Finnova depuis 2016. Les SEUA sont un outil d’innovation ouverte pour identifier les startups disruptives qui favorisent la collaboration public-privé et sensibilisent à l’importance de l’auto-entrepreneuriat comme moteur générateur d’emploi. Ils générent des alliances qui contribuent à atteindre les ODD des Nations Unies et les actions du Green Deal européen et contribuent ainsi à l’économie circulaire, la lutte contre le changement climatique et le tourisme durable.



Calls Neuvelles

Belgian grants to participate in the latest Horizon Europe call for proposals: you haven’t heard of them yet?

Brussels, 01.04.2021-. Finnova Foundation and Startup Europe Awards wanted to lend a hand to all those entrepreneurs with disruptive ideas who wish to participate in the latest Horizon Europe call for proposals, and to do so they have searched for the different grants that Belgium offer for this purpose. But first of all, for those who might not know it… What is Horizon Europe?

Horizon Europe is a €95.5 billion financial instrument (including €5.4 billion Next Generation EU fund) implemented by the European Union in favour of innovation and research and whose aim is to ensure Europe’s global competitiveness. Besides, Horizon Europe is seen as a powerful tool to boost economic growth and job creation and has the political support of European leaders and Members of the Parliament who state that “research and innovation are an investment in our future!

By combining research and innovation, Horizon Europe promotes business growth and employment in a smart, sustainable and inclusive approach, underscoring excellent science, industrial leadership and the social challenges we currently face.

The aim is to ensure that the European Union develop world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sector to work together to generate innovation.

Moreover, thanks to its simple structure with reduced bureaucracy, Horizon Europe is open to all and allows participants to concentrate on what is really important, ensuring that new projects get off the ground quickly and achieve results faster.

And now, entrepreneurs, do you want to know what grants Belgium offers SMEs when applying for Horizon Europe?

  1. EIC Accelerator

EIC Accelerator is addressed to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups that are developing disruptive innovation projects and are looking for additional financial support to complete their research and development from the prototype phase to a full commercial product.

This programme aims to identify and support cutting-edge technologies and innovations capable of international scalability. It is open to companies from any EU Member State or an associated country. Projects must have a duration of between 12 and 24 months.

The EIC Accelerator supports SMEs (<250 employees and <50M turnover) through a non-repayable grant of 0.5 to 2.5 million at 70% for the development of their innovative projects, and optionally and additionally, up to 15 million euros of capital investment through the EIC Fund to expand your innovative idea and take it to the international market.

  1. NCP Wallonie – The Horizon Europe subsidy

NCP Wallonie is an incentive for SMEs, universities, colleges and approved research centres located in the Walloon Region to submit European projects. What does it do? It covers the costs linked to the preparation, presentation and negotiation of the project.

The amount changes depending on whether they are SMEs (€3,500) or universities, colleges and research centres (€1,750).

  1. Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship helps, encourages and supports business innovation in Flanders in collaboration with other local actors and with the support of international commitments such as EUREKA, Entreprise European Network and Horizon Europe.

Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship supports companies through grants so they continue to grow, transform and innovate as well as to promote networking among SMEs. There are three types of grants: the growth grant, the innovation grant and the R&D projects grant, all of which addressed to SMEs.

  1. InnovFin – EU Finance for innovators

InnovFin – EU Finance for innovators  is an international Belgium grant to all the member states of the European Union and associates countries to provide funding instruments of research and innovation projects in small and medium businesses.

It offers loans, guarantees and financing from a joint initiative launched by the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund in cooperation with the European Commission. Its main objectives? To facilitate and accelerate access to finance for innovative companies and organisations in the European Union.

  1. Sowalfin

Sowalfin is a grant for entrepreneurs and small businesses in the Walloon Region from which you can access grants and guarantees to cover bank financing, playing a complementary role to the banks and in collaboration with various partners, such as Walloon Invests.

What are you waiting for to apply?


About Finnova Foundation

European Foundation for innovation funding. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup Europe Awards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

For more information:

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

For more information:



The 10th edition of Transfiere, the main R+D+I meeting in Southern Europe, will be celebrated in Málaga on the 14th and 15th April

 The event will be held at the Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Centre (FYCMA)

There will be speeches, networking, training workshops and different challenges focused on science, technology and innovation in business

The Finnova Foundation will participate in the forum with a training workshop on European funds and other lines of financing for SMEs

Startup Europe Awards will be part of the Jury of the Open Call for deep tech & deep science Start-ups, coordinated by the Enterprise European Network (EEN)

Brussels, 30th March 2021-. The tenth edition of Transfiere, the European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation, will take place on 14th and 15th April at the Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Centre.

The main objectives of this professional and multi-sectoral forum, which is held every year in Malaga, are to promote innovation and competitiveness in the business sector, to encourage the transfer of knowledge between the scientific and business spheres, to serve as a meeting space to publicise new products and services and to generate business opportunities and B2B alliances.

