Finnova Foundation


Finnova Foundation


The European Foundation based in Brussels (Belgium) and Andalusia, Basque Country, Catalonia, Comunitat Valenciana and Madrid (Spain)

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Finnova is a non-profit European foundation with the firm intention of promoting international and interregional cooperation by identifying social and innovative issues, generating innovative ideas and shaping them into projects supported financially by the European Commission, to promote sustainable development at national, regional and local level.

Finnova’s ambition is to be a major leverage in innovative and wealth creative initiatives in Europe, providing networking, innovation and funding support to public and private organizations, associations, smart start-ups and SMEs, from the generation of ideas and concepts to selection, enrichment and funding.

Finnova’s mission is helping in the creation of innovative initiatives (Innova) through adequate financing and support (Fin). On major issues such as ICT, waste and water Management, smart and sustainable cities, etc. – Finnova serves as a collaborative entrepreneurial Innovation and funding platform.

In this sense, Finnova facilitates communication and information between different public and private entities in order to support and promote the different EU funding streams in the thematic areas of environmental, water, health, public works, energy, tourism, ICT and entrepreneurship. Within the ongoing collaborations in the European capital, Finnova is a member of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Benelux and the Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI). Finnova is specialized in dissemination activities targeting key groups to allow the promotion of projects by raising interest among European audience aiming to reach a relevant impact in public society.

Finnova is also specialized in lobby and advocacy, defending and representing the interest of our clients in the European institutions.


StartUp Europe Accelerator

StartUp Europe Accelerator, initiated by Finnova, is a package of services aimed at offering a ‘second-level acceleration programme’ from a European perspective. The aim is to help StartUps and young entrepreneurs overcome barriers to innovation through an European platform of financing, mentoring, networking, and inclusion of other tailored services specific to each project.

The first Accelerator Programme especially designed to bring European Commission programmes and resources to StartUps and entrepreneurs, focused on fostering innovation projects; especially in the areas of eco-innovation, social-innovation, Tech-based or ICT solutions, renewable energies, smart and sustainable cities, tourism and creative industries.

What does StartUp Europe Accelerator offer?

* BizSpark is the entrepreneurship program of Microsoft, software and services tailor – made for startups. Startups that fit into the program will have access to cloud services and resources valued at more than 100,000 euros, in addition to advice, consultancy and training. Finnova, through StartUp Europe Accelerator, is the partner in the identification of European funds, which means that we are allowed to suggest candidates to this program.

* Daily news alert system: we keep you informed about calls, aids, awards, contests and other resources to implement your project.

* Personalized assistance with blended methodology (in presence and virtually) for projects according to their sector.

* Orientation to participate in EU projects, as well as to opt to European funding through programmes as the SME instrument, with 4 calls per year. In its first phase, it is endowed with 50,000 repayable euros for viability studies.

* High performance stages of between 1 and 6 months in coworking places based in Brussels, with the possibility of complement it with economic aids such as Erasmus for young enterpreneurs (EFYE), endowed with 830 euros per month.

* Access to networks of more than 35,000 companies and organizations through BECI and the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg.

* Communication and visibility in the European Union for your project (Recognisement, logos, etc.).

* Access to private investors through the EBAN Business Angels, preferential business and endorsements.

* Road map report about EU funding + funding tools.

StartUp Europe Accelerator has counted for 3 years  with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Employment under the Youth Programme. 

For more information contact us:

Adrián Noheda:


Accelerated StartUps 

We have already supported several EU funded programmes at European level, as the miniturbines FlatTowers, a project that gained 300,000 euros from the Innovation and EU programme, and which was also accelerated by the Foundation Repsol. Some of our accelerated startups are:

With the support of StartUp Europe Accelerator, eKuore received 50.000 € in grant from the EC for the phase-1 of the SME Instrument. The H2020 Topic presented was “Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers  and/or diagnostic medical device”.

The project aims to commercialise the eKuore pro device; an innovative medical device combined with ICT solutions offering next-generation e-health and m-health service. The wireless electronic phonendoscope helps identify and monitor cardiovascular illnesses, communicating with mobile devices via Bluetooth for listening, recording, analysing data, providing reports, etc. Currently, eKuore chooses to Phase-2 of this European program with the advice of the StartUp Accelerator, which chooses to receive 2 million euros.

Logo Certamen Emprendedores 2014_d






With the support of StartUp Europe Accelerator, Naian received 50.000 € in grant from the EC for the phase-1 of the SME Instrument. Naian has developed Latipp, a software geared towards the hospitality sector, that will allow the clients to get a quick, easy access in real time to the management of their establishment from anywhere in the world.

