Finnova Foundation

The Finnova Foundation has presented at Entrenaranjos International School the final results of the European project DESTINE - Finnova Foundation

The Finnova Foundation has presented at Entrenaranjos International School the final results of the European project DESTINE

  • The DESTINE project is committed to diversity and inclusion in distance education
  • The Entrenaranjos International School leads in Valencia the promotion of diversity, tolerance and inclusion in virtual spaces

Finnova Foundation has presented this morning at Entrenaranjos International School the final event of the European project DESTINE, a project that advocates the preservation of inclusion, tolerance and diversity in virtual education spaces. In this event, the results of two years of work have been presented, with the presentation of the DESTINE MOOC platform as the main initiative.

The event was welcomed by María Arias, co-director of Entrenaranjos International School. In this welcome, Arias was pleased to host this final event of the DESTINE project, as it is a space that allows to broaden the school’s vision.

Next, Juanma Revuelta, CEO of the Finnova Foundation, presented the bases of the Erasmus + program, a fund from which DESTINE receives financing, and the Next Talent Generation initiative, a platform for finding European training internships promoted by the foundation, which helps young people to work in Europe. “I always recommend to all those young people who are starting their careers this type of mobilities, it is very important to take advantage of these opportunities,” concluded Revuelta.

The next presentation was given by Consuelo Cáceres, European projects technician & Quality Manager at the Finnova Foundation, who presented the results of the DESTINE project. Among these, the launch of the open platform DESTINE MOOC, an online platform designed for teachers, students and staff of educational institutions. The aim of this platform lies in enabling and empowering vocational education professionals to promote diversity, tolerance and, therefore, inclusion within an online and distance learning environment. “Thanks to DESTINE, we have been able to cover a problem that surfaced due to the COVID-19 pandemic: the improvement of virtual education,” Cáceres has qualified.

Lola Bordás, CMO of Finnova, presented the GIRLS4TECH initiative and Javier Fernández, CTO of Talent Growth Management,, presented the Technovation Girls challenges. Both initiatives aim to boost the participation of women in STEAM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers, and specifically, the project focuses on motivating girls and teenagers to become entrepreneurs and leaders in the technology field.

The next speaker was Petra María Pérez Alonsogeta, Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education at the University of Valencia, who focused her presentation on the importance of innovation, “a value that can be learned and for which it is key to create new and valuable things”. In addition, Pérez explained the Wrapped in Colors project, whose objective is focused on emotional well-being, using the relationship between colors and emotions.

The event was closed by María Arias, the co-director of Entrenaranjos International School, who also pointed out the benefits of being part of the Wrapped in Colors initiative for the school’s students. “This project has been tremendously enriching, and we like to host this type of event that brings together initiatives from which we can learn and experience,” concluded Arias.

The Finnova Foundation, organizer of this final event of the DESTINE project, celebrates its success and the launch of the DESTINE MOOC platform, which crystallizes the achievement of the project’s objectives. In turn, the Finnova Foundation thanks Entrenaranjos International School for hosting this event, an entity that has almost half a century of experience and is committed to an education based on universal values and the formation of autonomous learning based on study habits and cooperation.


The Erasmus + DESTINE (DivErSity and Tolerance IN E-Environment) project was created with the aim of promoting online vocational training that ensures support for diversity, inclusion and tolerance, providing the necessary tools for all professionals and students to adapt to the e-learning methodology. DESTINE focuses especially on those vocational training students who need a learning environment adapted to their needs.


Finnova is the Spanish-Belgian non-profit foundation based in Brussels and Spain, working for the promotion and development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU. Finnova’s experience in leading communication and dissemination activities of European projects is combined with a solid proven track record in business creation and entrepreneurship support programs, such as accelerators, incubators and events, as well as its commitment to training and employability of young people.

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