Transfiere, the first face-to-face event of 2021 celebrated at FYCMA under a rigorous protocol of security measures in order to provide a safe and secure space, presents a programme of thematic panels and conferences divided into 5 different spaces: Science Room, Innovation Room, Technology Room, Open Innovation Area, Demo Center – TRL7, where participants will be able to learn about opportunities for internationalisation, artificial intelligence, digital transformation and industry 4.0, public procurement of innovation, research, among others.

Besides, Transfiere 2021 launches its first Open Call for deep tech & deep science Start-ups, coordinated by Enterprise European Network (EEN). In this initiative, of which Startup Europe Awards is part of the evaluation committee, national and international startups with deep tech and science projects have the opportunity to increase their visibility to national and international investors who are experts in the sector.

One of the characteristics of Transfiere is that each year it has a guest country, a world reference in R+D+I, which actively participates in the main areas of the Forum. In this edition the guest will be Canada, recognised as one of the most innovative and competitive economies in the world.

Juan Viesca, director of European funds of the Finnova Foundation, will be in charge of the workshop “European Next Generation EU fund”, conceived to promote economic recovery in the European Union and to help repair the economic and social damage caused by the pandemic. Next Generation is already the largest economic stimulus package in the European Union with a total of 1.8 billion euros that will help rebuild post-COVID-19 Europe: a greener, more digital and resilient Europe. « This is a budget prepared not only for current realities, but also for future uncertainties, » says Juanma Revuelta, CEO of the Finnova Foundation.

Also, in this tenth edition of the Forum, the awards of the VI edition of the Journalism Award ‘Foro Transfiere’ in Support of Scientific, Technological and Innovative Dissemination will be presented. The aim of the award is recognising the work of journalists and disseminators of press, radio, television and digital media specialised in technological innovation developed in Spain and its convergence at international level. A single prize will be awarded in each category – written or audiovisual works – worth €3,000.

Not yet registered for the Transfiere Forum? Do it here

About Finnova Foundation

European Foundation for the financing of innovation. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup EuropeAwards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

For more information:

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

For more information:


FYCMA is a convention and trade fair centre located in the city of Malaga with an exhibition area of 19,500 m² spread over different buildings. It is currently one of the most active trade fair organisers in Southern Europe, being highly specialised in the conceptualisation and development of professional events linked to the field of innovation, digital transformation and knowledge generation.

For more information:

About Transfiere

The main R+D+I meeting in Southern Europe for sharing scientific and technological knowledge, promoting innovation and connecting science and business. It is a key professional and multi-sectoral forum for knowledge transfer, improving competitiveness in the business sector and generating business and networking opportunities. Transfiere brings together every year in Malaga the main public and private agents relevant to the field of research and knowledge transfer.

For further information:


Second webinar of the LATAM-EU Generation series: Challenges and opportunities for the Tourism sector in the current context of health crisis and COVID-19

The aim of this series is to promote business cooperation between Latin-American and European Union countries

The Red Business Market and the Ibero-American Congress on Family Business and SMEs collaborate in this event

A meeting will be organised in Medellin (Colombia) at the end of 2021 to celebrate the LATAM Startup Europe Awards

The workshop will be held on 6th of April on the occasion of World Health Day

Brussels, 29.03.2021 – Next Tuesday 6th of April, on the occasion of World Health Day, Finnova Foundation launches the second webinar of the Next LATAM-EU Generation series: Challenges and opportunities for the Tourism sector in the current context of health crisis and COVID-19. The main objectives are the transfer of knowledge, to raise awareness of the funding mechanisms available between the two continents and the development of common projects between different countries in Latin America and Europe in order to create business alliances on both sides of the Atlantic.

The second webinar, entitled ‘Challenges and opportunities for the Tourism sector in the current context of health crisis and COVID-19’, will be held on the 6th of April from 16h30 to 18h00 (CET). The event will be attended by Irene Sánchez, Business Creation Manager EIT Health Spain, Manuel Vegas, President of the Association of Hotel Managers (AEDH), Antonio López de Ávila, co-founder and CEO of Tourism Data Driven Solutions (TDDS), Víctor Badorrey, head of Institutional Relations of SEGITTUR, Ainhoa Raso, vice-president of Innovation, New Developments and Project of Hi Card and José García Padernilla, Manager at Ditecpesa (Ferrovial) and leader of the CD CLEAN COVID-19 New desinfection formulation project, among many other speakers. Not registered yet? Do it for free here.

During the first event, which was celebrated last 8th of March coinciding with International Women’s Day, the vision of women in LATAM-EU business cooperation was discussed, within the framework of innovation and entrepreneurship. The workshop was divided into three blocks: institutional, in which several women members of international institutions participated; entrepreneurship, which was attended by 8 influential women entrepreneurs; and European projects, which focused on the importance of funding mechanisms when it comes to entrepreneurship.

The first workshop was entitled ‘Women’s vision in LATAM-EU family business cooperation, in the framework of innovation and entrepreneurship’. Some of the women who participated were Patricial Lombart, European Union ambassador to the Republic of Colombia, Liskel Álvarez, Delegate Councillor for External Action of the Cabildo of Tenerife, Adriana Vargas, Head of the Trade Section of the Colombian Mission to the European Union, Ruth de los Reyes Cánovas, CEO of Microbiotech SL, a company accelerated by the CEI Túria, and Martha Lagunes, Head of Strategic Planning at Startup Europe Awards Mexico, among many others. If you missed the first webinar, you can watch it here.