Latipp also has a unique solution in the market, it offers the possibility to receive the best personalised offerings from the distributors, and you can save by comparing prices from any device easily. It also makes it possible to order directly, offering a detailed follow-up system from them.

h2020       Onegin



Waynabox obtained a certificated of quality from European Commission due to the high score of their SME- Instrument Phase-1 memory. Waynabox organizes travel arrangements, including round-trip flights with two night’s hotel accommodation, at a set price of 150 euros per passenger (minimum 2 people). The catch is that users have no idea of their destination until 48 hours prior to departure.



¿Tienes una idea o un proyecto innovador y quieres impulsarlo?

StartUp Europe Accelerator, iniciativa de Finnova, es la primera aceleradora especializada en herramientas de financiación y proyectos UE, mentoring, lobbying y networking  para proyectos innovadores en los sectores TIC, energías renovables, salud, agua y medio ambiente, ciudades sostenibles, industrias creativas, inclusión social  y turismo en el ámbito europeo.

Startup Europe Accelerator funciona como una aceleradora de segundo nivel que nace con la vocación de dar valor agregado tanto al emprendedor como a otras aceleradoras o programas de emprendimiento de carácter público o privado. Su objetivo es ayudar a emprendedores innovadores a internacionalizarse y a beneficiarse de las oportunidades que ofrecen los proyectos europeos.

¿Qué ofrece StartUp Europe Accelerator?

  • Sistema de alertas informativas periódicas sobre convocatorias, ayudas, premios, concursos y otros recursos para impulsar tu proyecto.
  • Asesoría individualizada con metodología blended (presencial y virtual) para los proyectos según el sector.
  • Orientación para participar en proyectos de la UE y optar a fondos europeos a través de programas como Instrumento PYME, con 4 convocatorias en 2016 y que en su Fase I, está dotado con 50,000 euros a fondo perdido para estudios de viabilidad.
  • Estancias de alto rendimiento en espacio de coworking de 1 a 6 meses en Bruselas, y asesoría para compaginar la estancia con ayudas económicas como Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, de 830 euros mensuales.
  • Acceso a redes de más de 35.000 empresas y organizaciones a través de BECI y la Cámara de Comercio de España en BeLux.
  • Comunicación y visibilidad en la UE para tu proyecto (Reconocimiento, logos, etc).
  • Acceso a inversores privados a través de EBAN Business Angels, financiación preferencial y avales. Informe Hoja de Ruta fondos UE + herramientas financieras.

Finnova, a través de Startup Europe Accelerator, es el socio en la identificación de fondos europeos del programa BizSpark de Microsoft España, lo cual nos permite promover candidaturas empresariales que se puedan beneficiar de las ventajas que ofrece la multinacional tecnológica: acceso a recursos y servicios valorados en hasta 100.000 euros, asesoramiento, consultoría y formación continua.

StartUp Europe Accelerator ha contado con el apoyo del Ministerio de Empleo de España Programa JÓVENES durante 3 años.

¿Quieres saber si tu startup puede acceder a financiación europea y a otros recursos? Preconvocatoria para startups y emprendedores. Completa este Formulario 

Si no tienes un proyecto en la actualidad, pero te gustaría desarrollar capacidades emprendedoras con énfasis en proyectos europeos,  podrás aprender a través de metodología blended  (presencial o virtual) a preparar memorias para proyectos, con el soporte de nuestros técnicos expertos con los que practicaras desde el primer momento (Itinerario European Projects CAPACITIES).

Para más información, contáctanos: 

Adrián Noheda:




EU Training Platform


EU Training Platform is an information system consisting of an alert system that will keep you updated on programmes, aids and calls that may be of interest for young enterpreneurs. Likewise, it also counts on an e-learning platform with different seminars on European programmes or calls like EPSO or SME Instrument.

What does EU Training Platform offer you?

* E-learning platform with seminars about European programmes and calls from EPSO.

* Personalized alerts with information about training seminars, programmes, and calls from the EU, and events that may be of your interest.

* Personal advising in topics such as networking and lobbying to increase your candidacy once you have been selected.

* Orientation to access to the more of 3,000 training seminars yearly held by the European institutions.

* Chats with functionaires from the EU about the selection process.

* Support to laureates looking for job opportunities, providing them with the opportunity to have chats about training sessions held in the institutions or other entities in Brussels.