Next LATAM-EU Generation was born after the success of the Ibero-American Congress on Family Businesses and SMEs, organised by Red Business Market, which took place last January. With the participation of 558 companies, more than 60 national and international speakers and almost 9000 companies attending, the congress reflected the need for transatlantic collaboration to face common challenges in the two continents, such as digitalisation, sustainability and circularity after COVID-19.

Josu Gómez Barrutia, CEO of Red Business Market, states that « certainly, in a time of profound changes, challenges and transformations in the socio-economic and geopolitical sphere, the commitment to meeting spaces, alliances and strategic connections in the fields of entrepreneurship, business development and cooperation between the European Union and Latin America are fundamental ».

The Next LATAM-EU Generation series is divided into nine online events that will take place on the second Monday of each month referring to an international day celebrated during the same month. In these training spaces, different support tools, challenges and opportunities will be presented to promote entrepreneurship and innovation through business and public-private collaboration, with an emphasis on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, prioritising one or the other depending on the region.

As culmination, at the end of this year, if the health situation allows it, an in-person meeting will be held in Medellin (Colombia) where the final of the LATAM Startup Europe Awards will be held. Startup Europe Awards (SEUA) is a methodology of European Commission DG-CONNECT implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016, whose main mission is to help StartUps and ScaleUps to be more efficient, intelligent and successful, to promote innovation and the exchange of experiences and to influence the Scaleups process, all from a sustainable approach.

About Finnova Foundation

The European foundation for innovation funding. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup EuropeAwards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a connection forum between investors, companies, entrepreneurs and startups in Ciudad Real whose objectives are the generation of a business network, financing and support for the development of economic and business projects in the territory. All this, hand in hand with the possibility of being able to have a direct relationship with venture capital funds, business angels, family investment assets and corporate or financial funds addressed to innovative, disruptive and value-added initiatives that need an economic boost to its development.


The series #NextLATAM-EUGeneration kicks off on the occasion of International Women’s Day and after the success of the Ibero-American Congress on Family Business and SMEs

23 influential Euro-LATAM women leaders took part in the event and people from 8 countries from all over the world attended.

The congress provided a space for synergies, cooperation and knowledge exchange between European and Latin American companies led by women.

The initiative will culminate with the celebration of the LATAM Startup Europe Awards in Medellin (Colombia) thanks to an initiative of the European Commission’s DG Connect.


Brussels, 09.03.2021 – On the 8th March, coinciding with International Women’s Day, Finnova Foundation, in collaboration with Red Business Market, the Iberio-American Congress on Family Business and SMEs, Technovation Girls Valencian Community and Womanation Congress, has launched the first day of the series Next LATAM-EU Generation, that sums up a total of 9 online workshops that will be hold on the second Monday of each month corresponding to an international day linked to the United Nation’s SDG.

Next LATAM-EU Generation was born after the success of the Ibero-American Congress on Family Businesses and SMEs, organised by Red Business Market, which took place last January. With the participation of 558 companies, more than 60 national and international speakers and almost 9000 companies attending, which reflected the need for transatlantic collaboration to face common challenges in the two continents, such as digitalisation or sustainability among others.

The training workshops Next LATAM-EU Generation are aimed at transferring knowledge, approaching the financing mechanisms available between Latin America and Europe, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and building projects on both sides of the Atlantic in order to create business alliances through business cooperation and public-private collaboration, based on the SDG approach.

The first day, which took place today from 16:30 and 19:00h (CET), was led by Lola Bordás, president of Asociación Fundadoras and CMO of Finnova Foundation. Before giving way to the institutional block, the first one, Bordás emphasised “the need to empower women, since there is still great inequality between sexes, just as the official figures show”.

The institutional block started with the presentation of Patricia Llombart, EU ambassador to the Republic of Colombia, who stated that “women are powerful agents of change and that’s why the European Union wants to put the gender equality agenda at the centre of the preparation of recovery and resilience plans after the pandemic caused by Covid-19″. This was followed by a speech by Liskel Álvarez, councillor for external action of the Cabildo of Tenerife, who recalled that « gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but also one of the essential foundations for building a peaceful and sustainable world, as set out in the United Nations 2030 agenda« .

Within the same block, Lourdes M. Pérez, export manager at ProPanamá declared that “this day is key for women to make progress in cooperation; we have to continue working so that women have leadership in the field of investment ». Finally, Adriana Vargas, Head of the Trade Section of the Colombian Mission to the European Union, also wanted to show her support by explaining what is Ideatón Global AFS, an opportunity for people who believe in international education and who wish to participate in shaping their future by encouraging creativity and the exchange of ideas.

At around 17:00, the first One to One of the day began, a short interview between Lina Palma, communicator and founder of the Comunica sin miedo workshops, who proclaims communication as a means by which women have managed to raise their voices, and Sara Picazo, journalist and freelance communication consultant, who states that « the day that we stop communicating on this day, the 8th March, will mean that we have moved forwards and have broken barriers and paradigms and, therefore, that there is finally equality ». Palma, during the closing of the interview, recalled three important premises when it comes to entrepreneurship: « passion, assertiveness, empathy ».

Block two, entitled “Women and Entrepreneurship” consisted of a round table discussion between nine influential women entrepreneurs from different Spanish-speaking countries. During less than one hour, the eight women moderated by Yohania de Armas, co-founder of Cuba Expertise, exposed their vision about the role of women in the LATAM-EU business cooperation within the framework of innovation and entrepreneurship. Before giving way to the speakers, de Armas stated that “these experiences serve as a reference so that women can see themselves reflected in our professional careers”.

This block counted with the participation of Mariana Memoli, social head of Mediapila Foundation, who recalled the importance of adding other aspects to the fact of being a woman: “being a woman, and being a poor woman, and being a migrant woman… other layers are added to this social problem”. For her part, Leslie Jarrín, founder of DayTwo Group and currently a member of Goctors Startup, highlighted the fact that “women are seen as an exception, despite the fact that many things we use daily like the wifi or some of the software we use is made by women » and adds: « we are underrepresented: history has not done us much justice. A lot of what wonderful women do on the technology sector still needs to be communicated”.

Mariana Costa, co-founder and CEO of Laboratoria, encouraged women to « develop their skills for the digital era » and that « day-to-day life becomes a way to put an end to the gender gap and not to make it even more pronounced in areas such as entrepreneurship ». For her part, Estefanía Castro, lawyer and gender expert, encouraged women to become entrepreneurs « because a woman who is an entrepreneur will never fail, since only the path is already a success » and stressed that « it is a very valuable work the one that we are all doing together to live in a fairer and more equitable world ».

Ruth de los Reyes Cánovas, CEO of Microbiotech SL, a company accelerated by the CEI Túria (Vilamarxant, Valencia) and which has achieved, thanks to the Finnova Foundation, the Seal of Excellence of the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme, upholds that « entrepreneurship has turned out to be a way forward after and despite many obstacles ». Patricia Suárez, consumer representative on the ASUFIN Advisory Council, points out that « in ASUFIN, most of us are women who want to change the relationship model between consumers and banks ».

Martha Lagunes, head of Strategic Planning at Startup Europe Awards México, spoke about women agro-entrepreneurs: « we are a minority, but a minority increasingly stronger and with more tools ».  « Through the SEUA, we are launching a call where, through an open innovation competition, precisely what we are promoting is to make a call to the entrepreneurial sector », Lagunes continued. Finally, as a final touch to this block, Angélica Gómez, dean of the Official College of Industrial Technical Engineers (COGITI) of Valencia, said that « it is essential that there are role models and that limits are not set for us, that we can be what we want to be ».

The third block, entitled « Women in European projects« , focused on the importance of the available funding mechanisms for entrepreneurship. To this end, four projects were presented: IP SME Helpdesk LATIN AMERICA, an assistance service for European SMEs/COSMEs which operate or intend to access the Latin American market to improve their global competitiveness, presented by Nicoletta Favaretto, senior project officer at Eurochambres.

Beatriz Martínez, CMO Firefighting Open Innovation Lab Interreg – CILIFO, spoke about this forest management plan, which fights against climate change through innovation for the prevention, action and recovery of burnt areas. For her part, Ángela Baeza, IDi -Wastewater technician at Global Omnium, presented the LIFE Ecodigestión 2.0 project, for the energetic use of wastewater treatment plants by treating putrescible organic waste. Finally, Flora Marquez, from Next Textil Generation, spoke about Circoax by Circular Innobooster, a project that aims to bring the circular economy to the textile sector.

Afterwards, there was another One to One, this time between Paola Gutiérrez, Next Talent Youth, and María José Valero, CEO of Talent Growth Management, who emphasised « undertaking actions that are different, that fit the current world, how our young people live, and that help us to change the narrative », which closed the first day of the Next LATAM-EU Generation series.

The series, the first day of which involved Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Cuba, Spain, Italy, Panama, Mexico and Ecuador, will end at the end of this year with a face-to-face meeting in Medellin (Colombia) for the celebration of the LATAM Startup Europe Awards -if the health situation allows it-, a methodology of the European Commission’s DG Connect, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016 and whose main mission is to help Startups and Scaleups to be more efficient, intelligent and successful from a sustainable approach.

During her speech, Martha Lagunes conveyed her wish of « wanting to encourage the creation, assistance and formalisation of an entrepreneurship system in which there are support networks that are even more strategic for our sector ». There is still much to be said about the different financing tools available to all LATAM-EU entrepreneurs. These include the European Commission’s Horizon Europe, whose main areas of action are medical research against cancer and sustainability and the fight against climate change; and the EUROCLIMA+ programme, financed by the EU, which supports Latin American countries in strengthening their climate governance through the design, updating and implementation of climate policies that allow them to have legislation and plans adapted to their realities.