* Mentorization in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Functionaires at the European Institutions (AFICE).

EU Training Platform counts on a system of personalized alerts through which you will be daily informed about aids, calls, programmes, events or any other informations that may be of your interest. One of the main characteristics of this personalized alert system is the reminders about calls for training sessions in the European institutions and alerts about programmes such as the Schuman Fellowships for journalists.

Registrations to acces in 


EU Training Platform es una plataforma de información para jóvenes que buscan oportunidades laborales en las instituciones europeas, a través de un sistema de alertas que te mantendrá actualizado sobre becas, programas, ayudas y convocatorias de interés, también para jóvenes emprendedores. Además es una plataforma e-learning totalmente práctica con metodología blended sobre programas europeos como EPSO o Instrumento PYME.

¿Qué te ofrece?

  • Plataforma e-learning con cursos sobre programas europeos y convocatorias de EPSO.
  • Alertas personalizadas con información sobre prácticas formativas, programas y convocatorias de la UE, eventos o jornadas de tu interés.
  • Programas presenciales de mentorización para emprendedores.
  • Asesoramiento presencial en temas como networking y lobby.
  • Orientación para acceder a las más de 3000 prácticas anuales que ofrecen las instituciones europeas.
  • Charlas explicativas con funcionarios de la UE sobre los procesos de selección.
  • Apoyo para laureados en búsqueda de oportunidades laborales o de prácticas en las instituciones y entidades en Bruselas.
  • Reuniones de asesoramiento en colaboración con la Asociación Española de Funcionarios de las Instituciones Europeas (AEFICE).

Regístrate para acceder al programa en

Las actividades están dirigidas a jóvenes españoles menores de 35 años residentes en el exterior.

EU Training Platform cuenta con el apoyo del Programa Jóvenes del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social de España.  









SME Instrument


SME Instrument by H2020 at the European Commission is a new financing tool for Small and Medium Enterprises based in the European Union

The SME Instrument is a new funding tool of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme specifically designed to support SMEs engaged in R&D&I to accelerate the commercial uptake of innovative solutions, products and services at European and international level.

The SME Instrument is structured in three successive but independent phases covering the different stages of the innovation cycle:

  • Phase 1: aims to cover the evaluation of the technical and commercial feasibility of the project with a grant of € 50,000 (= 70% of the eligible costs) + business coaching for 6 months
  • Phase 2: aims to carry out demonstration and commercial application activities, providing a grant of between €500,000 and €2,500,000 (= 70% of eligible costs) + business coaching for a period of between 12 and 24 months
  • Phase 3: focuses on support measures such as networking, training, guidance and mentoring (without funding). Access to private capital + Enterprise Europe Network support for internationalisation

Proposals may be submitted at any time and place, and will be evaluated after the next cut-off date:

Phase 1: Sept 5, 2018
Phase 2: May 23, 2018

For more information, please contact Adrián Noheda:

If you want to know if your startups are eligible for this call, please fill out this form.



El programa Instumento PYME de la Comisión Europea es un nuevo instrumento de financiación para las pequeñas y medianas empresas con sede en la Unión Europea.

El Instrumento PYME es una nueva herramienta de financiación del Programa Horizonte 2020 de la Comisión Europea específicamente diseñada para dar apoyo a PYMEs dedicadas a la I+D+i para acelerar la absorción comercial de soluciones, productos y servicios innovadores a nivel europeo e internacional.

El Instrumento PYME está estructurado en tres fases sucesivas pero independientes que abarcan las diferentes etapas del ciclo de innovación:

  • Fase 1: tiene como objetivo cubrir la evaluación de la viabilidad técnica y comercial del proyecto con una subvención de 50.000 € (= 70% de los costes elegibles)  + business coaching durante 6 meses
  • Fase 2: tiene como objetivo la realización de actividades de demostración y aplicación comercial, otorgando una subvención de entre 500.000€ y 2.500.000 € (= 70% de los costes elegibles) + business coaching durante un periodo de entre 12 y 24 meses
  • Fase 3: se centra en medidas de apoyo como networking, formación, orientación y tutoría (sin financiación). Acceso al capital privado + apoyo de Enterprise Europe Network para la internacionalización

Las propuestas pueden presentarse en cualquier punto y tiempo, y serán evaluadas tras la siguiente fecha de corte:

Fase 1: 5 de septiembre, 2018
Fase 2: 23 de mayo, 2018

Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Adrián Noheda:

Si desea saber si sus startups son elegibles para esta convocatoria, por favor llene este formulario.

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