About Finnova Foundation

The European foundation for innovation funding. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup EuropeAwards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a connection forum between investors, companies, entrepreneurs and startups in Ciudad Real whose objectives are the generation of a business network, financing and support for the development of economic and business projects in the territory. All this, hand in hand with the possibility of being able to have a direct relationship with venture capital funds, business angels, family investment assets and corporate or financial funds addressed to innovative, disruptive and value-added initiatives that need an economic boost to its development.

For more information:

About Ibero-American Congress on Family Business and SMEs

The Ibero-American Congress on Family Business and SMEs responds to the challenges that the sector of economy and businesses must face after the outbreak of Covid-19. It is a space for synergies, connections and exchange of knowledge between family businesses and SMEs of reference in different fields and productive areas.

For more information:

About Womanation Congress

Womanation Congress, a national digital congress with women’s voice addressed at the whole of society, to inspire new generations and motivate the current ones with real talent, current references and attractive projects, from Education, Business, Science, Technology and Innovation. 

For more information:

About Technovation Girls Valencian Community

Technovation Girls, promoted by Talent Growth Management in the Valencian Community, is the largest technology entrepreneurship programme/contest for girls worldwide launched by the American non-profit association Technovation. The programme challenges 10- to 18-year-old girls to create a mobile application that solves a social problem within their community, carry out the market study, marketing plan, business plan and present it to the jury.


For more information:


Finnova Foundation celebrates the first day of the Next LATAM-EU Generation cycle on the occasion of International Women’s Day

The aim of this event is to promote cooperation between European and Latin American companies led by women

The event has the collaboration of Red Business Market

At the end of this year, a meeting will be held in Colombia to celebrate the LATAM Startup Europe Awards

Brussels, 04.03.2021 – Next Monday, March 8th, coinciding with International Women’s Day, Finnova Foundation launches the first day of the Next LATAM-EU Generation cycle, whose main objectives are to transfer knowledge, raise awareness of the financing mechanisms available between the two continents and build projects between different countries in Latin America and Europe in order to create business partnerships on both sides of the Atlantic.

Next LATAM-EU Generation was born after the success of the Ibero-American Congress on Family Businesses and SMEs, organised by Red Business Market, which took place last January. With the participation of 558 companies, more than 60 national and international speakers and almost 9000 companies attending, the Congress reflected the need for transatlantic collaboration to face common challenges in the two continents, such as digitalisation or sustainability after COVID-19.

Josu Gómez Barrutia, CEO of Red Business Market, states that « certainly, in a time of profound changes, challenges and transformations in the socio-economic and geopolitical sphere, the commitment to meeting spaces, alliances and strategic connections in the fields of entrepreneurship, business development and cooperation between the European Union and Latin America are fundamental. »

The first day, which will take place on March 8th from 16h30 to 18h00 (CET), will start with a institutional block with the participation of different women members of various institutions (ambassadors, members of the commission or parliament). This will be followed by block two, entitled « women and entrepreneurship », which will include a round table moderated by Yohania de Armas, co-founder of Cuba Expertise, which will discuss the vision of women in LATAM-EU business cooperation, within the framework of innovation and entrepreneurship.

This block will count on the presence of 8 influential women entrepreneurs from Latin America and Spain, including Mariana Memoli, social director of the Mediapila Foundation, Leslie Jarrin, founder of DayTwo Group and currently member of the Startup Goctors, and Mariana Costa, co-founder and CEO of Laboratoria.

The third block, entitled « Women in European projects » will focus on the importance of funding mechanisms when it comes to entrepreneurship and five disruptive projects will be presented, including the experience of Silvia Brugger, manager of the Euroclima Programme and Beatriz Martínez, CMO Open Innovation Lab Interreg CILIFO, among others.

Finally, the workshop will close with a section called « One to One« , that is, a short interview from one influential woman to another. In this case, Paola Gutiérrez, Young Next Talent will interview María José Valero, CEO of Talent Growth Management in an event in which countries such as Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Panama, Argentina, Brazil, Spain will participate and to which you can register for free here.

Gómez Barrutia, one of the main organisers of the Ibero-American Congress on Family Businesses and SMEs, added that « in order to successfully tackle the challenges we face as a society, we must bear in mind a fundamental one: that of equality as the driving force for building a better world for present and future generations. »

The Next LATAM-EU Generation days are divided into nine online events that will take place on the second Monday of each month referring to an international day celebrated during the same month. In these training spaces, different support tools, challenges and opportunities will be presented to promote entrepreneurship and innovation through business and public-private collaboration, with an emphasis on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, prioritising one or the other depending on the region.

As culmination, at the end of this year, if the health situation allows it, an in-person meeting will be held in Medellin (Colombia) where the final of the LATAM Startup Europe Awards will be held. Startup Europe Awards (SEUA) is a methodology of European Commission DG-CONNECT implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016, whose main mission is to help StartUps and ScaleUps to be more efficient, intelligent and successful, to promote innovation and the exchange of experiences and to influence the ScaleUps process, all from a sustainable approach.

About Finnova Foundation

The European foundation for innovation funding. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the United Nations SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup EuropeAwards, an initiative of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the European Commission DG CONNECT, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool for identifying disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Deal, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

About Red Business Market 

Business Market is a connection forum between investors, companies, entrepreneurs and startups in Ciudad Real whose objectives are the generation of a business network, financing and support for the development of economic and business projects in the territory. All this, hand in hand with the possibility of being able to have a direct relationship with venture capital funds, business angels, family investment assets and corporate or financial funds addressed to innovative, disruptive and value-added initiatives that need an economic boost to its development.


Accelerathon Spain – Portugal, a new opportunity to boost innovation and cooperation against Covid-19 and climate change

The launch webinar, hosted by Finnova, will take place next Tuesday, 9 March 2021.

The central theme will be the presentation of the challenges posed by the fight against climate change in the context of the pandemic caused by Covid-19.

The event will be co-financed by the Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior de la Junta de Andalucía. Experts and representatives of the Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalucía (AAA) will participate in the event and the requirements that proposals must meet in order to participate will be detailed during the session.

Seville, 25.02.2021. The « Spain-Portugal Accelerathon: innovation and cooperation against Covid-19 and climate change » will be presented in an online event, in which the challenges faced by the Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia (Euroregion AAA) in issues related to Covid-19 and climate change will be discussed. This initiative is co-financed by the Ministry of the Presidency, Public Administration and Interior of the Andalusian Regional Government.

Next Tuesday, 09 March 2021 from 17:00 to 19:00 (CET), this open innovation programme ( will be presented to boost innovation in the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion in the fight against Coronavirus and climate change. The webinar w

ill include the participation of the entities that collaborate with Finnova in this initiative (University of Évora, IrRADIARE and the Intermunicipal Community of Algarve-AMAL) for the realization and implementation of the tasks included in the celebration of the « Spain- Portugal Accelerathon: innovation and cooperation against Covid-19 and climate change ».

Register for the webinar at:

The event will last two hours and the experts who will participate in the virtual session will be specialised in the topics to be discussed in the Euroregion. The target audience of the Accelerathon will be entrepreneurs, research organisations, public and private entities, SMEs, startups and universities. In addition, it will be attended by representatives of the CILIFO Project ( from Spain and Portugal, which will be the partner project of the event. In addition,

Once the interventions have concluded, the working methodology known as « Accelerathon » will be presented, a methodology implemented by Finnova that aims to identify innovative ideas and facilitate access to resources so that they can materialise these projects.

Specifically, all entities and individuals interested in participating must submit their proposal (Summary Sheet) in accordance with the established requirements before 19 April 2021 and, from among all the applications submitted, three winners will be chosen. The first place winner will be mentored and guided by Finnova towards the possible materialisation of the proposal and its likely submission as a project to a European call for proposals; the second and third place winners will receive partial mentoring and may benefit from a financial aid information service provided by Finnova. In addition, the five highest scoring proposals will be disseminated through Finnova’s communication channels and the Firefighting Open Innovation Lab – CILIFO accelerator/incubator to increase the chances that entities interested in investing in them will get to know them.

The Accelerathon launch agenda, submission requirements and confirmed jury members are available at:

About Finnova (

European Foundation for the Financing of Innovation. It is a European foundation based in Brussels whose objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address societal challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the UN SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup Europe Awards, an initiative of DG CONNECT of the European Commission and the Finnova Foundation, to recognise the best European Startups in the social field.


Accelerathon is an open innovation methodology that starts with the launch of a challenge, after which teams compete with the support and mentoring of experts. In addition, all participants get training in European Funds on Finnova’s gamified training platform, EU Training Platform.

About Startup Europe Awards (SEUA) (

It is an initiative of DG CONNECT of the European Commission, implemented by Finnova Foundation, and institutionally supported by the European Parliament, Committee of the Regions and Economic and Social Committee since 2016. With the participation in Accelerathon Startup Europe Accelerathon, the projects are linked to Startup Europ eAwards achieving greater dissemination and European recognition and taking part as Spanish semi-finalists in the European awards.

About CILIFO Collaborating Project (

The Iberian Centre for Research and Fight against Forest Fires (CILIFO) project is 75% funded by the Interreg VA Spain – Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation Programme – POCTEP (2014-2020) and focuses on the fight against forest fires and their consequences for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change; in a framework of cross-border cooperation for risk prevention and improvement of the management of natural resources in Spain and Portugal in the Euroregion Alentejo – Algarve – Andalusia. CILIFO is framed within the Thematic Objective 5 of the POCTEP Programme: Promoting adaptation to climate change in all sectors; and responds to the investment priority, under the POCTEP Programme, 5B: Promoting investment to address specific risks and ensuring adaptation to disasters and development of disaster management systems.

About Firefighting Open Innovation Lab CILIFO (

The CILIFO Project funded by the Interreg POCTEP programme (2014-2020), through its Firefighting Open Innovation Lab (accelerator – incubator managed by Finnova) supports initiatives of entrepreneurs and companies in the field of prevention and fight against forest fires.

Initiative subsidised by the Ministry of the Presidency, Public Administration and Interior of the Regional Government of Andalusia, External Action Service, in the framework of the promotion of cross-border cooperation in the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion. [Order of 13 July 2020]

Événements Neuvelles

The second day of the Womanation Congress was attended by more than 50 leading women, including the presence of the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel

The second day of the Womanation Congress, entitled “Women’s Congress for the whole Society”, opened with the intervention of the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, who emphasised “the need to support women’s initiative in entrepreneurship and innovation and the need to promote digital skills and STEM education in girls and women”.

The Womanation Congress organised by the Mesa de Ingeniería Valenciana (MIV) is co-organised by Technovation Girls and the Finnova Foundation. This meeting was also supported by the Startup Europe Awards (SEUA), the Iberian Blockchain Institute and the Business Market network, among others.

Thanks to the impulse of Regina Monsalve, president of COITVC, Angélica Gómez, Dean of COGITI Valencia, Maria José CEO of Talent Growth Management and many other women, the event has been a success.

Brussels, 12 February 2021 – The Womanation Congress, the first all-female digital congress, ended up with more than 350 registered participants on the 12th and with a reach of more than 2000 girls on the 11th. In total, there were more than 70 presentations on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) topics. Sandra Gómez, Deputy Mayor of Valencia City Council, emphasised the need to “make women visible in STEM areas and to transmit, from a very early age, technology and science in order to fight against the gender gap and the digital divide”.

The virtual event counted with the participation of different influential women, including Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, MEP Susana Solís, member of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age, Isabel Benjumea, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Regional Policy in the European Parliament and Natalia Martínez Páramo, Deputy Head of Unit of DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, who spoke about the COSME programme, the WEgate and the EEN network.

Susana Solís stressed the importance of education to increase the visibility of women in STEM fields and pointed out that “we need more female references in textbooks”. She also insisted on “the importance of improving things in the workplace, with policies that reconcile work and personal life”. For her part, Isabel Benjumea declared that “all those women who are now thinking of taking the risk and becoming entrepreneurs, what they have to feel is that in Europe it can be done, in Europe, today, it is possible“.

While the first day focused on girls and the younger population and its main objective was to revalue the role of women in scientific and technological professions through the presentation of innovative projects, recreational and educational activities and different innovative challenges were launched for girls to join them, for example, The Finnova Foundation prepared ten different challenges related to innovative fields such as cultural and sustainable tourism or circular economy. The second day was more focused on making female talent visible, for which, as Mariya Gabriel pointed out during her speech, “we have all the support and commitment from Europe“. To this end, there are multiple programmes, grants and aid, such as the PICE programme, the Robert Schuman grant or the platform for finding training placements in Europe, Next Talent Generation, among many others.

Today’s event was organised into five round tables divided into themes in which each participant was able to present their personal vision and the way in which they have taken part in this female technological, scientific and digital revolution, presenting the different projects and measures they have adopted. Yolanda de Aguilar, FYCMA’s general director, underlined the importance of collaborative systems and pointed out that “At FYCMA, we assume our strategic role in the reactivation, which is why we have re-armed ourselves digitally and technologically to continue boosting business activity and the convergence of innovation, knowledge and talent”.

Topics such as climate changecultural and digital transformation, the importance of local and global sustainability, the circular economyeducation, the impact of responsible business conduct and the importance of science and research  were discussed, and dozens of cutting-edge projects were presented. Lola Bordás, president of Fundadoras.CHALLENGES Next Digital Generation ODS-EU: Interreg Cilifo, indicated during her speech that “digitalisation for traditional sectors is a turning point to achieve scalable results”.

Pilar Ezpeleta, Director General of the Valencian Ministry of Universities, pointed out four risks that we cannot lose sight of: “the technological, digital, gender, educational, cultural and economic divide”. “If our girls and teenagers believe in themselves they will have a high level of well-being, we will have women prepared to face whatever comes their way”, said Petra María Pérez, emeritus professor in Anthropology Theory at the UV, who also believes that education is essential in the social, cultural and digital revolution we are witnessing. Anaïs P. Figueras, Director of Communication at Google Spain & Portugal, added that “we must approach technology as we approached English a few years ago”.

Juliana Herrero, chemical engineer and expert in Renewable Energy, director of Waste2Energy and Maria José Tárrega, Head of process at Global Omnium, LIFE ECOdigestion 2.0, presented their projects and emphasised the need to rethink the energy transition and “see which path we are going to take to meet the objective of climate neutrality in 2050”. Ainhoa Raso, Vice President of Innovation and New Developments in Tourism, presented the HiCard (Health Identification Card), a card with our medical data (vaccinations, allergies, treatments…) fully encrypted and secure on our mobile phone thanks to a Blockchain network. “Now, in times of Covid, we have dedicated a section where you can upload PCR results or if you are vaccinated,” said Raso.

The Womanation Congress, which is based on data such as the fact that, in Spain, only 17% of entrepreneurs are women, that 85% of women are not part of any Sillicon Valley startup or that 59% of Spanish startups do not have any women among their founding members or co-founders, encourages women to recycle themselves in these times of health crisis and to grow professionally since, “it is from courage that opportunities are best generated”, as Ezpeleta pointed out. Elena Contioso-Fleming, CLC manager at EIT Digital Spain, stated that “Spain is lagging behind other European countries in everything related to digitalisation, which is why EIT Digital provides co-funding for projects, supports scale-ups and opens the way for entrepreneurs in Spain to cross the Spanish border and reach other European countries”.

The composition of the roundtables has always followed the same pattern: a manager from a leading company, an independent expert, a talented young woman and a woman with responsibility within the public administration, moderated by a media manager, including, for example, Marta García Aller, a science and technology journalist from El Confidencial, who moderated roundtable 4.

Some of the tables have had a section called “One to One“, a series of short interviews from one influential woman to another, thanks to which we have been able to listen to personalities such as María Tato, Director of women’s football of the RFEF, in conversation with Marina Gassent, General Director of Valencia CF Femenino, who defended the role of women in the world of football, and Leticia Chen, president of the Chamber for Spanish-Chinese Cooperation, who together with Carmen Sanz, president of the Spanish-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the collaboration projects in R+D+i between Europe and China for 2021.

At each table, a different challenge was launched in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Programme, from which each participant was able to develop their presentation. Mercedes Iborra, Co-founder of Visual Nacert, said: “It is not only about developing companies, but also about having a positive impact on society”, referring to the need to take care of the environment. Yolanda de Aguilar: “I strongly believe in collaborative systems. My work has always been in the world of trade fairs and congresses, such as IFEMA, where I was in charge of FITUR, and this led me to see that without public-private collaboration there is no way”.

Thanks to the institutional and business support received, the hashtag #WomanationCongress has become a trendy topic in 11 countries and in almost 50 cities around the world, which is a clear sign of the international reach of the Womanation congress, which has also featured speakers from Panama and Argentina, such as María Ramallo, Gender Coordinator at the General Directorate of Social Integration (SECISYU) in the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Malú Ramos, environmental engineer at Finnova, from Panama, who, despite the time difference, did not want to miss this multitudinous event.

Ramallo stressed the importance of “generating synergy, networks, alliances and, above all, collaboratively thinking about triple impact production and business models with a focus on women and people in vulnerable situations, is one of the ways in which we can promote their autonomy. In many cases, self-entrepreneurship is precisely the engine that generates employment”, a thought shared by many of our guests, such as Yolanda de Aguilar, who pointed out during her speech that “only through collaboration we can progress, together with innovation and technology”. Natalia Mártinez Páramo ended her speech by stressing that “support for women entrepreneurs must have special features to address the obstacles faced specifically by women”.


Womanation Congress’, a new national digital congress with a woman’s voice aimed at the whole of society, arrives on 11 February to inspire new generations and motivate current ones with “real talent”, current references and attractive projects.

For more information:

Technovation Girls

Technovation Girls, promoted by Talent Growth Management in the Valencian Community, is the largest technology entrepreneurship programme/contest for girls worldwide launched by the American non-profit association Technovation. The programme challenges young people between the ages of 10 and 18 to create a mobile application (APP) that solves a social problem in their community, carry out a market study, marketing plan, business plan and present it to the jury.

For more information:

About Startup Europe Awards

It is a methodology of the DG CONNECT of the European Commission, implemented by the Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool to identify disruptive startups, promoting public-private collaboration and raising awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Pact, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism.

For more information:

About the Finnova Foundation

European foundation for the financing of innovation based in Brussels. Its objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address societal challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the UN SDGs, the circular economy, etc. Finnova organises the Startup Europe Awards, in collaboration with the European Commission, to recognise the best European startups in the social field.

For more information:


For more information:
Finnova Press: Phones 666393444 and 696324236

Événements Neuvelles

Training webinar – Next Generation EU for forest fire prevention and extinction

Brussels, 02.02.2021. – The Finnova Foundation, one of the fifteen beneficiary partners of the CILIFO Project, is organising a virtual event on the new recovery fund for Europe (Next Generation EU) applied to forest fire prevention and extinction projects in the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion.

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, 17th February 2021 from 11:00 to 13:00 (CET). Among the speakers, there will be Members of the European Parliament and European funds experts, as well as representatives of the beneficiary partners of the Iberian Center for the Investigation and Fighting of Forest Fires (CILIFO).

The aim of the training webinar is to provide information about the Next Generation EU recovery fund that will help build a greener and more resilient Europe through the projects that will benefit from the aforementioned package.

This virtual event is intended for those interested in presenting eligible projects within the framework of the CILIFO Project (Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion) as well as for those who would like to know more about this new European funding instrument.

The economy of the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion has been seriously affected by the social and economic crisis derived from the pandemic, so being aware of the funding made available by the EU should be a priority for anyone with an interest in starting a new project.

The webinar will be held in Portuguese as well as in Spanish. 

Please fill out the following registration form if you are interested in taking part:


Next Generation EU

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a negative impact on the economy of the European Union, which is why the European Commission has decided to implement unprecedented measures. Thus, a new massive recovery fund called Next Generation EU has been created. Itis the largest fund ever promoted by the European Union. The Next Generation EU recovery package was approved at the beginning of this year and it will fundresearch andinnovation projects. It will also tackle climate change and will promote the protection of biodiversity, as well as forest fire prevention and extinction.

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